eGov Monitor – A monitor for measuring eGovernment progress (EGOV MONITOR)

Research project AG/JJ/147 (Research action AG)

Persons :

  • Dr.  VERLEYE Gino - Universiteit Gent (UGent)
    Coordinator of the project
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/11/2008-30/11/2008

Description :

Fedict has developed a tool, called “eGov Monitor”. It is a measurement instrument enabling the monitoring of e-government progress in the long-term and providing an overview of conditions for the realization, quality, diffusion and uptake of electronic public services in Belgium. The tool was developed based on different studies and projects: European benchmarks such as I2010 and the European measurement framework eGEP (, international “best practices”, other relevant Belgian studies (e.g. ICT-questionnaires within households and enterprises, by FPS Economy, Directorate-general Statistics Belgium) as well as studies by Fedict “Fed-eView-Administration” and “Fed-eView-Citizen” (more information, see: and

The conceptual framework of this “eGov Monitor” consists of about 150 indicators, sorted out in five application domains (starting from conceptual indicators related to e-government, to impact of e-government on users) and three groups of users (administrations, citizens and enterprises).

A dashboard bringing together data from different players ...

In 2009, the conceptual framework will be translated into an operational online dashboard, with support of Belgian Science Policy (Agora programme). The dashboard will systematically be enriched with data and information being collected by Fedict in cooperation with other federal administrations and other policy levels. This collaboration is necessary in order to check the validity of collected data and to get a clear view on data that should be collected in the future.

.. and providing information that is usable for everyone!

The majority of indicators on this dashboard will become publicly available. Everyone – both administrations, academic world and broader public – will get access to reliable and up-to-date data, which can above all be combined. Consequently, the user gets an accurate picture of the progress and development of e-government in Belgium, in a broad range of application domains.