Projet de recherche UN/12 (Action de recherche UN)
Context and objectives
The information system set up during the SYGIAP project (UN/10/006) has demonstrated is usefulness for data encoding, archiving and management. ICCN, UNESCO and other institutional and NGO actors have highlighted that the system set up (which was a pilot initiative for the UNESCO and ICCN) had to be consolidated and strengthen to maintain it functional. Indeed, cartographic data in DRC are currently the bases for very important decision regarding among other, the Mining Concession Deliverance, Land use planning and delimitation within the forest domain of economic activities and conservation. This is very actual since a new geographic referential for DRC has been reformulated by Belgian and Congolese experts.
The wishes of ICCN and UNESCO for the second phase of the SYGIAP concerned: (i) the technical strengthening of the System and the institutionalization of the SYGIAP cell, (ii) the reinforcement of the capacities of the SYGIAP staff and the agents responsible for the field data collections (this includes the involvement of ERAIFT for training activities), (iii) the setting up of a platform composed of institutions concerned with land use planning and management for organizing, sharing and analyzing cartographic data, (iv) the completion of the database with document present in the Belgian federal scientific institutions and (v) the investigation of the role and delimitation of buffer zones in some parts around the parks.
• Specific training of the SYGAIP staff for the processing of the data collected in the field and use of the data management system + Training on GIS to support map edition and printing for reporting and patrol management
• Selection and distribution of relevant data to Congolese administration, international agencies and ICCN partners through official meeting (this mainly concerned the limits of the protected areas that were officialised by ICCN).
• Selection of the documents found in the Federal Scientific Institutions to be integrated to the SYGIAP.
• Customisation of an interactive web map interface for the presentation of the geo-referenced documents
• Document the impact of the local population thanks to image comparison in order to propose buffer zones next to the parks
Thanks to the support of the project, the SYGIAP cell in Kinshasa has been the initiator of data sharing with the “Cadastre Minier” and has highlighted some problems with official mining concession delivery that were located in the protected areas. The discussions to find a solution to these situations are still on–going. Similar data sharing has been made with the Forestry sector. A larger platform that includes the Congolese Geographic Institute is highlighting cartographic issues and problems at the national level.
The Federal Scientific Institutions have collaborate with the project and shared their documents (mainly historical pictures) related with the Congolese parks. As far as possible these documents have been geo-referenced and presented on an interactive web map.
ICCN is equipped with a data management system. Field forms and encoding facilities are now harmonised for the 5 parks. ICCN staffs have received dedicated SYGIAP data management trainings and some followed a 2-weeks training on the use of GIS and this in collaboration with ERAIFT.
The use of near real time high resolution satellite images were used to monitor intensive and rapid deforestation in the Virunga park. Also, in collaboration with the WWF, strongly locally involved, new buffer zones have been proposed for the Virunga park.
Recherche et politiques publiques : le cas de l'immigration en Belgique = Onderzoek en beleid : de gevalstudie van immigratie in België
Brans, Marleen - Jacobs, Dirk - Martiniello, Marco ... et al. Gent : Academia Press, 2004 (PB6063)
Recherche et politiques publiques: Le cas de l'immigration en Belgique : résumé
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2004 (SP1328)
[Pour télécharger]
Onderzoek en beleid: de gevalstudie van immigratie in België : samenvatting
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2004 (SP1329)
[Pour télécharger]
Social science research and public policies: The case of immigration in Belgium : summary
Brussels : Science Policy Office, 2004 (SP1330)
[Pour télécharger]