B2/202/P2/PALc: Pre-screening van antropogene kalkcarbonaten voor 14C-datering (PALc)
B2/191/P2/ICHIE: Interconnectivity of large Carnivores, Humans and Ice Age Environments (ICHIE)
B2/233/P2/ORG-ID: Identificatie en 14C-datering van Organische Materialen in Archeologische Keramiek (ORG-ID)
B2/223/P1/LEAP: Learning from the past: The impact of abrupt climate changes on society and environment in Belgium (LEAP)
B2/223/P1/RECARBON: Herstel van koolstofopslag in valleigebieden via verschillende landgebruik beheersmaatregelen (RECARBON)