Intelligente materialen voor de omzetting, stockering en besparing van energie met behulp van “Zachte Chemie” (CHEMAT)

Onderzoeksproject P2/03 (Onderzoeksactie P2)

Personen :

  • Prof. dr.  CLOOTS Rudy - Université de Liège (ULiège)
    Coördinator van het project
    Betoelaagde Belgische partner
    Duur: 15/12/2006-28/2/2010
  • Dr.  TRAIANIDIS Maria - Centrum v. Wetensch. Onderz. der Belg. Keramische Nijverheid (CWOBKN)
    Betoelaagde Belgische partner
    Duur: 15/12/2006-28/2/2010
  • Prof. dr.  HOSTE Serge - Universiteit Gent (UGent)
    Betoelaagde Belgische partner
    Duur: 15/12/2006-28/2/2010

Beschrijving :


Recent advances in solid-state chemistry have resulted in substantial progress towards achieving a better understanding of the solid state, and have even led to the development of new predictive capabilities in crystal chemistry. Entirely new ways of preparing and studying advanced materials have resulting in pursuing the so-called “soft chemistry” approach to materials science and technology, getting access to a control of microstructure and heterogeneities at the nanoscale level.
The current proposal will substantially enhance the research activity in the field of energy conversion, storage and savings through the development of novel oxide materials by soft chemistry processes. Existing competence in the ULg, CRIBC and UGent partners covers all the scientific and technical aspects of the proposal, from the production of prototypes through soft chemistry processes to the physical measurements of the properties, and finally to their use in specific applications.

Project description


The research will include the preparation and analysis of novel oxides and their use as potential candidates for the design of performant energy storage or converting systems. As the introduction of clean technologies for energy production and storage has become a major concern throughout both industry and academia, oxides are presently undergoing an upsurge of interest as heat-to-electricity converters, superconducting magnetic energy storage systems, batteries,.... As ULg, CRIBC and UGent partners are also the stepping stone from bench to pilot plant, research will also include many engineering techniques (both chemical and electrical), like the device conception, its operation in a severe environment (for space applications for example) and the use of modelisation.
The relevance of the project is immediate and even double: the project aims at studies involving (i) the design and development of advanced engineering materials in an original research plan, and (ii) the use of energy and environment friendly materials for sustainable energy. Deliverables cover the research and development of extremely efficient energy storage and conversion systems, of ecologically acceptable new chemistries for the production of intelligent materials.

The following socio-economic benefits are expected:

- to improve the perception of the chemical industry by the general public;
- to introduce innovative technologies and alternative solutions contributing to the resolution of the major challenges for the next decennia: clean energy and sustainable production technologies;
- to create new employment (the involvement of the chemical industry per head of the population is extremely high in Belgium and successful innovations may provide significant dividends in creating new employment);
- to provide the Belgian industries with a competence consortium on soft chemistry and materials technologies that will allow them to successfully compete with similar developments in other countries.


Three priorities have been identified :

- thermoelectrics based on cobaltite and related structures
- high critical temperature YBCO-based superconductors
- cathodic materials for Li-ions batteries
To improve performances through a precise control of the synthetic pathway thanks to a “chimie douce” approach for controlling the structure constitutes the main objective of the CHEMAT project.

Hydrothermal synthesis, sol-gel processes and templating are the main chemical routes to be used for obtaining a material with specific characteristics like structuration and dimensionality.

Interaction between the different partners

The three partners have a long standing experience in “Chimie Douce” processes. ULg has developed the templating approach for a long time ago, UGent is one of the Belgian leader for sol-gel synthesis of thin films and CRIBC is one of the national expert in the hydrothermal synthesis. ULg and UGent collaborate from a long time ago on the manufacturing of superconductors for long length conductors development. CRIBC and ULg are very active in the field of oxide thermoelectrics. ULg has many activities related to the development of new materials as components of Li-ions batteries. The platform gives the insurance for success due to their competence in chemical synthesis of inorganic materials through soft chemistry processes and their shaping as well as physical tools for characterizing most of the physical and structural properties.


Expected results/and or products

1) In the field of oxide thermoelectrics, the goal of the project is to build a prototype demonstrating the feasability of thermoelectricity to convert in a efficient way the thermal energy into electricity.
2) In the field of superconducting high-Tc materials, the coated conductors (more than 10 meters long) made of thin films of YBCO-based superconductors on flexible metallic substrates have to perform critical current densities as high as 105 A/cm2 at 77K to be used in superconducting magentic energy storage systems.
3) In the field of next generation of Li-ions batteries, the expected results must concern the development of new materials with excellent properties of Li intercalation-deintercalation behaviour to be used as cathodic materials for operating more than 100 charge-discharge cycles.


Contact Information


Rudi Cloots
University of Liège (ULg)
Laboratoire de Chimie des Matériaux Inorganiques (CMI)
SUPRATECS, Chemistry Institute B6a
B-4000 Liège
Tel: +32 (0)4 366 34 36
Fax: +32 (0)4 366 34 13


Serge Hoste
University of Ghent (Ugent)
Solid State Chemistry and Ceramic Superconductors
Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Department
Krijgslaan 281
B-9000 Gent
Tel: +32 (0)9 264 44 41
Fax: +32 (0)9 264 49 93

Maria Traianidis
Centre de Recherches de l'Industrie Belge de la Céramique (CRIBC)
Avenue du gouverneur Cornez 4
B-7000 Mons
Tel: +32 (0)65 40 34 57
Fax: +32 (0)65 40 34 60

Follow-up committee

David Van de Vyver - CENTEXBEL

Michael Bäcker - TRITHOR GmbH

René Fabry - Cluster Auto-Mobilité

Laurent Letellier - Cluster Céramique

Alain Stéphenne - RW (DGTRE)


Jean-Bruno Soupart - ERACHEM - COMILOG

Pierre Cools - Thales Alenia Space Etca

Paul Wouters - Inergy Automotive

Documentatie :

Intelligent, materials for energy conversion, storage and savings through soft chemistry (CHEMAT) : final report  Cloots, Rudi - Hoste, Serge - Traiandis, Maria ... et al  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2011 (SP2249)
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