Dynamics of river plumes from MERIS, MODIS and GOCI ocean colour data (BEL-GOYA)

Research project SR/36/161 (Research action SR)

Persons :

  • Dr.  RUDDICK Kevin - Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences ()
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/4/2013-31/3/2014

Description :

The general objective of the BEL-GOYA project is to develop, compare and validate algorithms for atmospheric correction and suspended particulate matter (SPM) retrieval from ocean colour satellite data of extremely turbid river plumes, with a focus on the estuaries/plumes of the Yangtze/Changjiang (China), the La Plata (Argentina) and the Gironde (France).

The specific objectives of the BEL-GOYA project are to:

- Develop an extension to the turbid water atmospheric correction of [Ruddick et al, 2000] to deal with extremely turbid waters.
- Evaluate the new atmospheric correction algorithm against existing atmospheric correction algorithms, including those of the GOYA project, using satellite data for the Yangtze river plume and the La Plata and Gironde plume/estuary regions.
- Develop a refinement of the SPM retrieval algorithm of [Nechad et al, 2010] to deal with extremely turbid waters
- Evaluate the new SPM retrieval algorithm against existing algorithms, including those of the GOYA project, using satellite data for the Yangtze river plume and the La Plata and Gironde plume/estuary regions.
- Assess the performance of polar-orbiting (MODIS-AQUA, MERIS) and geostationary-orbiting (GOCI) ocean colour sensors for mapping of SPM in turbid river plumes, relating performance to mission/sensor design (acquisition frequency, sensor bands, etc.)

Documentation :