Belgian Mobility Research network (BeMoR net)

Research project SD/TM/801 (Research action SD)

Persons :

  • Mme  DEBAUCHE Wanda - Centre de Recherches Routières (CRR)
    Coordinator of the project
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/3/2007-30/6/2008

Description :


The BeMoR net feasibility study investigates the usefulness of setting up a forum for scientific consultation on Belgian transport and mobility research. Bilateral interviews are conducted to explore the most appropriate orientation for such a platform.
Several findings have prompted this study, including:
- the lagging participation of Belgian scientists in international research;
- the limited involvement of Belgium in establishing the European research agenda; - the scattered availability of research results in the field of mobility and transport;
- the fact that transport and mobility research is reactive rather than based on strategic vision.


With the objectives set and the scope defined for the forum, the relevant policy and research organizations were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire. This bilateral and neutral approach made it possible to obtain relevant information on the organizations themselves and their topics of concern in the field of mobility and transport. In addition, the needs for a scientific forum on mobility and transport were surveyed. Concurrently with the interviews, desktop research was conducted on the organizations on the one hand and forums and metadata banks on the other.

The collected information was streamlined into interim conclusions and discussed with the monitoring committee. After that, scenarios were built for the forum, as it can be developed in different ways depending on the level of ambition. The scenarios were submitted to the actors interviewed in the previous stage, together with two plain questions:

1) Which is the preferred scenario for your organization?
2) Is your organization ready to participate? (in terms of time only, or also financially?)
This second consultation round was discussed with the monitoring committee. A synthesis of (present and past) initiatives to centralize information (metadata or forum) was examined as well. With the collected information a final document was drafted, in which the contractor makes a proposal for a preferred scenario.


- Survey of Belgian organizations involved in mobility and transport: overview diagrams, data bank in Excel, example sheet.
- Survey of international institutions holding out opportunities for research in the relevant area: overview diagrams.
- Survey of research: data bank in Excel – under construction, example sheet.
- View on metadata banks / forums: survey of present initiatives, survey of past initiatives.

Documentation :

Haalbaarheidsstudie naar een platform voor wetenschappelijk overleg over het Belgische transport- en mobiliteitsonderzoek Opvolgingscomité : BeMoR net Belgian Mobility Research network : eindrapport    Brussel : Federale Wetenschapsbeleid, 2008 (SP1962)
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