The project LIMNOPOLAR was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Technology till end 2005. Its subject is to study the likely responses of Arctic and Antarctic biotopes to climate change resulting in increased temperatures and precipitations. The PI, Prof. A. Quesada, was able to invite a foreign scientist each year and A. Wilmotte went in February 2004. Samples were taken and further studied to investigate the genetic diversity of cyanobacteria in microbial mats of Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctic Peninsula. The travel to South America was financed by BELSPO and the rest of the mission by the Spanish project. Further studies were carried out by a SOCRATES student.
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Antonio Quesada (U. A. Madrid, Spain)
Involved research groups:
Partner 1: Prof. Dr. Antonio Camacho (U. Valencia,
Partner 2:
Center for Protein Engineering (CIP,
University of Liège)