University of Liège
Laboratory of Oceanology and Aquapôle
Promotor: Dr. Jean-Henri Hecq and Dr. Anne Goffart
In a world experiencing changes in global climate, the Laboratory of Oceanology (Plankton Research Unit, team leader: Dr. Jean-Henri Hecq) and the Aquapôle (team leader: Dr. Anne Goffart) study the processes governing the distribution and the organization of planktonic communities in marine ecosystems in relation with the physical structure of water masses. Research aims to improve information on the spatial distribution of key-species and their relationships to habitats, which is crucial for the effective protection of marine environment and biodiversity and the management of activities that impact natural resources.
Research / integrated management of coastal waters / teaching
Focusing on the Southern Ocean and the Mediterranean
Sea, our current research concerns:
1. the control of pelagic diversity and fish recruitment by environmental
2. the impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems.
List of Antarctic projects (1993 – 2005)
Maes J., Van de Putte A., Hecq J.H. and Volckaert F.A.M. (2006) State dependent energy allocation in the pelagic Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarticum: trade-off between winter reserves and buoyancy. Marine Ecology - Progress Series, 326: 269-282
Frangoulis C., Christou E.D. and Hecq J.H. (2005) Comparison of marine copepod outfluxes: nature, rate, fate and role in the carbon and nitrogen cycles Advances in Marine Biology, 47: 253-309
Hecq J.H. (2003) Modélisation conceptuelle et numérique de l'écosystème planctonique océanique. Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liège, 72 : 93-302
Wilmotte A., Demonceau C., Goffart A., Hecq J.H., Demoulin V. and Crossley A.C. (2002) Molecular and pigment studies of the picophytoplankton in a region of the Southern Ocean (47 to 54° S, 141 to 144 °E) in March 1998. Deep-Sea Research II, 49: 3351-3363
Goeyens L., Elskens M., Catalano G., Lipizer M., Hecq J.H. and Goffart A. (2000) Nutrient depletions in the Ross Sea and their relation with pigment stocks. Journal of Marine Systems, 27: 195-208
Goffart A., Catalano G. and Hecq J.H. (2000) Factors controlling the distribution of diatoms and Phaeocystis in the Ross Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 27: 161-175