RE-StrengthenINg of a unique ground-based in Vitro immune modEl platform to study Space health effecTs (RE-INVEST)

Onderzoeksproject BL/52/SA11 (Onderzoeksactie BL)

Personen :

  • M.  Baselet Bjorn - Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie (SCK) (SCK)
    Betoelaagde Belgische partner
    Duur: 1/3/2023-28/2/2026

Beschrijving :

Project objectives
The aim of this project is to enable travel and educational activities between Belgium and South Africa in order to support the implementation of our recently optimized INVEST model, which will enable us to analyse the potential impact of spaceflight conditions on CD4+ T cell dysregulation on an international level.

Specific R&D cooperation topics
Space simulated models, radiobiology, dosimetry, biophysics, cosmic radiation, stress hormones, microgravity, protons, neutrons, helium ions, cell biology, DNA damage, carcinogenesis, immunology

Added value of the network (quality, excellence of individual network members)
This joint networking project between two renowned research groups in the field of space and/or radiation biology/biophysics will open new collaborations on space research thematics given as research priorities identified in the strategies of both European Space Agency (ESA) as well as the South African Space Agency (SANSA). Both SCK CEN (B) and NRF iThemba LABS (SA) have a high scientific record and are well-experienced in running (inter)national innovative projects in (particle) radiation and/or space sciences. Within this proposal, a strong focus will be placed on education and training of young researchers and students. Lastly, with the use of our dissemination strategy of the research topic (eg. scientific meetings and visits, publications in peer-reviewed Journals, organization of a workshop, …), we hope to have a lot of knowledge transfer which will help us to support the professional and scientific development of the next generation of emerging researchers.

Expected results
The main outcome of our networking grant will be the educational activities for young researchers and students in the field of applied space and radiation biology research, which will boost research capacity in both countries. This will be done through the organisation of scientific visits of facilities and meetings in Belgium and South-Africa involving students and young researchers from both teams. South African students and young researchers will get the opportunity to learn and optimize existing experimental techniques together with SCK CEN. On the other side, Belgian students and young researchers will get to opportunity to work at iThemba LABS' specialized radiation facilities and gain experience in existing experimental techniques. Next to joined experimental manuscripts that will be drafted during this project, this project and the results will also be presented at local and international conferences. The dissemination and communication of the research project to the wider community will be obtained by presentations at a joint workshop and seminars organized by both partners. Through these networking activities and joined experimental papers, we hope a more sustainable bilateral relationship will be built in this specialized discipline between the two countries as a basis for future collaborative projects.