Onderzoeksproject PX/8/EO/01 (Onderzoeksactie PX)
The project covers the near real time processing of the data of the first Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMIB). This first GERB instrument was launched in August 2002 on board of the first Meteosat Second Generation (MSG-1), later renamed to Meteosat-8. The MSG-1 satellite was developed by the European Space Agency (ESA), and is now owned and operated by EUMETSAT, the European organisation for the exploitation of Meteorological Satellites.
The RMIB GERB Processing ingests level 1.5 GERB products – consisting of calibrated and geolocated filtered radiances, and produces level 2 GERB products – consisting of unfiltered radiances and radiative fluxes. In the processing auxiliary high resolution imager data is used for scene identification. The products are available in near real time to registered users through the RMIB OnLine Short term Services (ROLSS), which can be accessed through the web page http://gerb.oma.be
Satellite(s) or flight opportunity(ies):
Field of research:
Earth Observation: Meteorology and Climatology: Earth Radiation Budget