Projet de recherche SR/67/164 (Action de recherche SR)
The main objective of this project is to exploit the use of advanced imaging spectroscopy for the study of tropical ecosystem dynamics in two well-defined case studies. The specific focus lies on: (i) providing accurate ecological feature maps from hyperspectral image cubes, and (ii) subsequently use them to study the interactions between ecosystem dynamics and ecosystem functioning. The case-study specific objectives can be summarized as follows:
1. Biodiversity patterns along climate and land use gradients in Panama:
Objective 1 – Provide insight in the relationship between climate, land use and plant diversity in Panama
Objective 1.1. – Provide plant species diversity maps from airborne spectroscopy data using Spectral Variance Hypothesis techniques.
Objective 1.2. – Provide a quantitative and qualitative assessment of biodiversity patterns along climate and land use gradients.
2. Monitoring plant invasion in Hawaiian rainforests:
Objective 2 – Study the dynamics of invasive plant species in the montane rainforest area of the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Island of Hawaii together with its effects on carbon stock and nutrient cycling. Specific focus will be on the proliferation of the exotic Morella and Psidium species in the native Metrosideros and Acacia forests.
Objective 2.1 - Providing yearly updates on the invasive species extent in the study area
Objective 2.2 - Providing a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the invasive species dynamics; The invasive species maps will be used to study how invasive species patches evolve in space and time as a function of soil type, substrate age, nutrient availability and management.
Objective 2.3 – Providing insights in the (potential) effects of plant invasion on ecosystem functioning in Hawai.