T4/DD/32: Meting van gegevens inzake veranderingen in de bodembedekking en integratie ervan in ecosysteemmodellen
S0/00/005: Data analyse in hyperspectrale remote sensing (HYPERCRUNCH)
S0/01/013: Teledetectie van vitaliteit van meerjarige planten (VITAL)
PX/6/EO/28: Forest Texture - PROBA-1 (cordinator van het project)
SR/01/108: Development of a spatio-temporal segmentation algorithm for satellite time series to monitor forest condition (ECOSEG) (cordinator van het project)
S0/00/051: Application and validation of generic algorithms for Hyperspectral data cubes (HYPERWAVE)
S0/00/070: Modeling biochemical processes in orchards at leaf- and canopy-level using hyperspectral data (HYPERPEACH)
SR/00/134: Advanced airborne hyperspectral remote sensing to support forest management (HYPERFOREST) (cordinator van het project)
SR/00/320: Multitemporal monitoring of fruit orchard vitality with multisensor Belair data (HYPERTEMP)