Research project IM/RT/23/NAMSAT (Research action IM)
Natural hazards such as volcanic eruptions, dust storms and fires, poses a direct threat to aviation as well as to local populations. There is a growing concern about these natural hazards and on how to best mitigate them. Natural hazards can have transboundary impacts and, in an interconnected world, there is a critical need to increase the availability and use of scientific knowledge on disasters. The current trend is to deal with multiple-hazards, and therefore to further develop integrated systems for timely monitoring and early warning.
Satellite data sets are playing a crucial role and are often the only means to assess/monitor the situation and study the phenomena. However, the suite of available satellite data (operational and research) products is underexploited. With the NAMSAT project, the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB) and the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMI) team up to develop a web-based data service dedicated to the monitoring of airborne hazards from space that combines low earth orbit (LEO) and geostationary (GEO) near-real time data products. Starting from the existing Support to Aviation Control Service (SACS) hosted by BIRA-IASB, NAMSAT has several objectives:
- Improve the SACS infrastructure at system level as for its reliability, robustness, and a better handling of near-real time satellite data.
- Expand the service with GEO satellite data, including from GOES, HIMAWARI, and SEVIRI instruments, and provide the products to users few minutes after sensing time.
- Implement products from future missions.
- Develop GEO-based detection products for aerosols and Sulphur dioxide, as well as combined GEO-LEO product.
- Develop tailored products for aviation stakeholders and volcanological users, including notification mechanisms in case of exceptional events.
- Develop of a new interface to visualize satellite products.
- Develop an open/public satellite data base of past events.