Onderzoeksproject BL/IN/06 (Onderzoeksactie BL)
The Belgian and Indian teams of INDO-TRIT are complementary: both groups focus on (i) host-parasite relationships, (ii) drug resistance and (iii) ‘omic technologies. In the frame of a most successful EC-funded project (Kaladrug-R), two Indian laboratories (Indian Inst. Of Chemical Biology and National Institute of Pathology ) were already actively collaborating on drug resistance in Leishmania with one TRIT partner, Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde, Antwerp, demonstrating a significant added value (with more than joined 23 papers published so far).
Including the other Belgian partners and the new Indian one (RMRI) will further increase our critical mass, providing unique opportunities to exchange our respective conceptual expertise and technological know-how, hereby supporting current activities as well as the preparation of future joined research proposals. More specifically, we expect a deep interaction on the following topics: (i) host-parasite relationships in leishmaniasis, elucidation of mechanisms leading to drug resistance in leishmania and genetic diversity of Leishmania donovani; (ii) cross-fertilisation by exposing the research on host-parasite relationship in African trypanosomiasis (specific topic in TRIT) to the research in Leishmaniasis (specific focus in the Indian cluster).
From a technological point of view, we also foresee a significant impact. Among others, we can mention that the Indian partners will benefit of the Belgian knowledge in ‘omic technologies, while Belgian ones will benefit from the Indian expertise in translating basic knowledge into tools.
As specific deliverables, we foresee (a) the organisation of two Symposia in Belgium and India respectively, on the following topics: Trypanosomatidae-host interactions and drug resistance, (b) the exchange of students between the two countries for short training stays, (c) the publication of joined papers (research, policy or opinion), (d) the preparation of new proposals involving scientists of the two countries (research grants or Post-doc fellowships [Belspo or else]) and (e) communication in local Press about our initiative.
Coördinatoren India : Syamal Roy/ Suvendranath Bhattach, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB)