Members of the Federal Authority, Flemish Community, French Community, VLIR, CREF, 1 foreign expert
The "Interuniversity Attraction Poles" (IAP) Programme aims to provide support for teams of excellence in basic research that belong to Belgium’s various (linguistic) Communities and work as part of a network in order to increase their joint contribution to general scientific advances and, where applicable, to international scientific networks.
The programme’s objectives are to:
- award teams already recognised in the international scientific community additional human and material resources in order to put together a sufficient critical mass;
- encourage interactions between Belgium’s Communities and consolidate ties between universities belonging to these Communities in order to form lasting networks;
- develop or create collaborations between teams from different institutions and promote complementarity and interdisciplinarity between these teams;
- enable young teams to benefit from the environment of excellence constituted by a network and its international influence in order to ensure continuity in the excellence of basic research in Belgium.
The 44 research networks are classified into different categories: biology, medicine, chemistry, physics, applied sciences, historical sciences, social sciences and humanities.
P6/01: The Sociopolitical History of Justice Administration in Belgium (1795-2005)
P6/02: Nonlinear systems, stochastic processes, and statistical mechanics
P6/03: Statistical analysis of association and dependence in complex data
P6/04: Dynamical systems, control and optimization
P6/05: From genes to functional defects in hereditary and malignant diseases
P6/06: Democratic Governance and Reflexive Theory of Collective Action
P6/07: Economic Policy and Finance in the Global Economy : Equilibrium Analysis and Social Evaluation
P6/08: Physical chemistry of plasma-surface interactions
P6/09: Higher Education and Research: Organization, Market Interaction and Overall Impact in the Knowledge-Based Era
P6/10: Photonics@be : Micro-, nano- and quantum-photonics
P6/11: Fundamental interactions: at the boundary of theory, phenomenology and experiment
P6/12: Cell-mediated immune responses in health and diseases: from basic science to clinical investigation
P6/13: Tracing and Integrated Modeling of Natural and Anthropogenic Effects on Hydrosystems: The Scheldt River Basin and Adjacent Coastal North Sea (TIMOTHY)
P6/14: G protein-coupled receptors: from structure to diseases
P6/15: Molecular dialogue between parasite and hosts: the trypanosome model
P6/16: Non-destructive Analysis of Cultural Heritage Objects
P6/17: Advanced complex inorganic materials by a novel bottom-up (nano)chemistry approach: processing and shaping
P6/18: Signal transduction in inflammation: from gene to organism
P6/19: Proteins: interactions involved in folding, function and supramolecular assemblages
P6/20: Paracrine and transcriptional control of embryogenesis
P6/21: Inverse problems and optimization in low frequency electromagnetism
P6/22: The Transition from Republic to Empire: The Impact of ‘Romanization’ on Cities and Countryside in Italy and the Provinces (2nd/1st century BC - 2nd/3rd century AD)
P6/23: Advanced Research on Exotic Nuclei for Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics
P6/24: Physics based multilevel mechanics of metals
P6/25: Bioinformatics and Modeling : from Genomes to Networks
P6/26: Belgian Fundamental Research Network on Cryptology and Information Security
P6/27: Functional Supramolecular Systems
P6/28: Signal Integration Mechanisms in Health and Disease
P6/29: Perceptual and cognitive processing in the human and non-human primate brain
P6/30: Vessel formation and vessel wall biology in disease and medicine
P6/31: Molecular and cellular mechanisms of electrical excitability
P6/32: City and society in the Low Countries 1200-1800: space, knowledge, social capital
P6/33: Growth and development of higher plants
P6/34: Greater Mesopotamia: Reconstruction of its environment and History
P6/35: Importance and interaction of allergy, infections and respiratory environmental exposures in chronic lower & upper airway diseases (the aireway study consortium)
P6/36: The hepatic progenitor cell niche under experimental conditions and in human liver disease
P6/37: Changing Patterns of Participation and Representation in Contemporary Democracies. A Comparative Research on the Relation between Citizens and State
P6/38: Non invasive quantitative molecular imaging with applications for studying cellular processes in oncology and neurology
P6/39: Fundamental Issues in Software Engineering: Modelling, Verification and Evolution of Software
P6/40: Molecular and Cellular Basis for Beta Cell Therapy in Diabetes
P6/41: Inhibition of HIV replication
P6/42: Quantum effects in clusters and nanowires
P6/43: An integrated approach towards understanding the pathogenesis of CNS and PNS neurodegenerative disorders
P6/44: Grammaticalization and (inter)subjectification
Interuniversity Attraction Poles - Phase VI
Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2009 (SP2110)
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