DR/73: Gender-sensitieve preventie- en hulpverleningsinitiatieven voor alcohol- en druggebruikers (GEN-STAR)
DR/71: The Law of 2009 concerning the selling and serving of alcohol to youths: from state of the art to assessment (ALCOLAW)
DR/76: Inzicht in de dynamiek en de gevolgen van druggebruiktrajecten bij jongvolwassenen (ALAMA-nightlife)
DR/82: From the alley to the web. The rise of illicit drug trade on cryptomarkets and the involvement of Belgian buyers and vendors (CRYPTODRUG)
DR/85: Drugs op de festivals : percepties van preventie-, schadebeperking-, zorg-, en politionele strategieën (POPHARS)
DR/79: Understanding New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) use in Belgium from a health perspective (NPS-care)