Projet de recherche SR/67/311 (Action de recherche SR)
The project aims to develop a Spatial Database Infrastructure (SDI) and related service capable to provide near-real time geographical information coming from in-situ, UAV and satellite platforms to assist in the environmental impact analysis of dredging operations.
The methodology starts from existing knowledge from both the RS and dredging world, sets specific requirements on how the (RS) information should be integrated in the daily operations and develops a dedicated processing chain and SDI accordingly for integration with sediment transport models and final demonstration on board a dredging ship.
To identify the system requirements for the dredging operational case. Here the details about the final information and products to be included in the SDI will be identified. Also the data visualisation and data transfer should be well-defined in order to meet user specific software and steer the GUI developments.
Based on this input, a more detailed functional description and planning on both the processing, SDI and final demonstration can be made.
To gather the necessary in-situ data and UAV imagery for the development and testing of the SDI, designing the processing steps and the integration with existing sediment transport models. These data will be gathered in the port of Zeebrugge because of connection with other scientific projects (Belair) and the operational work of IMDC. Beside water quality parameters, also remote sensing specific measurements, like water leaving reflectance and irradiance measurements will be set-up.
Development of an operational chain capable to process high resolution imagery coming from a UAV or balloon platform towards water quality products. Here we will make use of existing empirical algorithms, coming from previous projects like RESORT and ORMES and test-out potential new algorithms.
Integration of satellite derived TSM products from MODIS into the SDI and development of basic analytical tools like a graphical representation of historic sediment values over a particular area.
Development of the SDI, based on the system requirements and input imagery and capable to store, visualise and distribute in-situ, UAV and satellite based products
The developed operational chain and SDI will grant IMDC access to two types of information:
- Background concentration of natural water systems.
- Near-real time monitoring of the dredging plume. This new information can be integrated into IMDC GIS systems and are complementary with existing model work and as such can further be advertised into the market.