CS-initiatives Sciensano

Ongoing initiatives

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (KBIN-IRSNB)

TekenNet - TiquesNet - ZeckenNet

Ticks can be carriers of several pathogens that can be transmitted to humans through a bite. Although not all ticks are infected, the occurrence of tick bites in humans is a relevant indicator of local tick-related problems. However, the extent to which people are exposed to tick bites is influenced by several factors including human behaviour, climate and land use. A better understanding of the factors determining the risk of tick bites in humans in Belgium allows for more targeted actions. Therefore, Sciensano’s department of Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases established a citizen science platform in June 2015.

You can report tick bites via the TekenNet/TiquesNet/ZeckenNet  platform.

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (KBIN-IRSNB)


Exotic mosquitoes, such as the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus), are spreading in Europe as a result of increased globalisation and climate change. They were able to establish themselves in Southern Europe and now have also been spotted sporadically in Belgium. This mosquito can transmit viruses such as dengue, chikunguya or zika. 

Currently, the tiger mosquito is not (yet) established in Belgium, but it is in our neighbouring countries. Therefore, its early detection will enable to delay its establishment and consequently to prevent outbreak of mosquito borne diseases.

The MEMO+ project aims to monitor the introduction of exotic Aedes mosquitoes, such as the tiger mosquito, in Belgium. The Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp actively monitors them in different points of entries. Sciensano develops and coordinates a citizen science tool that allows citizens to notify the presence of mosquitoes by uploading their pictures to a website. Morphological identification of the mosquitoes in the picture will be done to determine whether it is a tiger mosquito or not.

You can report a tiger mosquito via the citizen science tool .

Project description

TekenNet - TiquesNet - ZeckenNet 
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