BCCM/DCG Diatoms Collection

Research project C5/17/DCG (Research action C5)

Persons :

Description :

The BCCM/DCG public collection is the only culture collection worldwide specialized in diatoms, the most species-rich and ecologically important algal group. Other microalgae interesting from an applied perspective are included in the collection as well.

The BCCM/DCG collection currently consists of 450 strains belonging to 43 species most of which are cryopreserved. All strains are living monoclonal cultures that can be grown in standard liquid culture media.

The selection of strains for the culture collection is based on their ease of use for experimental manipulation. As most diatoms have an obligatory sexual stage in their life cycle, knowledge of the life-cycle is vital for the long-term maintenance of diatom cultures. The relevant information is present for each of the strains. Other microalgae have been screened for traits interesting for industry.

The purpose of the culture collection is to make diatom and other microalgae strains available for both academic and industrial partners to conduct fundamental and applied research. As such, the strains/taxa are or have been intensively used for diatom genomics research, cell-and life-cycle investigations, determination and comparison of (eco) physiological properties, studies of ecological interactions, and research on diatom population genetics, evolution and diversity.

BCCM/DCG provides the following services:
- Public and safe deposit
- Distribution of strains

Accession, control, preservation, storage and supply of diatoms and related information in the frame of public and safe deposits are ISO 9001:2015 certified.