Analysis and optimization of substitution treatment in Belgium (SUBANOP)

Research project DR/58 (Research action DR)

Persons :

Description :

The aim of the SUBANOP-research is to provide an extensive and up-to-date overview of opioid substitution treatment in Belgium. This research necessitates a multidisciplinary approach. This multidisciplinary approach is reflected in the composition of the research team: the research team consist of researchers/promoters with a background in criminology, sociology, psychology, epidemiology and medicine/psychiatry.

To answer these research objectives, the study will apply a multi-method research design, more specific, a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Seven research objectives can be distinguished (described by working package):

1. Review of the literature (WP1): make a critical analysis of available review studies and meta-analyses on substitution treatment.

2. Inventories (WP2): develop two inventories on substitution treatment in Belgium and situate these inventories in an international perspective: (a) a first inventory of the current supply of substitution treatment in Belgium in terms of type, number, geographical spread, and care structure; (b) a second inventory of the current supply of training, education and intervisions for providers of substitution treatment in Belgium.

3. Develop an overview of important key elements of substitution treatment by means of an online survey among providers, with specific focus on the provision of psychosocial support in addition to substitution treatment (WP3). The questionnaire is based upon WP1 and WP2.

4. Measure the treatment satisfaction of clients in various types of substitution treatment, by means of a semi-structured questionnaire (WP4).

5. Analysis of characteristics of patients in substitution treatment by means of a secondary analysis of data already collected (National Register in Substitution Treatment and previous studies conducted in Belgium) (WP5).

6. Develop a feasible, evidence-based guideline for the treatment and support of opiate-dependent individuals in substitution treatment, with particular attention to the interpretation of psychosocial treatment

7. Develop policy recommendations to overcome identified obstacles by means of three mixed focus groups with participants that reflect the current supply in Belgium (one focus group by region: the Flemish -, Brussels-Capital – and Walloon Region) (WP7).

Finally, the results of the separate work packages will be integrated in a research report (WP 8).

Documentation :

  • DR/58 on the Drugs website

    Analyse en optimalisatie van substitutiebehandelingen in België. Conclusies en aanbevelingen : samenvatting (SUBANOP)    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2013 (SP2560)
    [To download

    Analyse et optimalisation des traitements de substitution en Belgique. Conclusions et recommandations : résumé (SUBANOP)    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2013 (SP2561)
    [To download

    Analysis and optimization of substitution treatment in Belgium. Conclusions and recommendations : summary (SUBANOP)    Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2013 (SP2562)
    [To download

    Analysis and Optimization of Substitution Treatment in Belgium : final report (SUBANOP)  VANDER LAENEN, Freya - VANDERPLASSCHEN, Wouter - SMET, Valérie ... et al  Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2013 (SP2556)
    [To download