PX/8/SS/11: COROT – Preparation to Data Exploitation
PX/6/SS/06: Large Scale Structure (LSS) - XMM (cordinator van het project)
PX/7/SS/23: FOC-GL - HST (cordinator van het project)
PX/7/SS/16: Large Scale Structure (LSS) - XMM (cordinator van het project)
PX/7/SS/12: Preparation for Data Exploitation (3) - COROT (cordinator van het project)
PY/2/SS/04: FOC-GL - HST (cordinator van het project)
PX/8/SS/09: Large Scale Structure (LSS) (cordinator van het project)
PX/8/SS/10: HST imaging of field and gravitationally lensed quasars: the nature of extragalactic black holes, dark matter and the age of the Universe
BB/14/04: Mapping the luminous and dark matter content of galaxies with gravitational lensing telescopes