Science for Policy (S4Policy)

Call for proposals

Call for proposals 2024-2025 Science4Policy programme: policy-driven projects


Due to technical difficulties, the submission of Expression of Interest and full proposals has been substantially postponed. In particular:

  • the submission deadline of the Expression of Interest is postponed from 5 September to 2 December 2024. The platform will be open for drafting and submitting EoIs on 25 November;
  • the submission deadline of the full proposals is postponed from 10 October 2024 to 9 January 2025. The platform will open for drafting and submitting full proposals on 6 December 2024;
  • research contracts will now start in June 2025 instead of February 2025.

We will answer any questions you might have via


The call for proposals in the frame of the Science 4 Policy research programme is now open!

This call is open to the entire Belgian scientific community (universities, colleges, universities of applied sciences, public research centres, non-profit organizations having the pursuit of scientific research in their statutes).
From 25 November 2024 on, you can hand in an Expression of Interest (EoI). The deadline is 2 December 2024. Only when you hand in a EoI, you will have the possibility to hand in a Full Proposal as well. From 6 December 2024 on, it will be possible to submit this Full Proposal. The deadline is 9 January 2025.  

The call concerns the “policy-driven” projects of the S4Policy programme. In the framework of these projects, research priorities were submitted by the federal departments with a call for a scientific support from the Belgian academic community. The four main themes of the research priorities are: Digital Transformation; Strategic autonomy and Resilience of Belgium; Inclusion, health and wellbeing; and Green and Societal Transformation. The projects aim to gain academic support to either reinforce analytical capacities within federal departments or to provide scientific evidence to inform federal policies. They are based on a co-funding scheme in which BELSPO funds a maximum of 90% and the concerned department(s) a minimum of 10% of the total budget. 

Indicative Calendar

Activity Deadline
Launch of the call 25 June 2024
Information session 28 June 2024 @ 10:00
Opening of the platform for submission EoI 25 November 2024
Deadline submission EoI 2 December 2024 @ 14:00
Eligibility check by BELSPO  
Opening of the platform for submission Full Proposal 6 December 2024
Deadline submission Full Proposal 9 January 2025 @ 14:00
Communication of results  
Start of the projects June 2025


  • Submission EoI: 2 December 2024 @ 14:00
  • Submission Full Proposals: 9 January 2025 @ 14:00

The completed EoI and Full Proposals need to be submitted via our platform (soon available).

Information Session (Online meeting )

Specific content questions

If you have any questions on the Research Priorities of the call (i.e. research topics) (see Information file S4P, Part II (p. 10 – 42), you can contact until 23/07/24.
We will answer your questions as soon as possible. We will not answer those questions that would lead to an unfair distribution of information among the interested researchers. All clarifications will be shared by e-mail and publicly on the website. You can find those here: FAQ Research Topics. .

Important notice 17 July 2024

The information file for applicants has been updated.
We regret to inform you that the topic “History of the persecution and social exclusion of people on the basis of their sexual orientation at different periods in our history (5.6)” has been withdrawn from this call.
All other information in the information file remains unchanged. Please direct any questions regarding this adjustment to

Information documents

Templates for submission proposals
These templates are an indication of what is expected in the Full Proposal and EoI, the submission of both the EoI and the Full Proposal have to be done through the platform!

Platform (ENG)

Here you will soon find the link to the platform and further documentation.