G. L. Hennebert* & W. Gams**
* Emeritus Prof., Mycothèque de l´Université Catholique de Louvain (MUCL), Rue de l'Elevage 32,
1340 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, ( (
** Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Uppsalalaan 8,
3584 CT Utrecht, The Netherlands, (
The Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)
includes several specific sets of rules that have been introduced to comply
with the needs of certain disciplines such as mycology. The most outstanding
mycological provision is Art. 59 which grants an exception to the principle IV
of the Code: one organism - one name. This ruling has served mycologists
well in the one and a half centuries that the morphological recognition of
teleomorphic and anamorphic sporulating structures existed side-by-side, with
only occasional cross-links between correlated morphs. This system was workable
but it had the disadvantage that dual names for interconnected taxa confuse
users and anamorph names did not show any affinities to particular higher ranks
in teleomorph classification (Seifert & Samuels, 2000; Cannon & Kirk,
2000). Although lists of organic connections recognized between anamorphs and
teleomorphs have been published (Sutton, 1977; Kendrick & Di Cosmo, 1979;
Kendrick & Watling, 1979; Sutton, 1980; Carmichael et al., 1980;
Kendrick, and shall be
extended in the near future (Seifert et al., 2002), a residue of
anamorphic fungi will remain unconnected, which either possess hidden mechanisms
of sexuality like a parasexual cycle or have lost sexuality all together.
Thanks to the advent of molecular methods, a more sophisticated phylogenetic
taxonomy can be established in which anamorph taxa can be more or less fully
integrated in the teleomorph-based classification.
After the high votes during the Reynolds & Taylor conference "The Fungal
Holomorph" in 1992 to discontinue using the categories Deuteromycotina
and sub-categories Hyphomycetes, Coelomycetes and others as formal taxa
(Hawksworth, 1993), these names are used here as decapitalized terms. The 9th
edition of the Dictionary of Fungi (Kirk et al., 2001) adopts the
denomination "Anamorphic Fungi" instead. Furthermore, the Dictionary
now provides for many anamorph genera references to associated teleomorph
genera or orders, or, if unknown, simply to Ascomycetes or Basidiomycetes.
A duplicate nomenclature for names of interconnected teleomorphs and anamorphs
will gradually become superfluous and obsolete. Similarly, the permissible
application of a dual or multiple nomenclature for distinct anamorphs in fungi,
as apparently stimulated by Art. 59 up to ICBN 1994 (Hawksworth et al.,
1995), has demonstrated that this issue of Art. 59 (Gams, 1982; Buffin &
Hennebert, 1984, 1985; Hennebert, 1991) is meaningless and this application is
now discouraged by ICBN 2000 Recommendation 59A.3 (Greuter et al., 2000;
Kirk et al., 2001).
Among several earlier authors, von Höhnel (1923) suggested the integration of
the conidial fungi into the classification of the higher fungi. Weresub
& Pirozynski (1979) wrote: "The time will come when our grasp of the
morphology, biochemistry and genetics of all fungi will enable us to
classify all anamorphic fungi botanically." Reynolds & Taylor (1991)
considered the integration of all anamorphic fungi in the higher fungi
inescapable. Hennebert (1993) suggested that somehow the anamorph
nomenclature will have to disappear and opined that we had to prepare
ourselves to the move. But time was then not yet ripe to press on with
official proposals. Reynolds (1994) advocated firmly for the deletion of
Art. 59 and the merger of the asexual and sexual fungi into one system.
Cannon & Kirk (2000) studied the philosophy and practicalities of
amalgamating anamorph and teleomorph concepts and reiterated that
"deletion of Art. 59 is inevitable in long term and it will be in the
interests of nomenclatural stability to prepare for this event."
Hawksworth (in litt., 19 March, 2001; see this
same website) took a lead with a draft proposal for discussion to amend
Art. 59 that may lead "to return to the one organism -- one name principle
without plunging the nomenclature of pleomorphic fungi into chaos". His
proposals are analysed in the present contribution.
Some mycologists have advocated a whole-sale elimination of Art. 59,
extending the Linnaean (botanical) unique nomenclature to all fungi. If
then the priority rule is strictly applied, this will, however, greatly
upset nomenclatural stability and have more undesirable than positive
effects. A careful analysis of the various components of Art. 59 is
necessary in order to develop procedures that can lead to an integrated
nomenclature applying one correct and legitimate name to each organism,
with an evaluation of the destabilizing effects of such a
The Code introduces Art. 59 under the heading "Names
of fungi with a pleomorphic life cycle". Taken literally, this would apply
only to the known pleomorphic fungi or those still to be found and,
implicitly, not to any other anamorphic,
including monoanamorphic and pleoanamorphic, fungi which could
logically escape the application of these rules and obey botanical
holomorphic typification; this status would be lost as soon as they are
connected to any other named morph. That limitation of the application of
Art. 59 is confirmed in Art. 1.3, 7.9, 25.1, 34 note 1 and 51.1 of the
present Code, all referring to Art. 59 as dealing with pleomorphic fungi.
Mycologists have been applying this article extensively – possibly
wrongly – to any anamorphic fungi for more than a century, treating them
as if all were potentially pleomorphic. So far we never paid enough
attention to that chapter title of the Code
introducing Art. 59, which restricted its application to
pleomorphic fungi; we just followed the common practice of assimilating
all anamorphic fungi to anamorphs of pleomorphic fungi, as
already initiated by Fuckel (1870) with the Fungi Imperfecti, and
Saccardo with the Fungi inferiores (formae metageneticae
Ascomycetum, Saccardo, 1889) or Deuteromycetes (Fungi secundarii,
Saccardo, 1899) and finally restricting the concept of anamorph to a
single asexual propagation structure rather than the entire vegetative and
propagative "phase" of the fungus (Hennebert, 1971). But if we bore in
mind the restrictive application of Art. 59 and the fact that
anamorphic fungi (those unconnected with a teleomorph) often are
already holomorphic, i.e. that their holomorph does not comprise
anything else than the observed anamorph pending proof of the
contrary, we should apply the botanical system of nomenclature based
on the holomorphic application of types to all non-pleomorphic,
non-lichen-forming Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and deuteromycetes. We are
then already close to the procedures of integration 2 and 6 proposed here.
As just said, following the traditional treatment of the anamorphic fungi as if
they were potentially pleomorphic and further considering with Mason (1937)
and Hughes (1953) that anamorphs must be characterized by a unique asexual
state or form, Hennebert (1971, 1987, 1991) and Hennebert & Weresub
(1977) were convinced that the "conventional" or "anatomical" nomenclature
of the anamorphic fungi required that all anamorph-species and genera
be monomorphic, i. e. typified by a single apparatus of reproduction
or propagation rather than by the "anamorphosis" (Donk 1960) or the
whole anamorphic "phase" of the fungus; Hennebert (1987) then coined the
term "pleoanamorphic" to describe fungi with several anamorphic
forms of propagation and receiving several names. The term
"synanamorph (Hughes 1979) was then proposed for single correlated
anamorphs. In the perspective of a desirable integration and
elimination of all but one alternate names for pleoanamorphic
fungi, a revision of the concept of "anamorph" used in Art. 59 for
pleomorphic fungi as covering the whole "anamorphosis" rather than a
single asexual form of propagation might be necessary. Such a revision
would lead immediately to the acceptance of one name only for
pleoanamorphic fungi. Procedures about how to choose that
one name are outlined in this paper.
The aim of this paper is not to promote one way or another to proceed with the
suppression of dual nomenclature and the integration of the
deuteromycetes into the higher Fungi, but to a certain extent to analyse
different ways, to compare them, to disclose their inherent
difficulties and finally to suggest steps for initiating procedures
that will least disturb nomenclatural stability and hopefully receive a
wide support from the mycological community.
1. Different kinds of typification of the fungi in the Code
The Code presently distinguishes three kinds of typification in
fungi, depending on the taxon concerned:
1. Holomorphic typification (Chytridiomycota,
Zygomycota, lichenized Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, Oomycota),
defined by Art. 7.2 of the Code, is the
"botanical typification" characterizing the "botanical (Linnaean)
system of nomenclature" (Hennebert, 1971). "The nomenclatural
type is not necessarily the most typical or representative element of
a taxon" (Art. 7.2).
2. Teleomorphic typification based on the teleomorph
with holomorphic application (non-lichenized Ascomycota and
Basidiomycota), as defined in Art. 59.1, resembles a botanical
typification but mainly characterizes one part of the "anatomical system
of nomenclature" (Hennebert, 1971).
3. Anamorphic typification based on an anamorph, with
restricted anamorphic application (asco-deuteromycetes and
basidio-deuteromycetes and uncharacterized deuteromycetes) defined by
Art. 59.3 characterizes the other part of the "anatomical system of
nomenclature" (Hennebert, 1971).
We distinguish here between nature and application of
the type (nature = what it is; application = its finality).
2. Different kinds of connection of anamorph genera with associated teleomorph genera
In the deuteromycetes, three kinds of genera can be
distinguished, depending on the species included and their
anamorph--teleomorph connection:
1. Genera of which all species are anamorphic,
without recognized connection to a teleomorph.
2. Genera of anamorph species, some of which are
connected to teleomorphs of one particular genus (monophyletic
2a. The same, but one of the connected species is the type species of the anamorph
3. Genera comprising anamorph species, some of which
are connected to teleomorphs of different genera.
3a. The same; one of the connected species is the type species of the anamorph
In addition, connections exist among anamorph species
(synanamorphs) named in distinct anamorph genera. This, and the resulting
dual (or multiple) anamorphic nomenclature, may be correlated with
one of the three cases described above.
In pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic fungi, while morphs are organically
connected, the genera in which the morphs are classified are said to be
"correlated" or not. Genera, and therefore
generic names, are said "correlated" when
either they share the same fungus as type species, based on the same
specimen (Eupenicillium arvense -- Penicillium
arvense ) or different specimens (Hypocrea
rufa - Trichoderma viride), or one or both have a type species that is
a non-type species in the other genus (Bionectria
ochroleuca - Clonostachys rosea), or just - what is common - share one
or several pleomorphic species other than their type species. Correlated
genera may also be considered as to be competing for precedence or
protection, as if botanically these genera were homotypic or
heterotypic taxonomic synonyms. However, when none of their respective
type species is member of the other genus, although sharing one or several
pleomorphic species, the competition of such generic names may be
questioned and the genera rather considered independent.
Synonymy: Under the present Art. 59, anamorph-generic names
of pleomorphic fungi cannot be true synonyms of correlated
teleomorph-generic names, but they remain anamorphic synonyms and are
always available for unconnected anamorphic species. Depending on the
chosen procedure (as proposed below), when precedence is applied
among correlated generic names, anamorph-generic names will keep the same
restricted anamorphic status as under the present Art. 59, unless selected
for precedence.
3. Conventions and definitions
The terms anamorph and teleomorph have been defined
as anatomical parts, asexual and sexual respectively, of the fungal
organism (the holomorph in all its potentialities) which may deserve a
name under Art. 59 (Hennebert & Weresub, 1977; Hennebert, 1993).
Correlated anamorphs or synanamorphs are mutually-connected anamorphs
(Hughes, 1979). The terms anamorph and teleomorph are merely descriptive
nomenclatural and not karyological terms (Weresub & Hennebert,
1979; Korf & Hennebert, 1993) although the terms mitosporic and
meiosporic have been advocated to substitute them (Reynolds & Taylor,
1993) and supported by Hawksworth & Mouchacca (1994) and Hawksworth et al. (1995).
Under the anatomical nomenclature ruled by Art. 59, an "anamorph name" (name of an
anamorph) is a name typified by an anamorph (in brief: "ana-typified") and
assigned a restricted anamorphic application under Art. 59.3. A
"teleomorph name" is a name typified by a teleomorph (in brief:
"teleo-typified") and assigned holomorphic application under Art.
It is noteworthy that Art. 59.3 does not use the term "monoanamorphic" nor
"pleoanamorphic" nor the term "synanamorph" in the sense of Hughes (1979),
but simply uses the term "anamorphic". From this observation,
Hennebert (1971) supposed that two interpretations existed of the
term "anamorphic", one applying it to a single structure of so-called
"asexual" reproduction or propagation (equivalent to
"monoanamorphic"), the other applying it to the whole asexual phase of the
fungus (equivalent to "polyanamorphic" or "synanamorphic" in the
sense of Gams, 1982). This second interpretation, though it is not the
current one of Art. 59, is presumably correct.
The holomorphic type (not holotype, a term with a different meaning), which
may consist of any representative part of a fungus, is necessarily of
holomorphic application as inherent to botanical (Linnaean) nomenclature
(Art. 7).
Considering a possible deletion of Art. 59, an ana-typified name or
epithet, so far of restricted anamorphic application under Art. 59, may
become assigned holomorphic application, retroactively or not. For
that reason, we use the term "ana-typified name" to simply designate the
nature of the type in the integration procedures described below, and not
its application. An ana-typified name or epithet would be an ana-typified
holomorph name or epithet when assigned holomorphic application after
deletion of Art. 59.3, just like in botanical nomenclature under Art.7.2
(e.g. for Mucor spp.) and like teleo-typified
names under the present Art. 59.1. The type of such a fungus is then also
holomorphic by application and the name or epithet no longer is an
"anamorph name" or "anamorph epithet". We note that the distinction of
different kinds of types and of different applications is already hidden
in the present Art. 59 of the Code, assigning
holomorphic application to teleomorphic types and anamorphic
application to anamorphic types, whereas both kinds of type should be
assigned holomorphic application according to Art. 7.2.
When a fungus bearing an ana-typified name is found to be sexual, it might be
desirable to confirm the holomorphic application of its name for
practical reasons and designate a teleomorphic epitype besides the
anamorphic type. An epitype is indeed "a specimen or illustration selected
to serve as an interpretative type when the holotype, lectotype, or
previously designated neotype, or all original material associated with a
validly published name, is demonstrably ambiguous and cannot be critically
identified for purposes of the precise application of the name of a
taxon" (Art. 9.7).
We also use the short terms ana-connection for an anamorph--anamorph or
synanamorph connection and teleo-connection for an anamorph--teleomorph
connection. Texts concerned with synanamorph or
pleoanamorphic nomenclature, which are considered here in equal
detail but possibly need not be ruled formally, are italicized throughout this text.
The "correct name" is the binomial that must be selected according to the
rules of each Procedure.
Cross-reference designation is the general term for expressions like "
Alternaria state [or anamorph] of Lewia infectoria". "
Echinobotryum synanamorph of Cephalotrichum stemonitis" (Hughes, 1958;
Ellis, 1971, 1976; Carmichael, 1979) used for the informal
designation of an anamorph of pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic fungi. Other
forms of cross-reference designation are using either the approached
form-generic name (Botrytis-like anam. of
Sclerotinia spermophila) or the same in a
decapitalized form as a descriptive term "acremonium anamorph of ...",
"acremonium-like anamorph of ..." (Seifert et
al., 2000; Cannon & Kirk, 2000; Rossman, 2000) or solely common
terms like "anamorph" or "conidial state of ....".
Cross-reference designation in the format "<anamorph
genus> state of <correct name>" has been proposed long time ago.
Already Tulasne (1851) proposed the "Cytospora
state of Valsa ambiens". Then Mason
(1937), Hughes (1958), Hennebert (1967, 1971), Ellis (1971, 1976), and
Carmichael (1979) used similar formulations. All these authors advocated
the necessity to allow strict application of the principle of
nomenclature "one organism--one name" for both pleomorphic and
pleoanamorphic fungi.
The abbreviation "D" is used for a date to be
determined at which the proposed changes will become effective.
4. Nomenclatural cases to be considered in integration procedures
In the integration of both nomenclature and
classification, ana-typified specific and infraspecific epithets and
ana-typified generic names must be considered separately, depending on
when the name is published and when the taxon is found to be or not to be
connected to a teleomorph.
Cases to be distinguished, independent of the type
1. Ana-typified generic names
a) Published before D
- typified by a species teleo-connected before D
- typified by a species unconnected before D and teleo-connected after D
- typified by a species ana-connected before D, typified by a species
unconnected before D and ana-connected after D
- typified by a species unconnected before and after D
b) Published after D
- typified by an unconnected species, published before D
- typified by an unconnected species, published after D
- typified by a species teleo-connected before D
- typified by a species teleo-connected after D
- typified by a species ana-connected before D
- typified by a species ana-connected after D.
2. Ana-typified epithets (specific and infraspecific rank)
a) Published before D
alpha) Taxa connected to a teleomorph
- teleo-connected before D to teleomorph epithets published before D
- teleo-connected after D to teleomorph epithets published before D
- teleo-connected after D to teleomorph epithets published after D
- teleo-connected after D to an unnamed teleomorph
beta) Taxa connected to a synanamorph
- ana-connected before D to anamorph epithets published before D
- ana-connected after D to anamorph epithets published before D
- ana-connected after D to anamorph epithets published after D
- ana-connected after D to an unnamed synanamorph
gamma) Remaining unconnected
b) Published after D
alpha) Taxa connected to a teleomorph
- - teleo-connected after D to teleomorph epithets published before D
- - teleo-connected after D to teleomorph epithets published after D
- - teleo-connected after D to an unnamed teleomorph
beta) Taxa connected to a synanamorph
- - ana-connected after D to anamorph epithets published before D
- - ana-connected after D to anamorph epithets published after D
- - ana-connected after D to an unnamed synanamorph
gamma) Remaining unconnected
Combinations of such epithets with generic names
yield binomials, understood in the Code under
the general designation "names". Names must be taken into
consideration during integration.
5. The three goals of integration
The dual nomenclature and, consequently, the separate
classifications of all non lichen-forming Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes
as opposed to the deuteromycetes, result from the existence of alternative
names permitted by Art. 59 for their pleomorphic species, and from the
extension of the same Article to any other taxa of those fungi, as if they
were potentially pleomorphic. This extended application of Art. 59
also led to the distinction among anamorphic fungi of pleoanamorphic from
monoanamorphic taxa. All these non-pleomorphic taxa should probably have
been considered as botanical taxa.
Integration implies therefore three goals:
(1) removal of the dual nomenclature for pleomorphic fungi,
(2) unification of the nomenclatural system for all fungi, and
(3) unification of the classificatory scheme.
6. How to rule undesirable names in pleomorphic fungi
In the deliberations concerning names affected by Article 59 when strictly
applied, we need clear concepts about the availability of names. When
choosing among two or more correlated names, one name will receive
preference over the other(s). What qualification is to be assigned to
those names that will have to be suppressed or eliminated?
Some concepts in the Code
Legitimacy, defined in Art. 6.5, qualifies names that are in
accordance with the rules; illegitimacy
applies to published names conflicting with the rules. Art. 6.4
specifically mentions other cases when names are illegitimate:
- illegitimate is a name of family or subdivision of
family based on an illegitimate generic name (Art. 18.3, 19.5).
- illegitimate is a
nomenclaturally superfluous name, i.e. the name of the taxon that, as
circumscribed by its author, definitely includes the type of another name
which ought to have been adopted (Art. 52.1), with the exception of names
based on a legitimate name (Art. 52.3).
- illegitimate is a later
homonymous name, spelled like an earlier name in the same rank based
on a different type (Art. 53).
An illegitimate name
cannot become legitimate later unless conserved or sanctioned (Art. 6.4)
or when superfluous and based on a legitimate name (Art. 52.3). It is
therefore illegitimate for ever and must be rejected.
A conserved name is declared legitimate by
conservation, even if it was illegitimate initially. It is conserved
against all other names that are listed as homotypic and heterotypic
synonyms and all combinations thereof and against earlier homonyms
(Art. 14.4), wich are to be rejected. A rejected name can be restored (a)
if the synonymy with the taxon bearing the conserved names is refuted
(Art. 14.6), or (b) a rejected homonym can be recombined to a
non-homonymous binomial (Art. 14.10). Listed synonyms are made
illegitimate by conservation and rejected. Earlier homonyms do not become
illegitimate but are just unavailable for use (Art. 14.10).
Rejected are also certain legitimate names which, to avoid
detrimental nomenclatural changes (see Art. 14.1), have been proposed for
explicit rejection (Art. 56.1) and then are
entered in a list of Nomina rejicienda
(Appendix IV).
Sanctioned names of fungi (Art. 13.1d) are as if conserved
against competing older synonyms and earlier homonyms (Art. 15.1).
Competing synonyms are declared illegitimate and to be rejected.
They are restored in legitimacy
when synonymy is refuted. Earlier homonyms of conserved or
sanctioned names, although not illegitimate, are unavailable for use, but they may be used in
other combinations (Arts. 14.10 and 15.2), unless they are taxonomic
synonyms of a sanctioned name. Thus certain older homonyms are
just unavailable for use according to the Code (Arts. 14.10 and 15.2). They are what we
call "repressed", according to the new
concept developed below in this paper. The term "repressed" in not used in
the Code nor its opposite, "protected".
Precedence: Under the present Art. 59, which permits alternate
names to be published and used besides the teleo-typified name of the
holomorph, teleo-typified names are assigned holomorphic application and
given "precedence" (Art. 59.4), irrespective
of priority, over prior or later alternate names, which, however, retain
legitimacy and remain available for use. The opposite of precedence is restricted in application.
Formal conservation (Art. 14) and explicit rejection (Art. 56.1) override
sanctioning (Art. 15.1, 15.6) and any other mechanism of protection.
New concepts to rule undesirable names in pleomorphic fungi
In order to provide a unified nomenclature of
pleomorphic fungi in accordance with Principle IV instead of the dual
nomenclature in pleomorphic fungi, the first goal of integration,
different concepts are required.
In some procedures proposed below, ana-typified names, epithets and generic names,
like teleo-typified names, are attributed holomorphic application,
allowing the full play of priority in favor of the earliest name. Rules
are then needed to prevent priority of undesired names, e.g. an earlier,
teleo-connected, ana-typified name competing with a later teleo-typified
It would be possible to declare the earlier ana-typified and teleo-connected names
to be illegitimate and rejected in order to avoid nomenclatural
disturbance according to Art. 56.1, or to declare the teleomorph names
conserved or sanctioned. A more appropriate solution is to declare the
competing ana-typified names "repressed" in
order to provide "protection" to the
teleomorph names. The respective ana-typified names are then
unavailable for use, but remain legitimate and restorable should the
reason for "repression" disappear. Similar
situations of protection and repression exist indeed already but
implicitly in the Code in the cases of
sanction ruled by Art. 15.2.
Declaring teleo-connected, ana-typified names illegitimate and rejected in
order to avoid nomenclatural disturbance or associated
teleomorph names conserved or sanctioned does not appear appropriate for
the following reasons:
- Rejected names are rejected for ever. Conserved or
sanctioned names are so for ever.
- Illegitimacy and rejection are incompatible with
the status of repressed names that should keep their legitimacy and be
restorable, should the organic connection between the morphs be
demonstrated to be erroneous; this status is incompatible with
illegitimacy and rejection. When the connection is found erroneous, the
protected name must lose its protection and repressed names must recover
- Conservation or sanctioning cannot confer a
reversible protection either. For the same reason as repressed names are
restorable for use, protected names can lose protection, and be replaced
by other correct protected names. This flexibility is not an attribute of
conserved or sanctioned names.
While conserved names are conserved for ever, only
heterotypic synonyms listed as nomina rejicienda can be restored in
legitimacy and used when the synonymy is refuted. This particular case
resembles the proposed protection/repression of alternate names. The
differences appear to be in that conservation is definitive and
protection is not, and that the "biological" or "organic"
connection/synonymy is not of the same nature as a taxonomic
heterotypic synonymy.
Repression of alternate names may appear objectionable according to
Art. 51.1 of the present Code which stipulates
that "a legitimate name must not be rejected merely because another is
preferable or better known." In this article, rejection means elimination
for ever, while repression is unavailability as long as the organic
connection between correlated taxa can be upheld.
Automatic protection will be needed for teleo-typified names published prior to D
against any associated ana-typified name. Also, under automatic protection
of teleo-typified names, a case-by-case protection process might also be
useful to provide exceptions in order to retain certain ana-typified names
for some very representative or commonly used taxa.
The concept of "protection" of certain names
against others that are "repressed" and
unavailable for use but legitimate and restorable, seems appropriate. It
will be adopted in the Procedures described below. The concept of "precedence" of certain names over others that are
superseded as "restricted in
application", though still legitimate and available for use, also is
appropriate among competing generic names.
Consequently, to warrant a unique nomenclature in
pleomorphic fungi,
- The use of separate binomials besides the holomorph
names is to be prevented by protection/repression as appropriate.
- Repression of competing names must be reversible,
the repressed names remaining legitimate and restorable for use.
- Certain generic names can retain restricted
application, while others have precedence.
To eliminate alternative names in asco- and
basidiomycetous pleomorphic fungi, we propose using the
mechanism of protection/repression against the otherwise
prevailing priority rule, when choosing amongst competing names for
pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic species. This mechanism is
applied similarly in the six procedures described below. Generic
names will be treated differently, by precedence/restriction in
five of the six procedures outlined below and protection/repression
in one of them.
In order to warrant a certain nomenclatural stability and to minimize the number of
ensuing name changes, two options are conceivable in the application of
these mechanisms in each procedure. Option A applies automatic
protection and precedence to teleo-typified epithets and generic names
(names with holomorphic application). Option B also applies the automatic
mechanisms but with the exceptional selective protection and precedence of
certain ana-typified epithets and generic
names; such exceptions are to be published in a revisable
approved list.
As indicated, precedence is assigned to desirable generic names, so that they
receive holomorphic application. Therefore in Option B of five of the
procedures (Procedures 1 and 3—6), where exceptionally an ana-typified generic name
is selected for precedence in a pleomorphic taxon, this generic name
must be assigned holomorphic application and be used instead of the
teleo-typified generic name. This is of course an infringement on the
principle of the present Art. 59 and option A of the procedures, in which
all teleo-typified generic names are a priori
of holomorphic application and anamorph-generic names published
before D (Procedures 4 and 5) or before and after D (Procedures 1 and 3)
are maintained as of restricted anamorphic
application; it is also contrary to the concept of
precedence/restriction, since the superseded teleo-typified generic
name cannot logically remain available any longer even with
restricted teleomorphic application. In such a case, we
therefore must apply the mechanism of protection/repression in
favour of the selected ana-typified generic name.
As a result, when an ana-typified generic name in option B of the Procedures is
exceptionally selected in place of the teleo-typified generic name, it
must be selected for protection with holomorphic application against the
correlated teleo-typified generic name that is repressed. It will
also have precedence over any correlated (syn)ana-typified generic
name that is superseded and restricted to anamorphic use. All these
procedures must remain revisable.
As an example, let us suppose that the ana-typified generic name Botrytis Pers. is selected for precedence over
the teleo-typified generic name Botryotinia
Whetzel and assigned holomorphic application; the superseded
teleo-typified generic name could remain available for use but restricted
to teleomorphic application. Botrytis
therefore accommodates all Botryotinia species
with a Botrytis anamorph, including the type
species, Botryotinia convoluta (Botrytis convoluta), and Botryotinia should remain available for the
species, if any, with apothecia only, with the type species referred to as
"Botryotinia state of Botrytis convoluta". But if Botrytis is selected for protection against
Botryotinia, it will accommodate all species
that are congeneric with the type species Botrytis cinerea (= Botryotinia fuckeliana),
while the generic name Botryotinia is
repressed and disappears from use.
In pleoanamorphic fungi, when names of correlated anamorphs
compete, a mechanism of protection/repression is also needed to
decide which of several synanamorph names is to be applied for a fungus.
The choice for protection can be directed either to a) the most
commonly used one, or b) the most representative one, if not the earliest
name (Gams, 1982). In the present concept, names for correlated
anamorphs are not true synonyms but anamorphic synonyms. If we consider
the concept of anamorph used in theCode as representing the
whole "anamorphosis" of the fungus, the names of correlated anamorphs are
true synonyms.
Between correlated anamorph genera, the mechanism of precedence/restriction is to
be applied and not protection/repression.
Remaining in the given example, Botrytis is also
correlated with the older genus Sclerotium Tode, the Sclerotium anamorph of Botrytis cinerea being a species of Sclerotium, S. durum.
If precedence is given to Botrytis, Sclerotium
would remain available in the restricted sense of sclerotia. In the
present case, if the genera Botrytis and Sclerotium are considered correlated by at the
least one species, they are not really competing because they do not share
the same type species; the type species of Sclerotium is in fact a basidiomycete (Donk,
7. Possible principles and procedures for reduction of the different
nomenclature for anamorphic fungi
The second goal of integration concerns all non-lichen-forming Ascomycota,
Basidiomycota, and deuteromycetes.
The basis of the problems inherent to the separate nomenclature of the Ascomycetes
and Basidiomycetes and the deuteromycetes and the dual nomenclature of
pleomorphic species is the anatomical typification (Hennebert,
1971). In Linnaean taxonomy, species simply exist; their name is fixed by
a type specimen which need not show all possible phenotypes or organs, it
must just be representative of the organism. The present ruling for
higher fungi that a type specimen must show features of the teleomorph or,
else, it can only document an anamorph, is in obvious conflict with this
Any proposed reduction and integration of the two lines of nomenclature must
envisage mechanisms to change typification from anatomical to botanical
application, not only in pleomorphic fungi but also in other anamorphic
fungi. All deuteromycetes should indeed be integrated in the Ascomycota
and Basidiomycota and their nomenclature united.
In order to achieve a botanical system of nomenclature for all fungi as far as
possible, a choice is possible between partial or total extension of the
holomorphic application to types of teleo-typified and ana-typified
epithets and/or generic names. Different degrees of extension of
holomorphic application of types determine the main differences
between the six proposed procedures as outlined here.
In conceiving possible procedures of integration, we expect
- to suppress a separate nomenclature of pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic fungi,
- to preserve present nomenclature of the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota as
far as possible or desirable,
- to integrate the nomenclature of other anamorphic fungi in that of the
Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, and
- to apply simple and coherent sets of rules.
Procedures 1 and 2 represent the two extreme
positions: Procedure 1 maintains the anatomical typification ruled by Art.
59 for anamorphic species and genera, but prevents dual nomenclature
of pleomorphic species, in a unified classification. Procedure 2
retroactively suppresses the anatomical typification, and
consequently the dual nomenclature, at both levels of
species and genera. Procedures 3--6 are intermediates. Procedure 3
suppresses the anatomical typification of epithets retroactively
but retains the anatomical typification of anamorph-generic names for
ever. Procedure 4 perpetuates the anatomical typification of all
anamorph-generic names and epithets published before the date D but
suppresses the anatomical typification of any name at any rank published
after D. Procedure 5 retroactively suppresses the anatomical
typification of ana-typified epithets and generic names except for
anamorph-generic names published before D. Procedure 6, like Procedure 5,
retroactively suppresses the anatomical typification of all ana-typified
epithets and that of generic names published after D but, unlike Procedure
5, also suppresses the anatomical typification of generic names
published before D, except for anamorph-generic names published before D
if their type species is connected to a teleomorph named before D.
Procedure 4 most strongly resembles Hawksworth’s proposal
(Fig. 1 and 2).
In each of the six Procedures of integration described below, the two first
nomenclatural goals will be considered together.
8. Integration of the classifications
The third goal is the integration of the deuteromycetous taxa in the classification
of the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. An urgent task to engage in view
of the integration is to determine the affinities of the anamorphic
fungi in relation to teleomorphic fungi in order to unify their
taxonomy and classification.
Deuteromycetes must at least be characterized, on the basis of
taxonomic, morphological, chimical or molecular criteria, as
pertaining to either the Ascomycota or the Basidiomycota. Subclasses or
classes like Ascodeuteromycetidae or
Basidiodeuteromycetidae (Luttrell, 1979) or Ascodeuteromycetes or
Basidiodeuteromycetes (Hennebert, 1993), or informal groups, like
anamorphic Ascomycota/Basidiomycota, might be proposed to
accommodate the still uncorrelated deuteromycetous genera. It is,
however, preferable to associate them, when possible, with taxa classified
in genera, families and orders of the Ascomycota or Basidiomycota as
it is done in the 9th edition of the Dictionary of
Fungi (e.g. Uredo besides Puccinia and Uromyces
in the Pucciniales).
Fig. 1.
Applications of names in the six Procedures of
integration: anamorphic (normal print A) and holomorphic (bold). The vertical line separates the situation
before and after D. The horizontal line separates anamorph and
teleomorph names. Each procedure is represented in option A. Formulations
in parenthesis: (-) indicates repressed epithet, in Procedure 2
repressed generic names of pleomorphic fungi; (AG) indicates
restricted anamorphic application of the generic name in Procedures 1,
3--6 in option A. Fig. 1 shows (1) that pleomorphic
fungi are affected similarly by the application of the two mechanisms
of elimination of alternate names in all procedures, but in Procedure 2
anamorph-generic names are repressed, and (2) that only names of
non-pleomorphic fungi are treated differently, depending on the
Abbreviations used:
- E for epithets: AE = restrictedly anamorphic, AHE =
ana-typified with holomorphic application, THE = teleo-typified with
holomorphic application.
- G for generic names: AG = restrictedly anamorphic,
AHG = ana-typified with holomorphic application, THG = teleo-typified with
holomorphic application.
Fig. 2.
Synopsis of the application of protection/repression
and precedence/restriction and of the Holomorphic (H) and Anamorphic (A)
application of the types in option A of the 6 procedures of
integration. In option B, the mechanisms can also be reversed:
"repressed/protected" together with "protected/repressed" and
"repressed/protected" together with "precedence/restricted
application". The three lines in each box represent three
1st line: pleomorphic taxa (i.e. ana--teleo-connected);
2nd line: teleomorphic taxa ("---" meaning absence of an anamorph name);
3rd line: anamorphic taxa ("---" meaning absence of a teleomorph name).
Fig. 3 a--f.
Diagrams illustrating the function of the six
Procedures (each in option A). Epithets and generic names (abbreviations
as in Fig. 1) are disposed along the
horizontal time axis according to the time of their publication; the
vertical line represents date D. Continuous horizontal lines show
holomorphic, broken lines anamorphic application of names. Bridges
indicate the time of establishment of anamorph--teleomorph connections,
arrows point to the correct epithet or generic name. Different bridges
indicate the kind and the direction of the applied rule:
protection/repression (double lines),
precedence/restriction (broken lines), priority (simple lines).
NOTE.-- In the following descriptions of the procedures,
formal proposals emending Art. 7.2 and 59 are formulated. They do not
include the necessary adaptations of other Articles of the Code referring to Art. 59, such as Art. 1.3, 7.9,
7 Note 1, 11.1, 13.6, 25.1, 34 Note 1, and 51.1.
Principle: No changes in the existing anatomical
typification for the past and the future, except that alternate names
for teleomorphic fungi will no longer be permitted. Anamorph epithets
and generic names retain their restricted anamorphic application.
The integration is nothing more than just disposing
(mixing, interspersing) anamorph taxa in the teleomorph-based
classification that becomes a unified classification. The deuteromycetes
are classified among the respective Asco- or Basidiomycota. The
nomenclatures of teleomorphic and anamorphic fungi continue to coexist but
are interspersed in a unified classification with one name for each fungus
in either teleomorph- or anamorph-generic combinations. The use of
multiple names in pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic fungi is prevented by
protection/repression. This integration is mostly a taxonomic and
classificatory procedure. Art. 59 is basically maintained, but Art. 59.5
is replaced by a refinement.
Use of separate binomials for the same fungus is prevented by a new Art. 59.4,
which assigns automatic protection and precedence to names typified by the
teleomorph in pleomorphic fungi (Procedure 1A). Such a system will
not be appreciated by most practitioners who are commonly using alternate
names, which will be repressed; they are either older or most
representative (the anamorph being most differentiated) and most
frequently used. Therefore we propose a mechanism of selective protection
and precedence (Procedure 1B), which allows exceptions to the automatic
precedence of teleomorphic names, some anamorphic epithets and generic
names being possibly selected for protection and/or precedence.
Anamorphs of teleo-connected or ana-connected species are indicated by their correct
name or in cross-reference form.
PROCEDURE 1A (Fig. 3a)
(1) Repressed and unavailable for use:
anamorph epithets published before or after D of
teleo-connected species and infraspecific taxa. The repressed epithets
remain legitimate but can be restored if the ana-teleo connection is
demonstrated erroneous. They are anamorphic synonyms of the correct name
of the holomorph and should be cited as nomen
repressum (in brief "nom. repr.").
Teleo-typified epithets and binomials published before or after D are
protecte against connected anamorph epithets. Binomials of
teleomorphs are indeed the sole correct names of the holomorphs (Art.
Art. 59.5, Art. 59.5 Note 1 and Art. 59.A3 are deleted. A new Art.
59.4 is proposed to prevent the use of anamorph binomials besides the
teleomorph binomial or another anamorph binomial for the same fungus.
The combination of an anamorph epithet and a teleomorph-generic
name remains ruled by Art. 59.6.
(2) Accepted and available for use: anamorph epithets published before or after D of
anamorphic species or infraspecific taxa as long as they are not connected to a teleomorph (Art. 59.3).
(3) Having precedence: teleo-typified generic names published before or
after D by holomorphic application of their teleomorphic type (Art.
59.1-2) over correlated anamorph-generic names.
(4) Accepted and available for use: any anamorph-generic names published before or after D and
restricted in application by virtue of their anamorphic type, even if they
are correlated to a teleo-typified generic name by their type or another
teleo-connected species whose anamorph name will then be repressed; they
do not compete with the generic name of the holomorph. When superseded,
they are not true but anamorphic synonyms of the correlated
teleomorph-generic names, but they remain legitimate and are available for
unconnected anamorphic species.
The teleomorph name of the species is to be used for the formal
designation of the teleo-connected type or other such species of a
correlated anamorph-generic name. The anamorph of a named teleomorph
species can informally be addressed in cross-reference form.
This is to be formulated in the new Art. 59.5.
(5) Protected and available for use: a single anamorph epithet of pleoanamorphic fungi that is
selected as either the most commonly used, or the most
representative, if not the earliest legitimate epithet over other
epithets of correlated anamorphs which are explicitly repressed (e.g. a
name for conidiomata is to be protected over names for spermatia or
sclerotia). The selected protected names should be incorporated in a
published revisable list. The repressed epithet remains legitimate and
restorable. It should be cited as an anamorphic synonym with "(nom.
repr.)". The protection is effective as long as the synanamorphic
connection is not demonstrated erroneous. This rule should be
added to Art. 59.4.
Epithets of correlated anamorphs published after D of an already
named species are incorrect and regarded as taxonomic synonyms unless
illegitimate as being superfluous.
This procedure does not imply that the selected names are of
holomorphic application by typification, but they cover all
correlated synanamorphs (pleoanamorphic application). The priority
rule does not apply here as synanamorph names are not true synonyms,
being so far of strictly monomorphic application (Art. 59.3). The
combination of a protected anamorph epithet with the generic name of a
correlated anamorph is so far not possible.
(6) Accepted and available for use: anamorph-generic names of pleoanamorphic fungi
typified by a type species connected to an older or protected anamorph
name, the epithet of which is repressed. Such generic names keep their
legitimate status. The type species must bear the correct name and its
anamorph can only be informally referred to in cross-reference form. This
rule is to be formulated in the new Art. 59.5.
(1) Protected and available for use: teleo-typified epithets of pleomorphic fungi
published before or after D, unless an anamorph epithet of the same
fungus is selected for protection as being the most representative or
commonly used if not the earliest name of the taxon, in which case
the teleo-typified epithet is repressed and the protected ana-typified
epithet assigned holomorphic application. Repressed names are
anamorphic or teleomorphic synonyms to be cited as nomen repressum ("nom.
repr.") of the correct name. The repressed epithets remain legitimate
and can be restored when the organic connection is demonstrated erroneous.
Protected and repressed names are published in a revisable
approved list.
The combination of protected ana-typified epithets of
teleo-connected taxa with the appropriate teleo-typified generic name
must then be permitted.
Anamorphs of pleomorphic fungi can be addressed, informally, in
cross-reference form. Art. 59.1-2-4 are therefore to be amended. Art.
59.5, Art. 59.5 Note 1 and Art. 59A3 are deleted. A new Art. 59.4 is to be
proposed to prevent the use of repressed binomials. Otherwise,
the combination of an anamorph epithet and a teleomorph-generic name
remains ruled by Art. 59.6.
(2) Accepted and available for use: anamorph epithets published before or after D of
anamorphic species or infraspecific taxa as long as they are not
teleo-connected or ana-connected to
another morph.
(3) Having precedence: teleomorph-generic names of pleomorphic fungi
published before or after D, unless a correlated anamorph-generic
name is selected as being the most representative or commonly used if not
the earliest generic name, for protection against the teleo-typified
generic name and for precedence over the correlated anamorph-generic names
and available for use with holomorphic application. Repressed
teleo-typified generic names remain legitimate and restorable when
the connection is demonstrably erroneous. Superseded
anamorph-generic names remain legitimate and available for use with
restricted anamorphic application. Repressed and superseded
generic names are published in a revisable approved list.
It is clear that the exceptional selection of an
anamorph-generic name is an infringement on the principle of the
procedure strictly applied in option A and to the mechanism of
precedence/restriction, as it obliges to use protection/repression against
the competing teleo-typified generic name.
(4) to (6) as in Procedure 1A.
To make the procedure workable, some preliminary
requirements must be fulfilled.
1) Lists / databases must be established of
- the
names of teleomorphs with names of correlated anamorphs connected by
organic connection or molecular evidence, with dates and references of
publication and of demonstration of the organic connection,
marking the names of taxa that are generic types
- the
names of anamorphs with the names of connected teleomorphs, listed as
- the
names of synanamorphs connected by organic connection, with dates and
references of publication and of demonstration of the organic
connection, marking the names of taxa that are generic types.
- the
names of genera accommodating pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic taxa, with
date and reference of publication, the name of their type species,
the names of pleomorphic or pleoanamorphic species other than the
type and the number of unconnected species.
Published lists such as those of Sutton (1977, 1980), Kendrick
& Di Cosmo (1979), Kendrick & Watling (1979), Sutton (1980),
Carmichael et al. (1980), Sutton &
Hennebert (1994), Kendrick´s webpage
(, and Seifert
et al. (2002), are already available or almost
so. They will greatly help to select and list the anamorph names to
be repressed, to select and list the synanamorph names to be protected or
repressed, to point out affinities of anamorph genera with teleomorph
(holomorph) genera in a unified classification, and to stimulate critical
revisions of the homogeneity of correlated anamorph and teleomorph genera.
It is important to note that the list of repressed anamorph
epithets will not be completed at the point D, but it will continue to
increase when new organic connections of named anamorphs with extant
teleomorphs are discovered.
2) The many other unconnected anamorphic fungi must
be characterized in terms of affinities with teleomorph taxa. The
ultrastructure of septa and the genomic characterization will be of a
great help, particularly if involving the type specimens or ex-type
strains of the generic type species.
3) Teleo-connected taxa will be correctly classified
in the appropriate teleomorph genus, with possible reference to the
correlated anamorph genus. Similarly, in
pleoanamorphic fungi without teleomorph connection, the protected
anamorph name or an informal cross-reference is used for designation
of correlated anamorphs.
4) Unconnected anamorph genera should be classified
in the appropriate teleomorphic family or order, if their affinities can
be demonstrated. Otherwise, they should at least be ranged among either
the ascodeuteromycetes or basidiodeuteromycetes in the Asco- or
Basidiomycota. Procedure 1 should allow the classification of
monophyletic anamorph genera besides the correlated teleomorph genera, and
the polyphyletic or paraphyletic ones in the pertinent holomorph family or
5) Procedure 1A, under Art. 59.1 & 59.4, provides
automatic protection to the teleomorph name as name of the
holomorph, and automatic precedence of teleomorph-generic names, no matter
whether the names are infrequently used or the morph is rarely
observed. Also, although classified together in this procedure, always "it
will still be necessary to erect new anamorph names for newly
discovered anamorphic taxa, and then eventually to replace them with ‘new’
holomorph names if teleomorphs are discovered" (Seifert et al., 2000). It will involve regular
undesirable name changes. Automatic protection of the
teleomorph names does not resolve that practical problem. That is why it
is suggested that exceptions can be introduced in the automatic
mechanism of protection and precedence, by selecting and publishing
lists of approved anamorph names to be protected for being the most
representative or frequently used. This could make Procedure 1B acceptable
to practitioners.
We must realize that such selective protection, even
exceptional, of anamorph names that are more commonly used or
more representative than the correlated teleomorph names, will assign the
selected anamorph names holomorphic application. This is twisting the
principle of this Procedure and will require further amendment of Art. 59.
The same holomorphic application will be necessarily assigned to
anamorph-generic names exceptionally selected for precedence. This
remark also holds for Procedures 3B, 4B, 5B and 6B.
CHAPTER VI, new title: "Names of non-lichen-forming ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi."
1) In Art. 7.9 in place of "fungal anamorphs" insert
"anamorphic fungi" and in Note 1 after "pleomorphic" insert "and pleoanamorphic".
2) In Art. 11.1 Delete "for the form-taxa of fungi"
and "and 59.5".
3) In Art. 59.1 after "representing the teleomorph"
delete "i.e. the morph ... organs." and insert "unless another name for
the same fungus published before [D] is protected as the correct name
(Art. 59.4 and 4bis)."
4) In Art. 59.2 after "teleomorphic" insert
"characterized by ... organs." from Art. 59.1. Add to Art. 59.2 the
first sentence of 59.3: "If these requirements ... protologue."
5) In Art. 59.3 delete the first sentence transferred
in Art. 59.2; in the second sentence after "author’s" insert "typified by
a teleomorph or an anamorph with reference to Art. 51.1."
6) Replace Art. 59.4 by new Art. 59.4:
{Under Procedure 1A}: "Irrespective of priority,
names typified by a teleomorph are protected as the correct name covering
the holomorph against earlier names typified by a correlated anamorph,
[{add under Procedure 1B:} unless a name typified by a correlated
anamorph is selected as the most representative or commonly
used and explicitly protected as such, against earlier names typified by a
correlated morph]; the latter names are repressed, as long as their
types are judged to belong to the same taxon." "Amongst names of correlated anamorphs of
pleoanamorphic fungi, one name is selected and explicitly protected as
such, being the most representative or commonly used if not the earliest,
against the other names that are repressed, as long as the types are
judged to belong to the same taxon." "Repressed names are cited in
synonymy as nomen repressum ("nom. repr."); they are legitimate and remain
available when they can be shown to be typified by a different taxon.
Protected and repressed names are published in a revisable approved
7) Introduce new Art. 59.4 bis: "Names of genera
typified by a teleomorph take precedence as the correct holomorph-generic
name over superseded earlier names of genera typified by a correlated
anamorph [{add under Procedure 1B:} unless a generic name typified by a
correlated anamorph is selected as the most representative or
commonly used if not the earliest, and protected with holomorphic
application against the repressed generic name typified by the
teleomorph]; the latter names are superseded as long as the types are
judged to belong to the same taxon."
"The names of genera typified by an anamorph of a
pleoanamorphic taxon, selected as the most representative or commonly
used and explicitly protected, if not the earliest name, take precedence
over other superseded generic names typified by a correlated
anamorph; the latter names are superseded, as long as the types are judged
to belong to the same taxon." "Superseded generic names, like other generic names
typified by an anamorph are legitimate and remain available for use,
restricted in application to the morph represented by their ultimate type.
[{add under Procedure 1B:} Repressed teleomorph-generic names remain
legitimate and restorable for use when the connection between morphs is
demonstrably erroneous."]"
8) Replace Art. 59.5 and Examples by new Art. 59.5:
"Separate binomials for named pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic specific
and infraspecific taxa are repressed (Art. 59.4). Publication and use of
names for genera typified by an anamorph, even when correlated to named
teleomorph species in teleomorph genera having precedence {or
otherwise protected anamorph genera}, is possible when desirable to
accommodate anamorphic taxa."
9) Replace Note 1 by new Note 1: "When the name of
the type species of an anamorph-generic name is repressed, this species is
to be cited by its correct name (see also Rec. 59A.)"
10) Maintain Art. 59.6; Examples should be amended
according to Art. 59.1, 59.4 and 4bis, 59.5 and Note 1.
11) In Rec. 59A.1 in place of "anamorph (anam. nov.)"
insert "anamorphic taxon (anam. gen. nov., anam. sp. nov.)"
12) Delete Rec. 59A.2 and 59A.3 and introduce new
Rec. 59A.2: "Where it is considered necessary or desirable to specifically
refer to an anamorph of an otherwise correctly named fungus, provisions of
this article do not prevent the use of informal designations based on
the anamorph generic name in cross-reference to the correct name, or on
the same in a decapitalized form.
13) Add a new Ex. to Rec. 59A.2: "The Stemphylium anamorph of Pleospora herbarum (Fr.) Rabenh. ex Ces. & De
Not. 1863 should be informally referred to as: Pleospora herbarum (Stemphylium anamorph), P.
herbarum (stemphylium state), Stemphylium
state of P. herbarum; stemphylium state of P. herbarum, etc., rather than as Stemphylium herbarum E.G. Simmons 1986."
Principle: All generic names or epithets, whether
based on anamorphic or teleomorphic types, published before or after D,
are to be considered as of holomorphic application, retroactive back to
the starting point of the taxonomic groups concerned.
This retroactive change of the type application
totally eliminates anatomical typification, the basis of Art. 59, from the
Because of the extended application of their types in agreement with Art. 7.2, all
anamorph epithets and generic names previously (until D) considered
restrictedly anamorphic by typification would now become of
holomorphic application and compete for priority with any later
teleo-typified or ana-typified epithet for the same fungus. This change
would immediately suppress the dual nomenclature in both pleomorphic fungi
and pleoanamorphic fungi, with retroactive
effect. By virtue of that extended holomorphic application of
ana-typified names, no discriminated anamorph names or taxa are left.
There are no more anamorph epithets or generic names under this Procedure,
but ana-typified names with holomorphic application.
When strictly applied, the procedure leaves full play to priority and
consequently necessary recombinations of names. This would cause
considerable changes of names in use for pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic
fungi, rendering ana-typified names correct when they are older than names
of associated teleomorphs. Also the older ana-typified generic names
acquiring holomorphic application will accommodate both teleomorphic
and anamorphic taxa with numerous recombinations becoming necessary.
The most drastic change will be that in the new concept previously
discriminated names of anamorphic genera and species will receive
priority. This destabilizing effect will not be welcome, neither to
taxonomists nor to practitioners.
When enacting this procedure, many taxonomic problems need to be solved,
particularly when synonymy appears evident, on the basis of the type
species, between teleo-typified generic names and polyphyletic or
paraphyletic ana-typified generic names, and also between
teleo-typified names and ana-typified names of aggregate taxa. These
problems were well addressed by Cannon & Kirk (2000).
The exact impact of such nomenclatural disruption can be evaluated only on the basis
of complete lists of pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic fungi with dual
(or multiple) nomenclature, and prior to a decision about how to
Indeed, Procedure 2, as defined in its principle, does not imply protection or
precedence, neither of teleo-typified names nor of ana-typified names,
epithets and generic names published before D in order to preserve current
nomenclature. Art. 59 is simply deleted retroactively, all types
being of holomorphic application, the rule of priority having free play.
This will probably cause what Hawksworth (2001 in litt., see this website) qualifies as
nomenclatural chaos. Indeed, a full nomenclatural revision of the
pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic fungi will be needed to select the
earliest available epithet combined to the earliest available generic name
as the one correct name, no matter whether the type is anamorphic or
teleomorphic or whether the teleomorphic element of the fungus is included
in the protologue or not, as ruled by Art. 7.2: "The nomenclatural type is
not necessarily the most typical or representative element of a taxon
nor necessarily the anamorph or the teleomorph in fungi."
To reduce the foreseeable nomenclatural chaos, it is necessary to introduce some
rules to protect existing and presently prevailing teleomorph names. There
are two alternatives, either (2A) to automatically protect all extant teleo-typified
epithets and generic names against possibly competing ana-typified
epithets and generic names which would be repressed as long as the
connection is confirmed, or (2B) to also protect selectively (the selection to be published in a
list and approved) certain ana-typified holomorphic epithets and generic
names, depending on use and on how representative they are. The second alternative is the only one available in
cases of pleoanamorphic fungi with no teleo-connection.
Of these alternatives, the first one will automatically exclude from use current
ana-typified names of pleomorphic fungi commonly used by practitioners,
while the second one will allow to reach a consensus about certain
protected names.
It is clear that all other extant or future ana-typified names of taxa not
connected with any other taxon are, under this procedure and its
alternatives 2A or 2B, of holomorphic application and are applicable to
the holomorph when a teleomorph is newly discovered.
It is evident that both options 2A or 2B of this Procedure allow a unified
nomenclature in a unified classification of the higher fungi.
PROCEDURE 2A (Fig. 3b)
(1) Repressed and unavailable for use: ana-typified epithets of teleo-connected
species and infraspecific taxa, when prior to and competing with epithets
of teleo-typified species published before D;
until this date, teleo-typified names are automatically protected. The repressed epithets
remain legitimate and are taxonomic synonyms cited as ("nom. repr."). Binomials of teleo-typified species
regulated by Art. 59.6 and published before D are legitimate.
(2) Accepted and available for use: ana-typified epithets of species and
infraspecific taxa published before and after
D, when unconnected for anamorphic species or when teleo-connected, if
no teleo-typified name has been published before
D, for the denomination of the holomorph.
Ana-typified epithets, being of holomorphic application, obey the
priority rule unless a protected teleo-typified epithet published before D is available for the same taxon. When a
species is teleo-connected, the ana-typified epithet, if not explicitly
repressed under (1), is available for combination with any available
appropriate generic name published before or after D.
(3) Repressed and not available for use: ana-typified generic names published before D and teleo-connected through their type
or another species, when prior to and competing with teleo-typified
generic names published before D which are automatically protected. Such repressed
names are taxonomic synonyms ("nom. repr."),
but they remain legitimate and restorable for use when the connection is
demonstrated erroneous.
All teleo-typified names of genera published before D are protected by repression of possibly
competing ana-typified generic names. Those repressed generic names are
therefore no longer available for unconnected ana-typified species
which normally should be accommodated in the respective protected
(4) Accepted and available for use: ana-typified names of genera published before or after D, unconnected or found
teleo-connected through their type species in absence of teleo-typified
names of genera published before D, for
denomination of a holomorph genus. When an ana-typified generic name
published after D is found correlated to a
teleo-typified generic name published before D
by their ana-teleo-connected type species, its generic name is synonymized
with the earlier generic name. If these generic names are correlated
by any non-type species only, the species may be transferred to their best
taxonomic position.
Explicit reference to the anamorph or correlated anamorph of
pleomorphic or pleoanamorphic fungi cannot be
made by cross-reference designation using Latin or decapitalized
ana-typified generic names, the latter being all of holomorphic
application, but by paraphrasing using terms like "anamorph of <correct
(5) Protected: ana-typified epithets of pleoanamorphic fungi published before
D, when they are selected as being either most commonly used, or the most
representative, against the earliest published (then the priority
rule plays simply between names of correlated anamorphs), or any
earlier names of correlated anamorphs which are then repressed and not
available for use (e.g. protection of a name for conidiomata over names
for spermatia or sclerotia). The repressed names remain legitimate and are
treated as true taxonomic synonyms ("nom. repr."). The selected protected
names are published in a revisable approved list.
Epithets of correlated anamorphs published after D of an already
named species are incorrect and regarded as taxonomic synonyms, if not
illegitimate being superfluous.
(6) A generic name
typified by a pleoanamorphic species, the
correct name of which includes (according to 5) the name of a protected
genus, becomes a synonym of the latter.
(1) to (4) above are to be replaced by one item:
(1) Protected and available for use: teleo-typified
names (epithets and generic names) of pleomorphic fungi published before D, unless correlated ana-typified names,
selected, irrespective of priority, amongst available names published before D of the same pleomorphic fungus for
being the most representative or most commonly used if not the earliest,
for as long as the identity of the named taxa is firmly established and
unambiguous, the repressed names remaining legitimate and restorable.
Protected and repressed names are published in a list and approved. All
other teleo-typified or ana-typified names (epithets and generic names)
published before or after D of not firmly or unambiguously connected
or unconnected taxa published before D are not protected or repressed and
available for use with holomorphic application.
Explicit reference to the anamorph or correlated anamorph of
pleomorphic or pleoanamorphic fungi cannot be
made by cross-reference designation using Latin or decapitalized
ana-typified generic names, the latter being all of holomorphic
application, but by paraphrasing using terms like "anamorph of <correct
(5) and (6) as in Procedure 2A.
1) Listing of names established before D is equally
indispensable as with Procedure 1.
It is assumed that the change of anatomical to botanical typification
suppressing the dual nomenclature in both pleomorphic fungi and
pleoanamorphic fungi with retroactive effect
would necessitate a large number of name changes if the rule of priority
were strictly applied. This assumption requires verification by analysis
of the stipulated lists of names of anamorph--teleomorph and
anamorph--anamorph connected cases, the dates of publication and the
status of the respective specific and generic names, as determined by
typification. Those lists should allow to establish the number of
name changes that would be necessary either by strict application of
priority (Proc. 2), or by automatic protection of all teleo-typified names
(Proc. 2A) or by the selective protection of some teleo- or ana-typified
ones (Proc. 2B), irrespective of priority.
In both
Procedures 2A and 2B with automatic or selective protection of names, it
should be noted that the list of repressed names cannot be settled until
date D, as new connections of ana-typified taxa with teleo-typified taxa
named before D can possibly be demonstrated after D.
2) Procedure 2 does not involve protection of names
published before D. The rule of priority is applied
retroactively, leading to a large number of recombinations and name
changes. For reasons already formulated, conservation of names is
excluded. Only protection/repression can reduce the number of name
Procedure 2A would protect all teleomorphic holomorph names (generic names and
epithets) published before D against earlier ana-typified names, whether
generic names or epithets, and repress the latter ones, no matter whether
the connection is demonstrated before or after D. All other extant
and future ana-typified names, generic names and epithets are of
holomorphic application and can efficiently compete with any
teleomorph name created after D.
3) For pleoanamorphic fungi, all names of correlated
anamorphs are of holomorphic application, therefore true synonyms, the
type of one anamorph being equal in application to the type of a
correlated anamorph of the same fungus.
Application of full priority to pleoanamorphic fungi will lead
to the disappearance of the most commonly used or the most representative
names of certain fungi into synonymy. That is why protection of such names
is recommended; listing of established priorities amongst synanamorphic
names existing before D is necessary. This leads to the synonymy of
synanamorphic names of the same fungus. This the situation described by
Gams (1982).
4) Procedure 2A, however, has some disadvantages.
Many name changes will still be necessary after the synonymy of
ana-typified generic names with protected teleo-typified generic names,
e.g. Trichoderma synonym of Hypocrea, with recombination of the ana-typified
unconnected Trichoderma species into Hypocrea, although they do not have
ascomata. Those name changes will confuse users. Taxonomic problems also
will arise with polyphyletic or paraphyletic ana-typified genera in a
united classification, e.g. Fusarium
synonym of Gibberella, also comprising
species of Haematonectria and
unconnected ana-typified species distributed and recombined. Under
Procedure 2B, where the names Trichoderma and
Fusarium would be correct earliest holomorph
names to be protected, some disadvantageous name changes will occur
but in the reverse direction. However, Procedure 2B might comply with the
needs of practitioners.
5) In the Procedures 2A or 2B, the terms anamorph,
teleomorph and holomorph, as well as anamorphosis,
teleomorphosis and holomorphosis become obsolete. All fungi are
treated botanically in a Linnaean system. The taxonomies are integrated.
Fungal nomenclature is no longer dual. Forms, states, anamorphs or
organs of the fungi have no more Latin designation.
6) To possibly reduce the number of name changes
further, it might be conceived to retain repressed ana-typified generic
names in their restricted anamorphic application and still available
for that use. This is what is proposed in Procedure 6.
Formal Proposals
Procedure 2, with no protection/repression nor
precedence/restriction of names.
CHAPTER VI new title: "Names of ascomycetous and
basidiomycetous fungi.
1) In Art. 7.2 after "of a taxon" insert "or
anamorphic or teleomorphic element on the fungi, including the
non-lichen-forming ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi."
2) In Art. 7.4 delete reference to Art. 59.6.
3) In Art. 7.9 delete "of fungal anamorphs (Art. 59)"
and delete Note 1.
4) In Art. 11.1 delete "for the form taxa of fungi
and" and "and 59.5"
5) In Art. 59.1 after "legitimate name" insert "no
matter whether", after "representing the teleomorph" the words "or the
anamorph" and delete "i.e. the morph ... organs". Add at the end "Later
names for the same fungus, even if supposed to designate a separate morph,
are incorrect."
6) Delete Art. 59.2
7) In Art. 59.3 (becoming 59.2) delete "If these ....
in the protologue." and in the second sentence in place of "holomorphic"
insert "teleomorphic".
8) Delete Art. 59.4
9) Delete Art. 59.5, Examples and Note 1 and
introduce new Art. 59.3 "This article prevents the publication and use of
names for distinct morphs of the same fungus."
10) Delete Art. 59.6 and Examples.
11) Delete Rec. 59A.1 to 59A.3.
Procedures 2A and 2B (with protection/repression and
precedence/restriction of names)
CHAPTER VI new title: "Names of non-lichen-forming
ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi."
1) In Art. 7.2 after "of a taxon" insert "or
anamorphic or teleomorphic element of the fungi, including the
non-lichen-forming ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi."
2) In Art. 7.4 delete reference to Art. 59.6.
3) In Art. 7.9 delete "of fungal anamorphs (Art. 59)"
and in Note 1 after "pleomorphic" insert "and pleoanamorphic".
4) In Art. 11.1 delete "for the form taxa of fungi
and" and "and 59.5"
5) In Art. 59.1, after "legitimate name" delete
"typified ... organs." and insert "no matter whether typified by an
element representing the teleomorph or the anamorph, unless another
name of the same published before [D] is protected as the correct name
(Art. 59.4 and 4bis)." Delete Ex.1.
6) In Art. 59.2 after "binary name" insert "of
pleomorphic fungi published before [D]" and after "teleomorphic"
insert "characterized by ... organs." from Art. 59.1. Add to this Art. the
first sentence of 59.3. "If these requirements ... protologue."
7) In Art. 59.3 the first sentence is transferred to
Art. 59.2, in the second sentence after "author's" insert "typified by a
teleomorph or an anamorph with reference to Art. 51.1."
8) Replace Art. 59.4 by new Art. 59.4: "Irrespective
of priority, names published before [D] typified by a teleomorph are
protected as the correct name covering the holomorph against earlier names
typified by a correlated anamorph, [{add under Procedure 2B:} unless
a name typified by a correlated anamorph is selected as the most
representative or commonly used and explicitly protected as such, against
competing names typified by a correlated teleomorph]; the latter names are
repressed, as long as their types are judged to belong to the same
"Amongst names of correlated anamorphs of
pleoanamorphic fungi published before [D], one name is selected
and explicitly protected as the most representative or commonly used if
not the earliest, against the other names that are repressed, as long as
the types are judged to belong to the same taxon. Repressed names are cited in synonymy as nomen repressum ("nom.
repr."); they are legitimate and remain available when it is shown
that they are typified by a different taxon. Protected and repressed names
are published in a revisable approved list."
9) Introduce new Art. 59.4bis:
"Names of genera published before [D] typified by the
teleomorph are protected [{add under Procedure 2B:} unless an anamorph is
selected as being the most representative or commonly used, if not
the earliest, and protected] as the correct holomorph-generic names
against earlier names of genera typified by a correlated anamorph; the
latter names are repressed, as long as the types are judged to belong to
the same taxon." "Names of genera published before
[D] typified by an anamorph of pleoanamorphic taxa, selected as the most
representative or commonly used, if not the earliest name, are
explicitly protected against earlier generic names typified by a
correlated anamorph; the latter names are repressed, as long as anamorphic
types are judged to belong to the same taxon.
Repressed generic names are cited in synonymy as nomen repressum (nom.
repr.); they are legitimate and available for use, restricted in
application to the morph represented by their ultimate type. Protected and
repressed generic names are published in a revisable approved list.
10) Replace Art. 59.5, Ex. 2 and 3, by new Art. 59.5:
"Separate binary names published after [D] of anamorphs where the
teleomorph or a correlated anamorph is named, or of teleomorphs where the
anamorph is named are illegitimate and to be rejected as being superfluous
when homotypic or incorrect as synonym when heterotypic."
11) Insert a new Note 1: "Where a teleomorph has been
discovered for a fungus hitherto known only as an anamorph with a name
published before or after [D], the name typified by the anamorph applies
to the holomorph and an epitype with the teleomorph may be designated for
that name."
12) Maintain Art. 59.6 and insert at the beginning
"For names of pleomorphic fungi published before D," and amend
13) Delete Rec. 59A.1 and Rec. 59A.2
14) Delete Rec. 59.3.
Principle: All epithets, whether based on a
teleomorphic or an anamorphic type published before or after D, are to be
considered as of holomorphic application, retroactively back to the
starting-point of the taxonomic group concerned. Names of genera based on
anamorphic type material, whether published before or after D, remain of
restricted application to anamorphs.
This procedure is principally identical with
Procedure 2 at species level, and with Procedure 1 at generic level.
The procedure introduces only a change from anatomical to holomorphic
application of ana-typified epithets with
retroactive effect and for ever. This
retroactivity applies to all ana-typified epithets of both pleomorphic
fungi and anamorphic fungi. It maintains for
ever an anatomical application of anamorph-generic names, allowing
classification of anamorphic fungi in restricted anamorphic genera.
It also allows an adequate but informal generic designation of anamorphs
of pleomorphic fungi and pleoanamorphic fungi by cross-reference.
Because of the retroactivity of the change from anamorphic to holomorphic
application of ana-typified epithets, this procedure, if its principle is
strictly applied, would induce a large number of necessary recombinations
of the earliest teleo-connected ana-typified epithets into holomorph
genera. To avoid these recombinations, repression of the competing
ana-typified epithets and a restricted use of anamorph-generic names are
proposed in Procedure 3A.
Procedure 3A applies fully automatic protection of teleo-typified epithets published
before D against competing earlier ana-typified epithets (see the
botanical system and rules 1, 2 and 4 of Procedure 2A). It retains
restricted anamorphic application for anamorph-generic names, separate
from teleomorph-generic names (see the anatomical system still governed by
Art. 59 at generic level only and rule 3 of Procedure 1). Consequently,
the only acceptable generic names for sexual holomorphs are
As an alternative, in Procedure 3B certain ana-typified epithets can be selected
for protection, being the most representative or commonly used, if not the
earliest, as exceptions to the automatic protection of teleo-typified
PROCEDURE 3A (Fig. 3c)
(1) Repressed and unavailable for use: ana-typified epithets of teleo-connected
species and infraspecific taxa published before D, when published prior to and
competing with teleo-typified epithets of species published before D, which are automatically protected. The
repressed names are synonyms cited as "nom.
repr."; they remain legitimate and are restorable when the
ana-teleo connection is demonstrated to be erroneous.
Ana-typified synonyms are inappropriate for the explicit
designation of the anamorph of a species, the epithets being of
holomorphic application.
(2) Accepted and available for use: ana-typified epithets published before or after D of unconnected species or
infraspecific taxa, for denomination of anamorphic species or,
when teleo-connected in the absence of a teleo-typified epithet published
before D and prior to other available epithets, for addressing
teleomorphic holomorphs.
Ana-typified epithets, being of holomorphic application, obey
the priority rule unless, when found teleo-connected, they are repressed
by a protected teleo-typified epithet published before D.
Combinations of ana-typified holomorph epithets with any anamorphic
generic name published before or after D are
legitimate and remain of holomorphic application by virtue of Art. 59.3
second sentence.
Combinations of anamorph epithets with teleo-typified generic names
made before D for pleoanamorphic fungi, remain
regulated by Art. 59.6. After D,
combinations of unrepressed ana-typified holomorph epithets published
before D with teleo-typified generic names published before or after D are
legitimate and the anamorph can be informally designated by
cross-reference using the anamorph-generic name.
(3) Having precedence and available for use: teleo-typified generic names published before or after D over correlated anamorph
generic names, by holomorphic application of their teleomorphic type (like
in present Art. 59).
(4) Accepted and available for use: anamorph-generic names published before or after D, of restricted anamorphic
application by their anamorphic type, even when the epithet of their
ana-typified type species is of holomorphic application and even if the
type or another species is connected to a teleomorph and its epithet may
therefore be repressed.
Species names (epithets and binomials)
are of holomorphic application. When naming a teleomorphic holomorph,
its correct generic name must be that of a teleomorphic genus. When naming
an anamorphic holomorph, its correct generic name is that of an anamorph
genus. Teleo-connected type or other species of anamorph genera are to be
cited by their correct holomorph name. The anamorphs of such species can
be informally addressed in cross-reference form.
Names of anamorph genera, the type species of which is connected to
a teleomorph, are not to be repressed but are superseded because of their
restricted anamorphic application and available to accommodate
unconnected species even when their name is an anamorphic synonym of
a teleo-typified generic name. Such generic names are not emendable, their
anamorphic circumscription being fixed for ever. Anamorph-generic
names published before or after D remain
available for the informal designation of anamorphs of teleo-connected
species in cross-reference form.
(5) Protected and available for use: anamorph epithets of pleoanamorphic fungi
published before D, selected for being either the most commonly used
or the most representative, if not the earliest published, against any
epithet of synanamorphs then automatically repressed and not available for
use (e.g., a name for conidiomata to be protected over names for spermatia
or sclerotia). Repressed epithets remain legitimate and are treated as
taxonomic synonyms.
Epithets of synanamorphs published after D for an already named
species are incorrect and regarded as taxonomic synonyms.
(6) Accepted and available for use: anamorph-generic names of pleoanamorphic fungi
even if typified by an ana-connected species the epithet of which is
repressed. Such generic names remain available with restricted
anamorphic application to accommodate unconnected species.
Ana-connected type and other species are addressed formally by their
correct name or informally in cross-reference form.
(1) Protected and available for use: teleo-typified epithets of pleomorphic fungi
published before D, unless an anamorph epithet
of the same fungus is selected for protection as being the most
representative or commonly used if not the earliest name of the
taxon, in which case the teleo-typified epithet is repressed and the
protected ana-typified epithet assigned holomorphic application.
Repressed names are taxonomic synonyms to be cited as nomen repressum ("nom.
repr.") of the correct name. Repressed epithets remain legitimate and
can be restored when the organic connection is demonstrated
erroneous. Protected and repressed names are published in a revisable
approved list. Anamorphs of pleomorphic fungi can be addressed informally
in cross-reference form.
Protected ana-typified epithets of teleo-connected taxa can be
recombined with the appropriate teleo-typified generic names if protected.
(2) As above.
(3) Having precedence: teleo-typified generic names published before or after D, unless a correlated
anamorph-generic name is selected as being the most representative or
commonly used if not the earliest, for protection against a correlated
teleo-typified generic name and over correlated anamorph-generic names,
which then receives holomorphic application. Repressed teleomorph-generic
names remain legitimate and restorable when the connection is demonstrably
erroneous. Superseded anamorph-generic names remain legitimate and
available for use with restricted anamorphic application.
Repressed and superseded generic names are published in a revisable
approved list.
It is clear that this exceptional selection of an anamorph-generic name is
an infringement on the principle of the procedure strictly applied in
option A and to the mechanism of precedence/restriction, as it obliges to
use protection/repression against a competing teleo-typified generic
(4) to (6) as above.
1) In both Procedures 3A and 3B, all anamorph-generic
names, even when their type species is later teleo-connected, are, in
agreement with their protologue, form-generic names, restrictedly
accommodating anamorphic fungi. The only correct binomial of
teleomorphic holomorphs is therefore the combined ana- or
teleo-typified epithet with a teleo-typified generic name.
Anamorph-generic names are available for anamorphic species and for the
informal designation of connected anamorphs. Under Procedure 3B,
exceptions are possible where anamorph-generic names are given
precedence and protection and are therefore the sole correct generic names
applying to the holomorph.
2) In this procedure, binomials for anamorphic fungi
consist of the combination of a holomorphic ana-typified epithet in an
anamorph-generic name; but they are of holomorphic application. Under Art.
59.3 second sentence, of the present Code, the
application of a binomial is indeed independent of the application of the
generic name.
According to the present Art. 59.6, the combination of an
ana-typified epithet of anamorphic application with a teleo-typified
generic name of holomorphic application remains anamorphic in
application and cannot cover the teleomorphic holomorph, when the
combination is made, the binomial would be considered as the name of
a new species. Under this procedure, the ana-typified epithet
retroactively being declared of holomorphic application after a certain
date D, the transfer of ana-typified epithets to a teleo-typified generic
name would be perfectly acceptable as a new combination if introduced
after D.
3) Generic names still obey the principle of
anatomical typification (retaining the function of Art. 59 at the generic
level only) and are thus either teleo-typified with holomorphic
application or ana-typified with restricted anamorphic application.
However, all epithets are of holomorphic application and thus after D
transferable from an ana-typified to a teleo-typified generic name
[or conversely in exceptions of Procedure 3B], while the present Art. 59.6
remains in vigor for combinations published before D.
4) This procedure mixes two philosophies (anatomical
and botanical) and it is not easily applied. Considering the needed name
changes, Procedure 3A, is equivalent to Procedures 2A, 5A and 6A by
attributing automatic protection to teleo-typified epithets (Fig. 1), but Procedure 3A, 5A
and 6A, differs from Procedure 2A in attributing precedence instead of
protection to the teleo-typified generic names, granting the availability
of the superseded anamorph-generic names for unconnected anamorphic
But in Procedure 3B ana-typified generic names can be exceptionally
selected for protection over correlated teleo-typified generic names,
possibly reducing the number of name changes, like in other options B.
However, in Procedure 3B recombinations will be needed all the time after
D when new connections are found in anamorphic fungi published before or
after D.
5) What is then the exact application of the name of
an anamorph genus, its type species being pleomorphic and bearing an
holomorph epithet based on a anamorphic type (the generic type)?
In a botanical system, like in that for lichenized fungi, genera
mainly characterized by asexual features exist besides genera mainly
characterized by sexual features and species can easily be
transferred from one to the other genus. Genus names introduced for
asexual structures are not restricted in application; they are botanical
genera defined by their protologue, and they can be amended according to
the nature of their type species when found to be sexual; their names then
may become synonyms of names of other sexual genera. In Procedures 3A and
3B, which maintain a dual generic nomenclature (form-genera besides
Linnaean genera), when the type species of an anamorph genus is found
sexual, the generic name retains its anamorphic application and is
superseded by a teleo-typified generic name, rather than being holomorphic
like in a botanical system.
In option 3B, like in 4B to 6B, besides the mechanism of
automatic precedence/restriction applied in favour of teleo-typified
generic names over anamorph-generic names, protection/repression can be
applied in favour of selected anamorph-generic over teleo-typified generic
names; they then are assigned holomorphic application.
CHAPTER VI new title: "Names of non-lichen-forming
ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi."
1) In Art. 7.2 after "of a taxon" insert "or an
anamorphic or teleomorphic element of the fungi, including the
non-lichen-forming ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi."
2) In Art. 7.9 delete "anamorphs" and insert
"anamorph genera"; in Note 1 after "pleomorphic" insert "and
3) In Art. 11.1 delete "for the form-taxa of fungi
and" and "and 59.5"
4) In Art. 59.1 after "legitimate name" delete
"typified ... organs." and insert "no matter whether typified by an
element representing the teleomorph or the anamorph, unless another
name of the same fungus published prior to [D] is protected as the correct
name (Art. 59.4). Names of genera published before or after [D] typified
by an anamorph, no matter whether their type species is pleomorphic,
pleoanamorphic or not, are restricted in
application to the anamorph represented by their type, [{add under 3B:}
unless the generic name is assigned protection] and holomorphic
application (Art. 59.4bis)." Delete Ex.1.
5) In Art. 59.2 after "binary name" insert "of
pleomorphic fungi" and after "teleomorphic" insert
"characterized by ... organs." from Art. 59.1. Add to this Art. the
first sentence of 59.3: "If these requirements ... protologue."
6) In Art. 59.3 delete the first sentence [now in
Art. 59.2] and in the second sentence after "author’s" insert typified by
a teleomorph or an anamorph."
7) Replace Art. 59.4 by new Art. 59.4:
"Irrespective of priority, names published before [D]
typified by a teleomorph are protected as the correct name covering the
holomorph, [{add under Procedure 3B:} unless a name typified by a
correlated anamorph is selected as the most representative or commonly
used and therefore explicitly protected] against prior names typified by a
correlated anamorph; the latter are repressed, as long as the types
are judged to belong to the same taxon."
"Amongst names of correlated anamorphs of
pleoanamorphic fungi published before [D], one name is to be selected
and explicitly protected as the most representative or commonly used
if not the earliest, against other names that are repressed, as long as
the types are judged to belong to the same taxon. Repressed names are cited in synonymy as nomen repressum ("nom. repr."); they are legitimate and remain available when demonstrably
typified by a different taxon. Protected and repressed names are to be
published in a revisable approved list."
8) Introduce new Art. 59.4bis:
"Names of genera published before or after [D]
typified by a teleomorph take precedence as the correct holomorph
generic name over earlier, superseded names of genera typified by a
correlated anamorph, [{add under Procedure 3B:} unless a generic name
typified by a correlated anamorph is selected as being the most
representative or commonly used, if not the earliest, and protected as the
correct holomorph-generic name against an explicitly repressed
generic name typified by a teleomorph,] as long as the types are judged to
belong to the same taxon."
"Among names of genera published before or after [D]
typified by an anamorph of a pleoanamorphic taxon, the most representative
or commonly used, if not the earliest, is to be selected to take
precedence with ana-morphic application over the other generic names
typified by a correlated anamorph; the latter names are superseded,
as long as the types are judged to belong to the same taxon.
Superseded generic names, and other names of genera
published before [D] typified by an anamorphic species, are
legitimate and available for use, restricted in application to the morph
represented by their ultimate type. [{add under Procedure 3B:}
Repressed teleomorph-generic names remain legitimate and restorable
for use when the connection between morphs is demonstrably
9) Replace Art. 59.5 and Examples by new Art. 59.5:
"Separate binary names published after [D] for anamorphic fungi when
the teleomorph or a correlated anamorph is already named, or for
teleomorphs when the anamorph is named, are illegitimate and to be
rejected, being superfluous when homotypic, or incorrect as synonyms
when heterotypic."
10) Replace Note 1 by new Note 1: "The type species
of an anamorph-generic name, the binary name of which is repressed, is to
be cited by its correct name (see also Rec. 59A.1)."
11) Maintain Art. 59.6 and insert at the beginning
"For names of pleomorphic fungi published before [D],".
12) Introduce new Art. 59.6bis: "After [D], specific
and infraspecific epithets published before [D], typified by an
anamorph but of holomorphic application, if found connected to a
teleomorph, can legitimately be combined with a generic name
typified by a teleomorph, provided the requirements for valid
publication of a new combination (Art. 33 and 34) and in respect of Art.
59.2 to 59.5 are fulfilled."
13) Introduce new Note 2 after Art. 59.6bis: "Where a
teleomorph has been discovered for a fungus hitherto known only as an
anamorph, the name of the anamorph, even if published before [D],
applies to the teleomorph and an epitype that includes the teleomorph is
to be designated for fixing application of the name".
14) Delete Rec. 59A. 1 and 59A.2.
15) Delete Rec. 59A.3 and introduce new Rec. 59A.1:
"Where it is considered necessary or desirable to refer to an
anamorph alone of an otherwise correctly named fungus, this provision does
not prevent the use of informal designations based on the correct name and
a Latin or decapitalized name of a superseded anamorph-generic name or
common terms like "anamorph" or "conidial state" ("anam." or "st.
16) Add a new Ex. 59A.1: The Stemphylium anamorph of Pleospora herbarum (Fr.) Rabenh. ex Ces. & De
Not. 1863 should be informally referred to as: Pleospora herbarum (Stemphylium anamorph), P.
herbarum (stemphylium state), Stemphylium
state of P. herbarum, stemphylium state of P. herbarum, etc., rather than as Stemphylium herbarum E.G. Simmons 1986.
Principle: The anatomical typification (restricted
anamorphic application) of both anamorph-generic names and epithets
published before D is retained; both ana-typified and teleo-typified
generic names and epithets published after D are declared applicable to
the holomorph.
Procedure 4 maintains for ever the restricted
anatomical application of anamorph-generic names and epithets
published before D, in adherence to Art.
59.1-4 and 59.6. All new ana-typified or
teleo-typified generic names or epithets published after D will be of holomorphic
Contrasting with Procedure 3, Procedure 4 is a combination of
Procedure 1 for names published before D and of Procedure 2 for all names
published after D. The present Art. 59 will not be abandoned before all
anamorphic species published before D are connected to a teleomorph.
Anamorphic genera published before D will continue to restrictedly
accommodate extant anamorphic species and new ana-typified species
published after D, while new ana-typified generic names will be
holomorphic and eventually combine both ana-typified and teleo-typified
To eliminate dual nomenclature, Procedure 4 offers, like the other
procedures, a choice between fully automatic protection and precedence of
teleo-typified species and generic names published before D (Procedure 4A)
and a selective protection or precedence of teleo-typified or ana-typified
species and generic names (Procedure 4B). Anamorph names of
unconnected taxa published before D retain their anamorphic application.
When they are found to be connected to a teleomorph, the name of which is
published before or after D, one or the other mechanism of protection will
play, depending on the choice between Procedures 4A or 4B.
PROCEDURE 4A (Fig. 3d)
(1) Repressed and not available for use: anamorph epithets published before D for species and infraspecific
pleomorphic taxa connected to a named teleomorph published before or after D.
The repressed epithets are anamorphic synonyms ("nom. repr.") of the name of the teleomorph. They
remain legitimate and can be restored if the ana-tele connection is
demonstrated to be erroneous. Teleo-typified epithets published
before D are protected against connected anamorph epithets.
The combination of an anamorph epithet published before D (being of restricted anamorphic
application) with any teleo-typified holomorph-generic name published
before or after D is regarded as a formal
error (as in present Art. 59.6), but can be regarded as the name of a new
taxon, if the conditions for such an introduction are fulfilled.
(2) Accepted and available for use: anamorph epithets published before D for species and infraspecific taxa with restricted anamorphic application (Art.
59.3), as long they are not connected to a teleomorph.
The combination of an anamorph epithet published before D with an ana-typified holomorph-generic
name introduced after D is legitimate, but the
resulting binomial remains of restricted anamorphic application by virtue
of its type (Art. 59.3 second sentence).
(3) Ana-typified
epithets published after D apply to
holomorphs. New ana-typified holomorph epithets may not be introduced after D for an anamorphic fungus of which an
anamorph is already named before D. But a new
ana-typified or teleo-typified holomorph epithet can be introduced for an
anamorphic fungus named before D and found teleo-connected, if no
holomorph epithet is available.
The combination of an ana-typified epithet published after D with a teleo-typified generic name
published before or after D is legitimate, if no prior epithet is
available for the newly found teleo-connected fungus.
(4) Having precedence: teleo-typified generic names published before D with holomorphic application (Art.
59.1-2) over correlated anamorph-generic names published before D.
(5) Accepted and available for use: anamorph-generic names published before D which retain restricted anamorphic
application by virtue of their anamorphic type, even if they are
correlated to a teleo-typified generic name by their type or another
teleo-connected species; their anamorph name is then repressed without
competing with a generic name of the teleomorph published before or after D.
When superseded, the anamorph name is not a true but an anamorphic
synonym of the correlated teleomorph-generic name. Superseded names
remain legitimate and available to accommodate unconnected anamorphic
The teleomorph name of the species is to be used for the formal
designation of the teleo-connected type or other species of a correlated
anamorph generic name. The anamorph of a named teleomorph species can be
informally addressed in cross-reference form.
(6) Ana-typified generic
names published after D apply to
holomorphs. When their type species is found connected with a
teleomorph, the name will compete for priority with any teleo-typified
generic name published after D.
When an ana-typified generic name published after D is found correlated with a teleo-typified
generic name published before D by their
ana-teleo-connected type species, the younger generic name is synonymized
with the earlier generic name. If those generic names are correlated by
any non-type species only, the species may be transferred to their best
taxonomic position.
(7) Protected and available for use: anamorph epithets
of pleoanamorphic fungi published before
D, if selected for either being the most commonly used, or the most
representative, or the earliest, against other epithets of correlated
anamorphs published before D, which are explicitly repressed and not
available for use (e.g., a name for conidiomata to be protected over names
for spermatia or sclerotia). The repressed epithets remain legitimate and
should be cited as anamorphic synonyms ("nom. repr."). They can be
restored when the synanamorphic connection is demonstrably
When a
particular epithet is selected and retained as the correct name, according
to priority or not, the epithets of correlated anamorphs are not
considered as taxonomic synonyms but only as anamorphic
(8) Protected and available for use: anamorph epithets of pleoanamorphic fungi
published before D against holomorph epithets published after D for a
correlated anamorph of the same fungus, in the absence of any connection
with a teleomorph.
This implies that no new ana-typified epithet may be introduced
after D for a correlated anamorph of a pleoanamorphic fungus of which
another anamorph already bears an epithet published before D, unless the
fungus is found connected to an unnamed teleomorph. When an
ana-typified holomorphic epithet is published after D for a taxon that is
later found connected to an already named anamorph before D, the earlier
name is obviously the correct name with holomorphic application.
(9) Accepted and available for use: anamorph-generic names of
pleoanamorphic fungi published before D and typified by a type species
connected to a named correlated anamorph, the epithet of which is
repressed according to (7). These generic names remain legitimate and
available for use. Their type and other ana-connected species can be
addressed by their correct name or informally in cross-reference form.
Such cross-reference designation using ana-typified generic names
published after D would be meaningless as the ana-typified generic names
are then of holomorphic application.
(10) New ana-typified generic names may not be
introduced after D for a correlated anamorph of a pleoanamorphic
fungus of which a correlated anamorph is already named before D, unless
the generic name is needed to accommodate other new species.
(1) Protected and available for use: teleo-typified epithets of pleomorphic fungi
published before D, unless an anamorph epithet of the same fungus
published before D is selected for protection as being the most
representative or commonly used, if not the earliest name of the
taxon, in which case the teleo-typified epithet is repressed and the
protected ana-typified epithet assigned holomorphic application.
Repressed names are anamorphic or teleomorphic synonyms to be cited
as nomen repressum ("nom. repr.") of the correct name. Repressed
names remain legitimate and are restorable for use when the organic
connection is demonstrably erroneous. Protected and repressed names
are published in a revisable approved list. Anamorphs of pleomorphic fungi
can be addressed, informally, in cross-reference form.
The combination of an anamorph epithet published before D (being of restricted anamorphic
application) with any teleo-typified holomorph-generic name published
before or after D is regarded as a formal
error (as in present Art. 59.6), but can be regarded as the name of a new
taxon, if the conditions for such an introduction are fulfilled, unless
the anamorph epithet is protected and assigned holomorphic
(3) As above.
(4) Having precedence: teleo-typified generic names of pleomorphic fungi
published before D with holomorphic application, unless a correlated
anamorph-generic name is selected as being the most representative or
commonly used if not the earliest generic name, for protection
against a teleo-typified generic name and for precedence over correlated
anamorph-generic names to be used with holomorphic application. Repressed
teleomorph-generic names remain legitimate and restorable when the
connection is demonstrably erroneous. Superseded anamorph-generic
names remain legitimate and available for use with restricted
anamorphic application. Repressed and superseded generic names
are to be published in a revisable approved list.
It is clear that the exceptional selection of an anamorph-generic
name is an infringement on the principle of the procedure strictly applied
in option A and to the mechanism of precedence/restriction, as it must
invoke protection/repression against competing teleo-typified generic
Rules (5) to (10) of Procedure 4A remain valid.
1) The proposed rules (3) and (10) implicitly
prohibit, in respect of Principle IV of the Code, the introduction of holomorphic epithets or
generic names in place of the unconnected pre-D anamorph names. The
epithets or generic names are typified by the same anamorph, although they
are not true synonyms, being of different application. When an epithet or
generic name is published after D for an anamorphic fungus,
although the same fungus has an earlier epithet or generic name
published before D, the older name is retained, as long as the taxon is
not found connected to a teleomorph.
The rules (3) and (10) seem necessary to avoid renaming after D all
anamorphic fungi that had been named before D, in order to provide names
with holomorphic application.
However, under Procedure 4, anamorph epithets published before D
are not equivalent to ana-typified epithets published after D. For a
single anamorph, as for distinct anamorphs of
pleoanamorphic fungi, the pre-D name is of restricted anamorphic, the
after-D name of holomorphic application. Therefore they are not true
synonyms and priority is not at play.
Furthermore, these rules implicitly provide protection to
anamorph epithets of pleoanamorphic fungi published before D against
additional ana-typified names published after D.
2) Procedure 4 in its principle most strongly
resembles the proposals made by Hawksworth (in
litt. 2001, see this website). An analysis is needed to appreciate the
differences if there are any.
Hawksworth’s proposals aim at returning to the strict
application of the one-organism--one-name principle in the fungi by: "(1)
restricting the application of the current Art. 59.1 to 59.6 to names
published before D; (2) utilizing teleomorph epitypes to fix the
interpretation of names typified by anamorphic material only when
teleomorphs are subsequently discovered; and (3) recommending the
informal use of generic names to indicate anamorphs for all
pleomorphic fungi, including those published before D."
To return to the strict application of the one-organism--one-name principle, the
proposal limits the application of the present Art. 59, particularly Art.
59.1 to 59.6 inclusive, up to date D, and provides a new Art. 59.7 to
warrant a botanical (holomorphic) system of nomenclature from D onwards.
This is exactly the principle of Procedure 4.
Strangely, Art. 59.4 and 59.5 are maintained in Hawksworth’s
proposals which attribute precedence to teleo-typified names (not
protection/repression) and allow the use of separate anamorph names of
pleomorphic fungi. We suppose this to be a lapsus
calami. Indeed, Hawksworth proposes a new Art. 59.8 and new
recommendations 59.A1 and 59.A2 and examples which recommend the use of
informal designations of anamorphs in holomorphic fungi, such as a
cross-reference designation using pre-D anamorph-generic names
together with the correct holomorphic name. It might possibly imply that
those anamorph-generic names cannot be used in separate binomials. But
that is not certain. Indeed, the new Art. 59.7 proposed by Hawksworth
prevents the use of separate binary names in pleomorphic fungi
published after D, a rule that apparently does not affect names published
before D.
What treatment should be applied to multiple names of pleoanamorphic fungi
published before D? This question is not treated in the proposal. The case
where pleoanamorphic fungi with anamorph names published before D are
found connected with anamorphs that received an ana-typified holomorphic
name after D, is also not foreseen in the proposal.
The contents of the new Art. 59.8 of Hawksworth concerning the informal
designation of anamorphs of pleomorphic fungi, is somewhat redundant with
the new Rec. 59A.1 and 59A.2 and Examples, and should not be considered as
a distinct rule but reduced to a recommendation.
The new Art. 59.7 of Hawksworth proposes that "For names published after D, the
correct name covering the holomorph is the earliest legitimate name
whether typified by an element representing the teleomorph or the
anamorph" and consequently with holomorphic application, while for
names published before D the proposal retains Art. 59.1-6, i.e. anamorph
names with anamorphic application.
Although apparently simple, the wording of Art. 59.7 of Hawksworth reveals
ambiguities, and the coexistence with Art. 59.1--6 will cause some
problems. Which name can be the "earlier
legitimate name" indicated in Art. 59.7? Could it be a name published
before D or not? Also, the new Art. 59.7 Note 2, applicable to names
published after D and proposing the use of an epitype "where a teleomorph
has been discovered for a fungus hitherto
known only as an anamorph" shows the same ambiguity as the word "earlier".
The need of introducing a teleomorphic epitype would imply that the
original type is anamorphic with an available earlier legitimate anamorph
name. When should this name have been published in order to be
considered: before D as anamorphic name or after D as ana-typified name of
holomorphic application? As the extant Art. 59.3 regulating names
published before D prevents holomorphic application of anamorph names and
Art. 59.6 prevents the combination of an anamorph epithet with a
holomorph-generic name, the proposal apparently for ever precludes all
anamorph names (epithets and generic names) published before D from a
possible holomorphic application even when supported by an epitype.
It appears also contradictory with the second sentence of the new
Art. 59.7 of Hawksworth "Separate binary names ... for teleomorphs where the anamorph is named, published after that
date ..., are illegitimate". If this sentence refers to earlier anamorph
names published before D, using them in holomorphic application for
teleomorphs, recombined or not, would indeed contradict Art. 59.3 and
Similar problems of coexistence of anamorph- and ana-typified holomorph- epithets
and generic names exist in Procedure 4. The problems can be addressed in
four other, different ways.
(a) Anamorph epithets and generic names published
after D, like those published before D, are excluded for ever from
holomorphic application, meaning that they are repressed when alternate
names of holomorphs are published before or after D, or they remain
anamorphic when not teleo-connected (Procedure 1A).
(b) Anamorph epithets and generic names published
before D, like those published after D, and they are available as the
correct names for the holomorph even when teleo-connected unless prior to
a competing teleomorph names published before D (Procedure 2A).
(c) All anamorph epithets and generic names published
before D, like those published after D, are assigned holomorphic
application, if they are not repressed as alternate names for pleomorphic
fungi published before D, while ana-typified generic names published
before or after D remain restrictedly anamorphic, thus never available for
holomorphs. The combination of holomorphic epithets with anamorphic
generic names is ruled by Art. 59.3 (Procedure 3A).
(d) All anamorphic epithets published before D, like
those published after D, are assigned holomorphic application, if
they are not repressed as alternate names for pleomorphic fungi
published before D while ana-typified generic names published before D
only remain restrictedly anamorphic like in Procedure 4 (Procedure
Here the problem remains in the coexistence of anamorph- and ana-typified
holomorph- generic names, the former being unavailable and the latter
being available for holomorphs, while it is resolved at specific
This last procedure would be another interpretation of Hawksworth’s proposals, where
the expression "earlier legitimate name" in his new Art. 59.7 would easily
apply to ana-typified names published before D when assigned
holomorphic application.
This last procedure would be another interpretation of Hawksworth’s proposals, where
the expression "earlier legitimate name" in his new Art. 59.7 would also
apply to ana-typified names published before D when assigned
holomorphic application.
CHAPTER VI new title: "Names of non-lichen-forming
ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi."
1) In Art. 7.2 after "of a taxon" insert "or an
anamorphic or teleomorphic element of fungi (for names of
ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi published before [D], see Art.
2) In Art. 7.9 Note 1 after "pleomorphic" insert "and
3) In Art. 11.1 delete "for the form-taxa of fungi
and" and "and 59.5".
4) In Art. 59.1 after "(teleomorph)" insert "prior to
[D]", after "representing the teleomorph" delete "i.e. the morph ...
organs." and insert "unless another name published before [D] is
explicitly protected as the correct name (Art. 59.4). Names of still
uncorrelated specific and infraspecific taxa published before [D] are
of strictly anamorphic application (Art. 59.2). Names of genera published
before [D] and typified by an anamorph, no matter whether their type
species is pleomorphic, pleoanamorphic or not, are restricted in
application to the anamorph represented by their type, [{add under
3B:} unless the generic name is assigned precedence or protection and
holomorphic application] (Art. 59.4bis). For names of new taxa published
after [D], the correct name covering the holomorph is the earliest
legitimate name published, no matter whether typified by an element
representing the teleomorph or the anamorph.
5) In Art. 59.2 after "binary name" insert "of
pleomorphic fungi published before [D]" and after "teleomorphic"
insert "i.e. characterized by ... organs." from Art. 59.1. Add to this
paragraph the first sentence of 59.3: "If these requirements ...
6) In Art. 59.3 delete the first sentence now in Art.
59.2 and in the second sentence after "author’s" insert "typified by a
teleomorph or an anamorph."
7) Replace Art. 59.4 by new Art. 59.4: "Irrespective
of priority, names published before [D] typified by a teleomorph are
protected as the correct names covering the holomorph, [{add under
Procedure 4B:} unless a name typified by a correlated anamorph is selected
as being the most representative or commonly used, and explicitly
protected] against earlier names typified by a correlated anamorph; the
latter names are repressed, as long as the types are judged to belong to
the same taxon."
"Amongst names of correlated anamorphs of
pleoanamorphic fungi published before [D], one name is to
be selected as the most representative or commonly used if not the
earliest, and explicitly protected against the other names which are
repressed, as long as the types are judged to belong to the same
"Repressed names are cited in synonymy as nomen repressum ("nom.
repr."); they are legitimate and remain available when demonstrably
typified by a different taxon. Protected and repressed names are to be
published in a revisable approved list."
8) Introduce new Art. 59.4bis: "Names of genera
published before [D] typified by a teleomorph take precedence as the
correct holomorph-generic names over earlier superseded names of genera
typified by a correlated anamorph, [{add under Procedure 4B:} unless a
generic name typified by a correlated anamorph is selected as the most
representative or commonly used, if not the earliest, and explicitly
protected against the generic name typified by the teleomorph, which then
is repressed], as long as the types are judged to belong to the same
"The names of genera published before [D] typified by
an anamorph of a pleoanamorphic taxon, selected as the most
representative or commonly used, if not the earliest name, take
precedence over other names of genera typified by a correlated anamorph;
the latter names are superseded, as long as the types are judged to belong
to the same taxon". "Superseded generic names, and other names of genera
published before [D] typified by an anamorphic species, are
legitimate and available for use, in restricted application to the morph
represented by their ultimate type. [{Add under Procedure 4B:}
Repressed teleomorph-generic names remain legitimate and restorable
for use when the connection between morphs is demonstrably
9) Replace Art. 59.5 and Examples by new Art. 59.5:
"The introduction of separate binary names after [D] for anamorphs when
the teleomorph or a correlated anamorph is already named, or for
teleomorphs when the anamorph is named, is illegitimate and to be rejected
as superfluous when homotypic or incorrect as synonym when heterotypic.
10) Replace Note 1 by new Note 1: "The type species
of anamorph-generic names published before [D], the binary name of which
is repressed, is to be cited by its correct name (see also Rec.
11) In Art. 59.6 after "introduction" insert "before
or after [D]" and after "purported basionym" insert "published before
[D]". Ex 6. is correct. The other examples should be amended or
12) Insert a new Note 2 after Art. 59.6: "If a new
teleomorph is discovered for a fungus hitherto known only as an anamorph
with a name published before [D], the teleomorph is to be described as a
new species with its own type also after [D]. When an anamorph
published after [D] is subsequently found to belong to a teleomorphic
fungus, the name applies to the holomorph and an epitype with the
teleomorph may be designated to fix the application of the name."
13) Delete Rec. 59A.1, 59A.2 and 59A.3.
14) Introduce new Rec. 59A.1: When it is considered
desirable to specifically refer to the anamorph with no legitimate name
published before D or connected to a teleomorph named before or after [D],
it can be denominamed informally using the Latin generic names of an
anamorph, provided that these generic names were published prior to [D],
or preferably using the same name in a decapitalized form or any
common name like "anamorph" or "conidial state" ("anam." or "con.
15) Introduce a new Ex. 59A.1: "The Stemphylium anamorph of Pleospora herbarum (Fr.) Rabenh. ex Ces. & De
Not. 1863 should be informally referred to as: Pleospora herbarum (Stemphylium anamorph), P.
herbarum (stemphylium state), Stemphylium
state of P. herbarum, stemphylium state of P. herbarum, anamorph of
Pleospora herbarum, etc., rather than as Stemphylium herbarum E.G. Simmons 1986."
Principle: All epithets, whether typified by a
teleomorph or anamorphic material published before or after D, are to be
considered as of holomorphic application, retroactively back to the
starting-point of the taxonomic group concerned. Names of genera based on
an anamorphic type published before D retain restricted anamorphic
application and are available for the classification of
anamorphic fungi. All generic names published after D are of holomorphic
application and available for the generic denomination of holomorphs.
Procedure 5, like Procedures 2, 4 and 6 (Fig. 1) assigns holomorphic
application to all names introduced after D,
obeying the principle of one organism--one name.
Like Procedures 2, 3 and 6, Procedure 5 retroactively assigns holomorphic
application to all anamorphic epithets published before D, with similar mechanisms of protection
and repression in the alternatives 5A or 5B. Like Procedures 1, 3 and
4, Procedure 5 retains all anamorph-generic names, but only those
published before D remain with restricted anamorphic application,
available for anamorphic fungi or informal designation of anamorphs
of pleomorphic fungi.
Mechanisms of protection/repression of epithets published
before D are to be adopted, like in the other Procedures, either
automatically (5A) or selectively (5B).
Precedence of teleo-typified holomorph-generic names published
before D over anamorph-generic names published before D is granted in
Procedure 5A, like in option A of other procedures; it allows the
continued use of those anamorph-generic names with restricted application
for unconnected taxa, unless an anamorph-generic name is
exceptionally selected for protection and holomorphic application in
procedure 5B. This selective protection goes together with the mechanism
of precedence of generic names.
PROCEDURE 5A (Fig. 3e)
(1) Repressed and unavailable for use: ana-typified epithets of teleo-connected
species and infraspecific taxa when published prior to and competing with
teleo-typified epithets of species published before D which are automatically protected. The
repressed epithets are treated as taxonomic synonyms cited as ("nom. repr."). They remain legitimate and are
restorable for use when the ana-teleo connection is demonstrated
Combinations made before D of anamorph epithets published before D with teleo-typified pre-D generic names
for pleomorphic fungi remain ruled by Art. 59.6.
The ana-typified synonyms are inappropriate for the specific
designation of the anamorph of a teleomorphic species, all ana-typified
epithets being of holomorphic application in this procedure.
(2) Accepted and available for use: ana-typified epithets of species and
infraspecific taxa published before and after
D, for denomination of anamorphic species or when teleo-connected in
the absence of a teleo-typified name published before D and prior to other available epithets
published after D for addressing
teleomorphic holomorphs.
All ana-typified epithets, being of holomorphic application,
obey the priority rule unless they are found to be teleo-connected and
repressed by a protected teleo-typified epithet published before D.
Combinations of ana-typified holomorph epithets with
anamorph-generic names published before or after
D are legitimate but receive holomorphic application by virtue of the
new Art. 59.3 second sentence.
Combinations of anamorph epithets with teleo-typified generic names
made before D remain regulated by Art. 59.6. After
D, combinations of unrepressed ana-typified holomorph epithets
published before D with teleo-typified generic
names published before or after D are legitimate; the anamorph can be
specifically informally designated by cross-reference using the
anamorph-generic name.
(3) Having precedence and available for use: teleo-typified generic names published before D over correlated anamorph-generic names
published before D which are superseded but
remain legitimate and available for unconnected species even when their
ana-typified type species is teleo-connected and its epithet therefore is
repressed. Teleo-connected type species of anamorph genera are to be cited
with their correct holomorph name in a cross-reference form.
(4) Accepted and available for use: anamorph-generic names published before D, being of restricted anamorphic
application defined by their anamorphic type, for unconnected anamorphic
species published before or after D, although their ana-typified
species and other species epithets are of holomorphic application and even
if the type or another species is teleo-connected and its epithet
Anamorphs of teleo-connected species can be addressed
specifically and informally in cross-reference form using the
anamorph-generic name if published before D or preferably the same in a
decapitalized form or any common name like "anamorph of ...", "conidial
state of ..." <their correct holomorph name>.
(5) Accepted and available for use: all generic names published after D, being of holomorphic application, no
matter whether their type is anamorphic or teleomorphic, for the
denomination of holomorphs.
When a ana-typified holomorphic generic name published after D is found connected with a
teleo-typified generic name published before
D by its type species, the younger generic name is synonymized with
the earlier generic name. If those generic names are correlated by any
non-type species only, the species may be transferred to their best
taxonomic position.
Ana-typified generic names published after
D cannot serve for the specific designation of the anamorph of
teleomorphic holomorphs in cross-reference form. Only common terms are
then available.
(6) Protected and available for use: ana-typified epithets of pleoanamorphic fungi
published before D, selected for being either the most commonly used,
or the most representative, if not the earliest (normally priority plays)
against epithets of correlated anamorphs that are repressed and not
available for use (e.g., a name for conidiomata to be protected over names
for spermatia or sclerotia). Repressed epithets are taxonomic
synonyms and remain legitimate and restorable for use when the
organic connection is ostensibly erroneous. Repressed names are to be
published in a revisable approved list.
Epithets of correlated anamorphs published after D of an already
named species are incorrect and regarded as taxonomic synonyms.
(7) Accepted and available for use: anamorph-generic names of pleoanamorphic fungi
with restricted anamorphic application, no matter whether the
epithet of their type species is protected or repressed.
(1) Protected and available for use: teleo-typified epithets of pleomorphic fungi
published before D, unless an anamorph epithet
of the same fungus is selected for protection as being the most
representative or commonly used if not the earliest name of the
taxon, in which case the teleo-typified epithet is repressed and the
protected ana-typified epithet received holomorphic application. Repressed
names are taxonomic synonyms to be cited as nomen repressum ("nom.
repr.") of the correct name. Repressed epithets remain legitimate and
can be restored when the organic connection is demonstrably
erroneous. Protected and repressed names are published in a revisable
approved list.
Anamorphs of pleomorphic fungi can be addressed, informally, in
cross-reference form using the Latin or decapitalized anamorph-generic
name if published before D or otherwise by paraphrasing and using terms
like "anamorph of <correct name>".
(2) as above.
(3) Having precedence: teleo-typified generic names of pleomorphic fungi
published before D with holomorphic application, unless a correlated
anamorph-generic name is selected as being the most representative or
commonly used if not the earliest generic name, for protection
against correlated teleo-typified generic names and for precedence over
correlated anamorph-generic names, available for use with holomorphic
application. Repressed teleomorph-generic names remain
legitimate and are restorable when the connection is demonstrably
erroneous. Superseded anamorph-generic names remain legitimate and
available for use with restricted anamorphic application. Repressed
and superseded generic names are published in a revisable approved
It is clear that the exceptional selection of an anamorph-generic
name is an infringement on the principle of the procedure strictly applied
in option A and to the mechanism of precedence/restriction, as it must
invoke protection/repression against competing teleo-typified generic
Rules (4) to (7) of Procedure 5A remain valid.
Procedure 5 differs from Procedure 4 and Hawksworth’s
proposals in the retroactive extension of the holomorphic application of
types of ana-typified epithets published before D, allowing their use in
holomorphic combinations introduced after D if teleo-connected,
but leaving all names of pleomorphic fungi established before D
unchanged in adherence to Art. 59.6. Like Procedure 4 and
Hawksworth’s proposals, Procedure 5 retains all ana-typified generic
names published before D as anamorph-generic names, i.e. with restricted
anamorphic application, even if their type species is teleo-connected.
Anamorph-generic names published before D can therefore not compete with
other generic names.
This procedure resolves the difficulties encountered when recombining
ana-typified epithets into holomorphic genera, considering all epithets of
holomorphic application. Procedure 4 and Hawksworth’s proposals retain
ana-typified epithets published before D in their restricted anamorphic
application as anamorph epithets, and treat their recombinations in
holomorphic genera as incorrect, as ruled by Art. 59.6. This effect is
here suppressed retroactively.
CHAPTER VI new title: "Names of non-lichen-forming
ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi."
1) In Art. 7.2 after "of a taxon" insert "or an
anamorphic or teleomorphic element of fungi, including the
non-lichen-forming ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi."
2) In Art. 7.9 delete "anamorphs)" and insert
"anamorph genera"; in Note 1 after "pleomorphic" insert "and
3) In Art. 11.1 delete "for the form taxa of fungi
and" and "and 59.5".
4) In Art. 59.1 after "legitimate name" delete
"typified ... organs." and insert "no matter whether it is typified
by an element representing the teleomorph or the anamorph, unless
another name of the same fungus published before [D] is protected as the
correct name (Art. 59.4). Names of genera published before [D] and
typified by an anamorph, even if their type species is pleomorphic or
pleoanamorphic, are restricted in application to the anamorph
represented by their type, [{add under Procedure 5B:}unless the generic
name is explicitly assigned protection and holomorphic application
(Art. 59.4bis).]" Delete Ex. 1.
5) In Art. 59.2 after "binary name" insert "of
pleomorphic fungi published before [D]" and after "teleomorphic"
insert "i.e. characterized by ... organs." from Art. 59.1. Add to this
paragraph the first sentence of present Art. 59.3: "If these requirements
... protologue."
6) In Art. 59.3 the first sentence was transferred to
Art. 59.2; in the second sentence after "author’s" insert "typified by a
teleomorph or an anamorph."
7) Replace Art. 59.4 by new Art. 59.4: "Irrespective
of priority, names published before [D] typified by a teleomorph are
protected as covering the holomorph, against earlier names typified by a
correlated anamorph, [{Under Procedure 5B:} unless a name typified by
a correlated anamorph is selected as the most representative or
commonly used and explicitly protected against competing names
typified by a correlated teleomorph]; the latter names are repressed,
as long as the types are judged to belong to the same taxon."
"Amongst names of correlated anamorphs of
pleoanamorphic fungi published before [D], one name is to be
selected and explicitly protected as the most representative or
commonly used, even if not the earliest, against other names that are
repressed, as long as the types are judged to belong to the same
taxon." "Repressed names are cited in synonymy as nomen repressum ("nom.
repr."); they are legitimate and remain available when demonstrably
typified by a different taxon. Protected and repressed names are published
in a revisable approved list."
8) Introduce new Art. 59.4 bis: "Names of genera
published before [D] typified by a teleomorph take precedence as the
correct holomorph-generic names over earlier names of genera typified by a
correlated anamorph, [{Under Procedure 5B:} unless a generic name typified
by a correlated anamorph is selected as being the most representative or
commonly used, if not the earliest, and explicitly protected against a
generic name typified by the teleomorph which is repressed.]"
"Names of genera published before [D] typified by an
anamorph of a pleoanamorphic taxon, selected as the most
representative or commonly used, if not the earliest, take precedence
over other names of genera typified by a correlated
"Superseded generic names, and other names of genera
published before [D] typified by an anamorphic species, remain
legitimate and available for use, in restricted application to the morph
represented by their ultimate type. [{add under Procedure 5B:} All kinds
of repressed names remain legitimate and restorable for use when
the connection between morphs is demonstrably erroneous."]
9) Replace Art. 59.5 and Examples by new Art. 59.5:
"Introduction of separate binary names after [D] for anamorphs when the
teleomorph or a correlated anamorph is already named, or for
teleomorphs if the anamorph is named, is either illegitimate as being
superfluous when homotypic, or incorrect as creating a synonym when
10) Replace Note 1 by new Note 1: "If the epithet of
the type species of an anamorph generic name published before [D] is
repressed, this species is to be cited by its correct name (see also Rec.
11) Maintain Art. 59.6 and insert at the beginning
"For names of pleomorphic fungi published before [D],".
12) Introduce new Art. 59.6bis: "After [D], the
combination of earlier specific or infraspecific epithets
published before [D], typified by an anamorph, covering the holomorph in
accordance with Art. 7.2 and found connected to a teleomorph, with a
teleomorph typified generic name is legitimate, when the requirements
for valid publication of a new combination (Arts. 33 and 34) and in
respect of Art. 59.2 to 59.5 have been fulfilled."
13) Introduce new Note 2 after Art. 59.6bis: "When a
teleomorph has been discovered for a fungus hitherto known only as an
anamorph, the name of the anamorph, even if published before [D],
applies to the holomorph and an epitype containing the teleomorph is
to be designated to fix the application of the name".
14) Delete Rec. 59A. 1 and 59A.2.
15) Delete Rec. 59A.3 and introduce new Rec. 59A.1:
"When it is desirable to specifically refer to an anamorph of an
otherwise correctly named fungus, this is to be designated informally
using either the Latin generic name of the anamorph, if published prior to
[D], or preferably the same in a decapitalized form or any common name
like "anamorph of ...", "conidial state of ..." (in brief "anam." or
"con. st.").
16) Add a new Ex. 59A.1: The Stemphylium anamorph of Pleospora herbarum (Fr.) Rabenh. ex Ces. & De
Not. 1863 should be informally referred to as: Pleospora herbarum (Stemphylium anamorph), P.
herbarum (stemphylium state), Stemphylium
state of P. herbarum, stemphylium state of P. herbarum, anamorph of
Pleospora herbarum, etc., rather than as Stemphylium herbarum E.G. Simmons 1986.
Principle: All epithets,
whether typified by a teleomorph or anamorphic material published before
or after D, are to be considered as of holomorphic application,
retroactively back to the starting-point of fungal nomenclature.
Names of genera based on anamorphic types are of holomorphic
application and available for the generic denomination of holomorphs,
except for names of anamorph genera published before D of which the type
species is connected to a teleomorph named before D; the latter names
remain available but with restricted anamorphic application.
Procedure 6, like Procedures 2--5 (Fig. 1), declares all epithets
introduced after D of holomorphic application
and, like Procedures 2, 3 and 5, it retroactively assigns holomorphic
application to all ana-typified epithets published before D. It complies with principle IV of the Code, one organism--one name, by the free
play of priority amongst epithets.
Like Procedures 2, 4 and 5, but not Procedure 1 or 3, Procedure 6 also assigns
holomorphic application to generic names published after D, no matter whether the type is anamorphic
or teleomorphic. But unlike Procedures 3--5, Procedure 6 extends
holomorphic application to all generic names published before D even if typified by an anamorph.
At this point, Procedure 6 would be identical to Procedure 2, but it differs
in its options A and B by assigning precedence/restriction, rather than
protection/repression, to teleo-typified generic names for
pleomorphic fungi over competing ana-typified generic names published
before D. The competing ana-typified generic
names are reduced to strictly anamorphic application and are available for
ana-typified unconnected species.
The two mechanisms of protection and precedence of names in pleoanamorphic fungi
are needed in Procedure 6, like in others, to eliminate dual nomenclature
with a minimum of destabilization. For the same reasons as expressed
before, one can opt for applying these mechanisms automatically or
selectively in the alternative Procedures 6 A and 6B.
(1) Repressed and unavailable for use:
ana-typified epithets of teleo-connected
species and infraspecific taxa when prior to and competing with
teleo-typified epithets of species published before D which are automatically protected. The
repressed epithets are taxonomic synonyms ("nom. repr.") and remain legitimate and
restorable for use if the connection is demonstrably erroneous.
Combinations made before D of a pre-D anamorph epithet with a pre-D
teleo-typified generic name for pleomorphic fungi remains ruled by Art.
(2) Accepted and available for use: ana-typified epithets of species and
infraspecific taxa published before and after
D, for denomination of anamorphic holomorphs or, when teleo-connected,
in absence of a teleo-typified epithet published before D and prior to
other available epithets, for addressing teleomorphic holomorphs.
Ana-typified epithets, being of holomorphic application, obey
the priority rule unless, for a teleo-connected fungus, a protected
teleo-typified epithet published before D is
available. When published after D, combinations of non-repressed
ana-typified holomorph epithets published before D with
teleo-typified generic names published before or after D are
legitimate for the denomination of pleomorphic fungi.
(3) Having precedence and available for
use: teleo-typified generic names published
before D over correlated ana-typified generic names, which are superseded
and restricted anamorphic application. Superseded ana-typified generic
names remain legitimate and available for unconnected species, even if
their type or another species is connected to a teleomorph and their
epithet repressed. Type species of teleo-connected superseded anamorph
genera are to be cited by their correct holomorph name or in
cross-reference form.
(4) Accepted and available for use: ana-typified generic names published before D, being assigned holomorphic
application, unless their type species is connected to a teleomorph the
name of which is published before D.
Such ana-typified generic names, when accommodating ana-typified species
found connected with an undescribed teleomorph for which no
appropriate generic name is available prior to D, can be emended by
epitypification to accommodate such a pleomorphic species.
(5) Accepted and available for use: all generic names published after D, no matter whether their ultimate type is
an anamorph or a teleomorph, as being of holomorphic application, for
generic denomination of holomorphs.
When an ana-typified generic name published after D is found to be
correlated to a teleo-typified generic name published before D by its type
species, the younger generic name is synonymized with the earlier
one. If these generic names are correlated only by a non-type species, the
species may be transferred to their best taxonomic position.
(6) Protected and available for use: anamorph epithets of pleoanamorphic fungi
published before D, selected and explicitly protected for being either
the most commonly used or the most representative, if not the earliest
(priority is at full play), against any epithet for correlated
anamorphs which are then automatically repressed and not available
for use (e.g., a name for conidiomata to be protected over names for
spermatia or sclerotia). Repressed epithets are taxonomic synonyms
("nom. repr.") but they remain legitimate and restorable if the
connection is demonstrably erroneous.
Epithets of correlated anamorphs published after D of an already
named species are incorrect and regarded as taxonomic synonyms or
illegitimate, being superfluous.
(7) Having precedence and available for use: ana-typified generic names of pleoanamorphic fungi
published before D over correlated anamorph-generic names which are
superseded. The superseded generic names remain available for unconnected
species, even if their type species is ana-connected to a correlated
anamorph and their epithet repressed.
Type species of superseded ana-connected genera are to be cited by
their correct name in informal cross-reference form.
(1) Protected and available for use: teleo-typified epithets of pleomorphic fungi
published before D, unless an anamorph epithet
of the same fungus is selected for protection as being the most
representative or commonly used if not the earliest name of the
taxon, in which case the teleo-typified epithet is repressed and the
protected ana-typified epithet receives holomorphic application. Repressed
names are taxonomic synonyms to be cited as nomen repressum ("nom.
repr.") of the correct name. Repressed epithets remain legitimate and
can be restored when the organic connection is demonstrably
erroneous. Protected and repressed names are published in a revisable
approved list.
Anamorphs of pleomorphic fungi can be addressed, informally in
cross-reference form using the Latin or decapitalized anamorph-generic
name if published before D or otherwise by paraphrasing and using terms
like "anamorph of <correct name>".
(2) as in Procedure 6A.
(3) Having precedence: teleo-typified generic names of pleomorphic fungi
published before D with holomorphic
application, unless a correlated anamorph-generic name is selected as
being the most representative or commonly used if not the earliest
generic name, for protection against the correlated teleo-typified generic
name and for precedence over correlated anamorph-generic names, available
for use with holomorphic application. Repressed
teleomorph-generic names remain legitimate and restorable when the
connection is demonstrably erroneous. Superseded anamorph-generic
names remain legitimate and available for use with restricted
anamorphic application. Repressed and superseded generic names are to
be published in a revisable approved list.
(4) and (8) as in Procedure 6A.
It is clear that the exceptional selection of an
anamorph-generic name is an infringement on the principle of the procedure
strictly applied in option A and on the mechanism of
precedence/restriction, making it necessary to invoke
protection/repression against the competing teleo-typified generic
1) Procedure 6 is closest to Procedure 2. The
advantages of this procedure over Procedure 2 are (1) that it retains
superseded ana-typified generic names of pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic
fungi available for accommodating unconnected species, while in Procedure
2 ana-typified generic names are repressed and rendered unavailable,
except for a few selectively protected names, and (2) it allows informal
cross-reference names for anamorphs of pleomorphic or pleoanamorphic
fungi using superseded anamorph-generic names with the correct name
of the fungus, which is not possible under Procedure 2. In this respect,
Procedure 6 is equivalent to Procedures 4 and 5.
2) In Procedures 3--5, including Hawksworth's
proposals, the two systems of nomenclature, the anatomical one governed by
extant but amended Art. 59, and botanical nomenclature, are mixed to a
different extent, causing complex problems. Procedure 6 has the advantage
over the others of reducing the interference of the anatomical system of
nomenclature with botanical nomenclature to a minimum in space and time,
at least after D. Unlike Procedures 4 and 5, Procedure 6 retroactively
assigns holomorphic application to all names, epithets and generic names,
which at the time [D] are not anamorph--teleomorph or
anamorph--anamorph connected by their types. It therefore abolishes
the nomenclatural distinction between anamorph and teleomorph names
and removes their dual nomenclature.
3) As noticed in the Introduction, Chapter VI of the
Code bear the heading "Names of fungi with pleomorphic life cycle" and
only contains Art. 59. If this is taken literally, names of
non-pleomorphic fungi, including all anamorphic fungi, should be
treated botanically, i.e. with holomorphic application, no matter
whether their type is anamorphic or teleomorphic. Art. 59 would
become relevant only when fungi are found to be pleomorphic. Procedure 6
now exactly formulates this situation and specifies what names published
before D are to be affected. In this regard, Procedure 6 appears to be an
improvement over Hawksworth's proposal, in the sense that not only
ana-typified epithets published before D are treated as holomorphic but
also the ana-typified generic names published before D.
Formal Proposals
CHAPTER VI new title: "Names of non-lichen-forming ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi."
1) In Art. 7.2 after "of a taxon" insert "or an
anamorphic or teleomorphic element of the fungi, including the
non-lichen-forming ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi."
2) In Art. 7.9 delete "anamorphs" and insert
"anamorph genera"; in Note 1 after "pleomorphic" insert "and
3) In Art. 11.1 delete "for the form taxa of fungi
and" and "and 59.5"
4) In Art. 59.1 after "legitimate name" delete
"typified ... organs." and insert "no matter whether typified by an
element representing the teleomorph or the anamorph, unless another
name of the same fungus published before [D] is protected as the correct
name (Art. 59.4). Names of genera published before [D] typified by an
uncorrelated anamorphic species are assigned holomorphic application
(Art. 59.4bis). Names of genera published before [D] that are typified by
an anamorph of a pleomorphic or pleoanamorphic species are restricted in
application to the anamorph represented by their type, [{add under
Procedure 5B:}unless the generic name is explicitly assigned protection
and holomorphic application (Art. 59.4bis).]" Delete Ex. 1.
5) In Art. 59.2 after "binary name" insert "of
pleomorphic fungi published before [D]" and after "teleomorphic"
insert "i.e. characterized by ... organs." from Art. 59.1. Add to this
Art. the first sentence from 59.3: "If these requirements ...
6) The first sentence of Art. 59.3 is transferred to
Art. 59.2; in the second sentence after "author’s" insert "typified by a
teleomorph or an anamorph."
7) Replace Art. 59.4 by new Art. 59.4:
"Irrespective of priority, names published before [D]
typified by a teleomorph are regarded as the correct names covering the
holomorph, protected against earlier names typified by a correlated
anamorph, [{add under Procedure 6B:} unless a name typified by a
correlated anamorph is selected as being the most representative or
commonly used and explicitly protected against earlier names typified
by a correlated morph] the latter names are repressed, as long as their
types are judged to belong to the same taxon."
"Amongst names of correlated anamorphs of
pleoanamorphic fungi published before [D], one name is selected
and explicitly protected as the most representative or commonly used if
not the earliest, against other names that are repressed, as long as the
types are judged to belong to the same taxon." "Repressed names are cited in synonymy as nomen repressum ("nom.
repr."); they are legitimate and remain available when demonstrated to
be typified by a different taxon. Protected and repressed names are
published in a revisable approved list."
8) Introduce new Art. 59.4bis: "Names of genera
published before [D] typified by a teleomorph take precedence as the
correct holomorph-generic name over competing superseded generic names
typified by a correlated anamorph, [{add under Procedure 6B:} unless a
generic name typified by a correlated anamorph is selected as being the
most representative or commonly used, if not the earliest, and explicitly
protected against the generic name typified by the teleomorph, which is
repressed,] as long as the types are judged to belong to the same
"Names of genera published before [D] typified by an
anamorph of a pleoanamorphic taxon, selected as the most
representative or commonly used, even if not the earliest, take
precedence over other names of genera typified by a correlated anamorph;
the latter names are superseded, as long as the types are judged to
belong to the same taxon." "Superseded generic names are legitimate and
available for use, in restricted application to the morph represented by
their ultimate type. [{add under Procedure 6B:} Repressed
teleomorph-generic names remain legitimate and restorable for use when the
connection between the morphs is demonstrably erroneous."]
9) Replace Art. 59.5 and Examples by new Art. 59.5 as
follows: "Introducing separate binary names after [D] for anamorphs when
the associated teleomorph or a correlated anamorph is already named, or
for teleomorphs when the anamorph is already named, is either
illegitimate as superfluous when the names are homotypic, or
incorrect as synonyms when they are heterotypic."
10) Replace Note 1 by new Note 1: "When the name of
the type species of an anamorph generic name published before [D] is
repressed, this species is to be cited by its correct name (see also Rec.
11) Retain Art. 59.6 and insert at the beginning "For
names of pleomorphic fungi published before [D],".
12) Introduce new Art. 59.6bis: "After [D], earlier
specific and infraspecific epithets typified by an anamorph,
published before or after [D], covering the holomorph in accordance with
Art. 7.2, when found to be connected to a teleomorph, may legitimately be
combined with a generic name typified by a teleomorph, provided the
requirements for valid publication of a new combination (Art. 33 and 34)
and in respect of Art.59.2 to 59.5 are fulfilled."
13) Introduce new Note 2 after Art. 59.6bis: "Where a
teleomorph has been discovered for a fungus hitherto known only as an
anamorph, the name of the anamorph, even if published before [D],
applies to the holomorph and an epitype containing the teleomorph is to be
designated to fix the application of the name".
14) Delete Rec. 59A. 1 and 59A.2.
16) Introduce new Rec. 59A.1: "When it is
considered desirable to specifically refer to an anamorph of
otherwise correctly named pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic fungi, this
may be informally designated using the correct name and the Latin or
decapitalized name of a superseded anamorph-generic name when
published before [D], or common terms like "anamorph" or "conidial state"
("anam." or "con. st.") can be used. Such a designation only can use
superseded anamorph-generic names, all other ana-typified names published
before or after [D] being of holomorphic application.
17) Introduce new Ex. 59A.1: "The Stemphylium anamorph of Pleospora herbarum (Fr.) Rabenh. ex Ces. & De
Not. 1863 should be informally referred to as: Pleospora herbarum (Stemphylium anamorph), P.
herbarum (stemphylium state), Stemphylium
state of P. herbarum, stemphylium state of P. herbarum, anamorph of
Pleospora herbarum, etc., rather than as Stemphylium herbarum E.G. Simmons 1986.
The applicability of the Botanical Code to fungi was questioned for some
years particularly because of Article 59 which permits secondary names for
parts of a fungal organism, tolerating infringements on the basic
Principle IV, one organism--one name; but it also infringes on Principle
II of typification specified in Art. 7.2 and Principle III of
priority specified in Art. 11. An amendment of Art. 59 enacted in 1977 at
the Botanical Congress in Tampa, further reinforced these infringements.
Since then, the idea has emerged of suppressing Art. 59 with dual
nomenclature in the higher fungi, and to unify their nomenclature and
to integrate their classification. These are two separate goals which are
considered in this paper, and ways to reach them are discussed.
The way to each of these goals is paved with difficulties and fears. To unify
the classification, authors have already pointed out:
(1) The persisting lack of data on the ascal or
basidial affinities of numerous deuteromycetes.
(2) The non-correspondence of anamorphic genera with
teleomorphic genera, because one or the other is polyphyletic or
(3) Even when correlated genera are monophyletic and
particularly when they share the same type species, authors are reluctant
to synonymize or merge them into one or the other, because of the
uncertainty whether all morphically similar species really belong to
the unified pleomorphic genus or whether they might preferably be
classified in separate, and often differently delimited genera.
(4) In many cases the organic connection between
morphs is or may be questionable; also one of the correlated
teleomorphic or anamorphic species can appear to be an aggregate or a
complex species.
Considering these difficulties inherent to a unified
taxonomy, the great fear arises of immerging nomenclature into chaos
and losing its present relative stability. This is in fact the third
difficulty mentioned above, which is inherent to the process of
integration. Any unification is likely to lead to numerous recombinations
of species names as a consequence of synonymies of generic names.
This may greatly disappoint practitioners who are accustomed to use
separate anamorph names in sexual fungi, now threatened with disappearing.
However, no definite and complete data base containing reliable sets of
(dual) names of pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic fungi seems to exist,
although several lists are already available. Only the careful analysis of
such a data base will allow a reliable evaluation of the impact of any
change of nomenclature; the extent of disturbance will depend on the
procedure of integration adopted.
Up to now, three positions have been taken by mycologists in relation to
the desired integration. On one side, the most conservative position
advocates the status quo, maintenance of
Art. 59 as it is, and dual nomenclature. On the opposite side, certain
mycologists demand the abrupt deletion of Art. 59, the unification of
nomenclatures, with some vague application of conservation mechanisms to
preserve certain names. A third intermediate position has been recently
taken by Hawksworth (in litt., 2001; this
website) that would retain the dual nomenclature with Art. 59 as it is, up
to a certain date D, after which the Principles of Linnaean
nomenclature will be strictly adhered to with a unique nomenclature for
the higher fungi.
Analysing these positions and possible ways to reach the goals of integration of
classification and nomenclature, we found that the fundamental key to
integration is the conversion of anatomical typification of the higher
fungi into botanical typification. This conversion can apparently be
achieved to different extent. This led us to distinguish six scales of
extending type application from the present anatomical to a fully extended
botanical system. Consequently, six procedures of integration are
described in this paper. The most evolutive one is considering all names
of deuteromycetes of holomorphic application and therefore available for
naming holomorphs. That would raise no technical problem if all fungi
concerned had one name only.
Integration is not as simple as it seems because of the existence
of alternate nomenclatures in pleomorphic fungi. Extending the botanical
application of types means extending the action of priority amongst
competing ana-typified and teleo-typified names for the same pleomorphic
fungus. In many cases, competing binomials should be synonymized and
if necessary newly recombined, at the expense of nomenclatural
stability and to the disadvantage of practitioners. To alleviate this
effect, we need mechanisms to save preferable names. The mechanisms of
conservation or sanctioning are not appropriate, not being reversible
when the organic connection between morphs is questioned.
In order to save desirable names, we propose two mechanisms, which are already
implicitly used by the Code. The mechanism of
protection/repression, underlying Art. 15.2, renders one of the alternate
names protected and available for use, thus correct, the other repressed
("nom. repr.") and unavailable for use,
although that name remains legitimate and restorable for use should
the condition of repression disappear. This mechanism is used here mainly
at the specific and infraspecific ranks, thus for epithets. The other
mechanism is that of precedence/restricted application, which is
already in action in Art. 59 at both generic and
specific-infraspecific ranks. This mechanism is used here only at the
generic rank; it selects one name as the correct holomorph-generic name
and reduces other generic names to restricted anamorphic application.
These two mechanisms allow saving otherwise synonymized correlated
(mostly anamorph-generic) names; they facilitate the integration of genera
with a minimal number of necessary recombinations. All decisions
about protection or precedence can be revised, when the organic connection
between correlated taxa is questioned.
The two mechanisms can be applied according to two options. One option is the fully automatic application of
protection/repression to preserve the presently dominating teleomorphic
holomorph names. This option will mainly avoid confusion in the mind of
taxonomists who are accustomed to the traditional 100-year-old concept of
prevalence of the "perfect" over the "imperfect state" in the higher
fungi. The other option is the selective
application of protection/repression, taking up the most
representative or the most frequently used names, if not the earliest,
either anamorphic or teleomorphic. This option mainly complies with
the practitioners’ needs. Selective protection and precedence can be
applied as an exception to the automatic mechanism. It evidently requires
the detailed analysis of databases of names in dual nomenclature and the
thoroughly documented and approved choice of the preferred name, which is
to be documented in a published list; this selection must be revisable.
Consequently, each of the six procedures of integration distinguished in
this paper is presented with two options of automatic or selective
protection/repression and precedence/restriction. The effect of applying
of these mechanisms in suppressing alternate names of
pleomorphic fungi are similar, whatever procedure chosen.
Figure 1 shows the different
extensions of the botanical (Linnaean, here holomorphic) application
of nomenclatural types before and after the date D in the six
procedures of integration. The procedures can be disposed in a
progressive series, from Procedure 1, the most conservative, to
Procedure 2 the most evolutive, at either end of the series, and
Procedures 3 to 6 in between. Procedure 1 maintains anatomical application
as ruled by present Art. 59, but suppresses alternate binomials in
pleomorphic fungi by protection/repression of epithets and
precedence/restriction of generic names. At the other end, Procedure 2
extends botanical application of names retroactively, accepting
nevertheless protection/repression to eliminate alternate binomials
and generic names in pleomorphic fungi (Fig. 2).
Among the intermediate procedures (Fig. 1), Procedures 3--5 extend
holomorphic application to all epithets of non-pleomorphic fungi, either
retroactively or only if published after D, but they maintain
anamorphic application of extant anamorph-generic names for ever,
like in the present Art. 59. Procedure 6 closely approaches Procedure 2 in
attributing holomorphic application to all epithets and generic
names of non-pleomorphic Ascomycota and Basidiomycota
retroactively. Procedure 6 differs from Procedure 2 in retaining
anamorph genera of pleomorphic species in use for anamorphic fungi
(Fig. 1).
Each Procedure will lead to a uniform nomenclature and classification of the
fungi from D onwards. In the end, the system of procedure 6 will be most
similar to that used for the flagellate fungi, the Zygomycota,
Glomeromycota and lichenized fungi. The only difference is in the
restriction to anamorphic application of ana-typified generic names
of pleomorphic fungi published before D, in agreement with their
ultimate type and protologue, makes these generic names comparable to
the numerous genera in the "lower fungi" which are defined by their
asexual form. The only difference is that the circumscription of
these correlated ana-typified genera cannot be modified to extend
them to sexual species, while it is modifiable in the other non-correlated
ana-typified genera of the higher fungi which are then assigned
holomorphic application just like the "lower fungi".
We have to prepare ourselves to bring the change towards integration into
practice. The ford between the present situation to that expressed by
Procedures 2 or 6 is certainly uneasy to pass but it is not impassable. It
can be passed only when certain conditions are fulfilled. Besides the
build-up and practical analysis of complete listings, we need for the
higher fungi [including the still anamorphic ones], a concept,
understanding and applying nomenclature in a way similar to that already
in use for plants and lower fungi, where sexual and asexual taxa are
treated at equal level. In that respect, when describing the Procedures,
we realize that Procedures 3 to 5, including Hawksworth’s proposals, are
mixing two systems of nomenclature, of course to a different extent; one
anatomical is ruled by Art. 59, more or less drastically amended by the
protection/repression mechanism, remaining applicable to a
portion of names, while botanical nomenclature will rule the other portion
of names of the same group. Working with such a mixed system is certainly
an obstacle. Indeed, the various procedures can lead to
nomenclaturally complex interactions in combination of names ruled by
different systems. Only Procedure 2 entirely avoids the difficulty of
mixing nomenclatural systems, repressing at the same time any
alternate names. This is the least complex procedure. Procedure 6 almost
avoids the difficulty restricting the application of the anatomical system
(Art. 59) exclusively to extant pleomorphic fungi published before D,
suppressing alternate names and leaving altogether a small number of
anamorph-generic names -- including the most common ones -- in use as
such, all other names being of holomorphic application, with the
effect of greatly limiting nomenclatural disturbance. Procedure
6 allows the classification of unconnected sexual and asexual species
in different genera side by side with a possible transfer and
recombination when they are demonstrated to be connected; this
results in a situation comparable to that of the lower fungi.
In conclusion, we feel that it may be wise to take
successive steps rather than to begin immediately with enacting one
or the other of these procedures.
The first step will be a well-documented inventory of the nomenclature of
pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic fungi, consisting of lists of alternate
species names and of correlated generic names, as outlined in the
comments on Procedure 1, in order to provide a clear picture of the
situation. These lists will show the status of competing epithets and
generic names of pleomorphic and pleoanamorphic fungi, allowing a
well-founded choice of names to be subjected to protection/repression and,
in parallel, to precedence/restriction. The listing will also indicate the
number of unconnected species in respective correlated genera,
facilitating an estimation of the numbers of necessary recombinations
of names depending on the choice among the procedures. This first step of
an inventory is an absolute prerequisite before undertaking further steps
towards an integration of nomenclature.
In parallel, the inventory must include the classification of the pleomorphic
species and their correlated genera in families or orders of the higher
Fungi. This will drastically demonstrate the lack of information about the
classification of a bulk of the anamorphic and pleoanamorphic
species. Extensive genomic analyses of type material of anamorphic fungi
will hopefully allow their insertion in the available Ascomycete or
Basidiomycete dendrograms and contribute to their classification.
Such an integrated classificatory structure is bound to incite its
completion at generic and specific levels. Then a classificatory structure
can be devised for the integration of unconnected deuteromycetes into
the system of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, at the suprageneric
As a second step, a twofold action must be undertaken. One question will
determine a choice of names, under the automatic mechanism of option A,
that are to be protected or repressed at specific level, and those that
have precedence or are restricted in application at generic level.
The second decision will determine a choice of exceptional selective
application (option B) of the mechanisms of protection and precedence for
certain ana-typified species and generic names over correlated
teleo-typified names, with an estimation of the numbers of necessary
recombinations. Such a choice will determine which name is considered
to be correct for each species, according to options A or B. Special cases
where the mechanisms of protection and repression are applied according to
one of the Procedures must be considered as well, with an evaluation
of the probably large numbers of necessary recombinations. The
twofold proposals must be published and thoroughly discussed. Once an
agreement is reached, the decision will be in force under whatever
procedure is applied later.
A next step will be to decide to what extent holomorphic application has to
be assigned to non-connected ana-typified epithets and generic names. This
is the main difference between the procedures as shown in Fig. 1. The answer will lead the way
to one or the other procedure and to the necessary proposals for amending
the Code.
At the end of the process and after approval of new rules by a Botanical
Congress, thanks to protection/repression and/or
precedence/restricted application, no alternate names will remain, at
least at species level. Dual nomenclature will no longer exist. Only
informal designations with cross-reference names will be used where
desirable and possible (this will not equally be possible in all
procedures). The practice of using the correct name must be propagated if
the most representative or commonly used name is not already protected as
the correct name. Sooner or later, application of this correct and
prevalent name will be the simplest denomination for the anamorph as
In our opinion, all choices must go towards the simplest set of rules and a
system of nomenclature as close as possible to the Linnaean system of
nomenclature, as defined in the Principles of the Code of Nomenclature.
The first author wishes to thank the Mycothèque de
l'Université Catholique de Louvain (MUCL) for financial support to
present this paper at the 7th
International Mycological Congress in Oslo in August
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