I’m interested in carbon and carbonate cycling in coastal ecosystems with particular emphasis on air-sea exchange of CO2 and on the coupling between inorganic carbon dynamics and biological processes.
Borges A.V., B. Delille & M. Frankignoulle (2005)
Budgeting sinks and sources of CO2 in the coastal ocean: Diversity
of ecosystems counts. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L14601, doi:10.1029/2005GL023053)
Delille B., V. Schoemann , C. Lancelot , D. Lannuzel , J.T.M. De Jong, B. Tilbrook, D. Delille , A.V. Borges & J.-L. Tison, 2005, What controls pCO2 dynamics in Antarctic sea ice and related air-ice CO2 fluxes? International Glaciological Society Symposium on Sea Ice, 5 - 9 December 2005, Dunedin, New-Zeland, poster.
Delille B., A.J. Trevena, V. Schoemann, C. Lancelot, D. Lannuzel, M.-L. Sauvée, J. de Jong, B. Tilbrook, M. Frankignoulle, A.V. Borges & J.-L. Tison, Carbon dioxide dynamics in Antarctic pack ice and related air-ice CO2 fluxes, XXXVII International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Gas Transfer At Water Surfaces, 2-6 May 2005, Liège, Belgium, keynote
Delille B., A.J. Trevena, V. Schoemann, C. Lancelot, D. Lannuzel, M.-L. Sauvée, J. De Jong, B. Tilbrook, V. Lytle, D. Delille, M. Frankignoulle, A.V. Borges & J.-L. Tison, Carbon Dioxide Dynamics and related Air-Ice fluxes in Antarctic Sea Ice, Gordon Research Conference on Polar Marine Science, 13-18 March 2005, Ventura, USA., poster
Delille B. , J.-L. Tison, A.J. Trevena, V. Schoemann, D. Lannuzel, M.-L. Sauvée, B. Tilbrook, V. Lytle, M. Frankignoulle, A.V. Borges & C. Lancelot, Carbon Dioxide Dynamics in Antarctic Pack Ice and Transfer at the Ice-Sea and Air-Ice Interface, SOLAS open science conference, 13-16 October 2004, Halifax, Canada, poster
Delille B., A.J. Trevena, D. Lannuzel, M.-L. Sauvée, B. Tilbrook, V. Lytle, M. Frankignoulle, A.V. Borges & J.-L. Tison. Carbon dioxide dynamics in the Antartic pack ice and transfer at ice-sea and air-ice interfaces, European Geosciences Union, 1st General Assembly, Nice, France, 25 - 30 April 2004, oral presentation
Borges Alberto
Université de Liège
Département d'astrophysique, géophysique et océanographie
Océanographie chimique (BAT. B5A Océanographie chimique)
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