Betwiste religieuze beweging: Psychologie, recht en voorzorgspolitiek

Onderzoeksproject SO/10/071 (Onderzoeksactie SO)

Personen :

  • M.  SAROGLOU Vassilis - Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
    Betoelaagde Belgische partner
    Duur: 1/2/2003-31/3/2005

Documentatie :

- Cognitive and emotional characteristics of New Religious Movement members: New questions and data on the mental health issue Buxant, C., Saroglou, V., Casalfiore S. & Christians L.-L. Mental Health, Religion & Culture. May 2007; 10 (3): 219-238

- Joining and leaving a new religious movement: A study of ex-members' mental health. Buxant, C. & Saroglou, V. Mental Health, Religion & Culture. April 2008; 11 (3): 251-271

- Feeling Good, but Lacking Autonomy: Closed-Mindedness on Social and Moral Issues in New Religious Movements, Buxant, C. & Saroglou, J Relig Health (2008) 47: 17-31

Mouvements religieux contestés : psychologie, droit et politiques de précaution  Saroglou, Vassilis - Christians, Louis-Lèon - Buxant, Coralie ... et al  Gent : Academia Press, 2005 (PB6142)

Mouvements religieux contestés. Psychologie, droit et politiques de prévention : résumé    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2005 (SP1507)
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Betwiste religieuze bewegingen.Psychologie, recht en voorzorgspolitiek : samenvatting    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2005 (SP1508)
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Contested religious movements. Psychology, law and policies of prevention : summary    Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2005 (SP1509)
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Bibliografische referenties :

Cognitive and emotional characteristics of New Religious Movement members : New questions and data on the mental health issue  Coralie Buxant, Vassilis Saroglou, Stefania Casalfiore, Louis-Léon Christians Mental Health, Religion & Culture, May 2007 

Feeling Good, but Lacking Autonomy : Closed-Mindedness on Social and Moral Issues in New Religious Movements  Coralie Buxant, Vassilis Saroglou J Relig Health, 2008 

Joining and leaving a new religious movement : a study of ex-members' mental health  Coralie Buxant, Vassilis Saroglou Mental Health, Religion & Culture, April 2008