ACTRIS to Belgium: Central and National Facilities Support (ACTRIS2BE)

Onderzoeksproject EF/241/ACTRIS2BE (Onderzoeksactie EF)

Personen :

Beschrijving :

The Belgian federal component within ACTRIS is varied and extensive, involving 3 research groups (Infrared observations, UV-visible observations and Mass Spectrometry) within the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB), and the Scientific Service Observations team at the Royal Meteorological Institute (KMI-IRM).
Foremost BIRA-IASB is leading the ACTRIS Reactive Trace Gas Remote Sensing (RTGRS) Central Facility (CREGARS) as well as the CREGARS FTIR and UVVIS clusters. It is thus responsible for providing key services to future ACTRIS National Facilities (NF) and users. This project will further develop these critical ACTRIS central facility (CF) infrastructures and services.
Moreover, BIRA-IASB participates in two candidate ACTRIS NF sites. A RTGRS NF at Reunion Island (jointly with France) and one at the Jungfraujoch site (Swiss, jointly with University of Liège).
Additionally BIRA-IASB also operates a mobile reactive trace gas in situ station, centred around a state-of-the-art PTR-TOF-MS Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) analyser. KMI-IRM is implementing an aerosol in situ NF in Uccle.
Within this project we will test, operate and implement consistent high-quality measurements and data delivery systems at these sites, as well as make the required improvements (instrumentation, calibration, sample treatment, data handling) to be compliant with ACTRIS requirements.