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Belgian researchers - Oceans

Lancelot Christiane
Professor, Dr

Dr. C. Lancelot, head of ESA since 1997 has published some 80 peer-reviewed papers on marine phytoplankton ecology and planktonic ecosystem modeling. She is member of the scientific committee of the SCOR-working group on “Marine phytoplankton and Global Climate Regulation: the Phaeocystis species cluster as model” and part of the EU network Lifehab on phytoplankton life cycles. More generally she is member of several international committees and has been selected by EU as EAG (External Advisory Group) member for the Key Actions Water and Marine Ecosystems implemented in the scope of Framework program 5 (FP-5)
Dr Lancelot is active in polar research since 1987 and is regularly invited to give keynote presentation and chair sessions at international conferences. As international recognition of her work in this field she was chosen in 1997 as European representative in the scientific committee of the Gordon Conference on Polar Marine Science. In March 2001 she has been nominated vice-chair of the 2003 Gordon Conference. She was also member of the SO-JGOFS planning group and of the French PROOF Programme. At the national level Dr. C. Lancelot is member the Comité National belge pour les Recherches dans l'Antarctique.


Federal Science Policy
1. SPSD-II-Global Change: Assessing the sensitivity of the southern ocean’s biological carbon pump to climate change. 2001-2005 (BELCANTO)
2. SPSD-II-Support actions: SOLAS cluster. 2005-2007
3. SPSD- II-Support actions: BE-POLE cluster. 2005-2007
4. Federal Science Policy: Scientific secretariat of Focus 1 of international SOLAS (Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study)

Communauté Française de Belgique
Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in a climate Change Perspective
(SIBClim); 2002-2007

1. CARUSO (Carbon dioxide Uptake by the southern ocean): 1998-2001
2. IRONAGES (Iron Resources and oceanic nutrients-Advancement of Global Environment Simulations): 2000-2003

1. Network of Excellence ‘EUR-OCEANS’ (European Network of Excellence for Ocean Ecosystems Analysis 2005 – 2009
2. Integrated Project CARBOOCEAN (Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment) : 2005-2009

  • Research programme:
    • SPSD II: Antarctica V
    • SD - Antarctica VI
  • Research group:
    • Université Libre de Bruxelles - Ecologie des Systèmes Aquatiques (ESA-ULB)
    • Université Catholique de Louvain - Institut d’Astronomie et de Géophysique G. Lemaître (UCL-ASTR)
      Promotor: Dr. Goosse Hugues
  • Research projects:
    • BELCANTO - Assessing the sensitivity of the Southern Ocean’s biological pump to climate change
    • SIBClim - Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in a CLimate change perspective
  • Related activities:
    • Participation to Scientific committees
    • Polar research
      Dr Lancelot is member of the Scientific Committee of the Gordon Conference on Polar Marine Science since 1997 and was nominated vice-chair of the Gordon conference of 2003. She is member the Comité National belge pour les Recherches dans l'Antarctique
      She was member of the SO-JGOFS planning group and of the French PROOF Programme.
      She is in the Scientific Steering Committee of SOLAS, EU Network of excellence EUR-OCEANS, SCOR working Group 120 Marine phytoplankton and global climate regulation: the Phaeocystis species cluster as model and ICED (Integrated analyses of circumpolar Climate interactions and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean

List of publications

Peer reviewed papers

Schoemann, V., Becquevort, S., Stefels, J., Rousseau, V., Lancelot, C. 2005. Phaeocystis blooms in the global ocean and their controlling mechanisms: a review. J. Sea Res., 53: 43-66.

Pasquer, B., Laruelle, G., Goosse H, Becquevort, S., Schoemann, Lancelot, C. 2005. Linking Ocean Biogeochemical Cycles and Ecosystem Structure and Function: Results of the Complex SWAMCO-4 Model. J. Sea Res., 53: 93-108

Hannon, E., Boyd, P.W., Silvoso, M., & C. Lancelot. 2001. Modeling the bloom evolution and carbon flows during SOIREE: Implications for future in situ iron-enrichments in the southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research-II 48: 2745-2773.

Schoemann, V., R. Wollast, L. Chou and C. Lancelot. 2001. Effects of photosynthesis on the accumulation of Mn and Fe by Phaeocystis colonies. Limnol. Oceanogr. 46: 1065-1076.

Becquevort S, Menon, P., Lancelot, C. 2000. Differences of the protozoan biomass and grazing during spring and summer in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Polar Biology. 5: 309-320

Lancelot C., Hannon E., Becquevort S., Veth C. and H. J. W. de Baar. 2000. Modeling phytoplankton blooms and carbon export production in the Southern Ocean: Dominant controls by light and iron of the Atlantic sector in Austral spring 1992. Deep Sea Research-I, 47 : 1621-1662.

Dehairs, F., E. Kopczynska, P. Nielsen, C. Lancelot, D. Bakker, W. Koeve, L. Goeyens. 1997. 13C of Southern Ocean suspended matter during spring and early summer: regional and temporal variability. Deep Sea Res. II vol. 44: 129-142.

Baumann, M.E.M, Lancelot, C., Brandini, F.P., Sakshaug, E. & John, D.M., 1994. The taxonomic identity of the cosmopolitan prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis: a morphological and ecophysiological approach. In : Ecology of Phaeocystis-dominated ecosystems. Lancelot, C. & Wassmann, P. (ed.), J.Mar.Syst., 5(1):5-22.

Lancelot, C., P. Wassmann & H. Barth, 1994. Ecology of Phaeocystis-dominated ecosystems, Journal of Marine Systems, 5(1): 1-4.

Rousseau, V., Vaulot, D., Casotti, R., Cariou, V., Lenz, J., Gunkel, J. & Bauman, M. 1994 The lifecycle of Phaeocystis (Prymnesiophyceae): evidence and hypotheses, Journ.Mar.Syst. 5(1): 23-39.

Wassmann, P. , C. Lancelot & Barth H. 1994. Ecology of Phaeocystis-dominated ecosystems. J. Mar. Syst., 5(1): 1-4.
Lancelot C., Mathot S., Veth C. & deBaar H. 1993. Factors controlling phytoplankton ice-edge blooms in the marginal ice-zone of the northwestern Weddell Sea during sea ice retrat 1988: field observations and mathematical modelling. Polar Biology. 13: 337-387.

Becquevort, S., Mathot, S. & Lancelot, C., 1992. Interactions in the microbial community of the marginal ice zone of the northwestern Weddell Sea through size distribution analysis. Polar Biol. , 12 : 211-218.

Mathot, S., Lancelot, C. & Dandois, J.M., 1992. Gross and net primary production in the Scotia Weddell sector of the Southern Ocean during spring 1988. Polar Biol., 12 : 321-332.
Goeyens L., Tréguer P., Lancelot C., Mathot S., Becquevort S., Morvan J., Dehairs F. & Baeyens W. 1991. Ammonium regenration in the Scotia-Weddell confluence area during spring 1988. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 78: 241-252

Lancelot, C., Veth, C. & Mathot, S., 1991. Modelling ice edge phytoplankton bloom in the Scotia Weddell Sea sector of the Southern Ocean during spring 1988. Journ.Mar.Syst, 2 : 333-346.
Lancelot, C., Billen, G., Veth, C., Becquevort, S. & Mathot, S., 1991. Modelling carbon cycling through phytoplankton and microbes in the Scotia Weddell Sea area during sea ice retreat. Marine Chemistry, 35 (1-4) : 305-324.

Mathot, S., Becquevort, S. & Lancelot, C., 1991. Microbial communities from sea ice and adjacent water column at the time of ice melting in the northwestern part of the Weddell Sea. Polar Research, 10 : 267-275.

Veth, C., Lancelot, C. & Ober, S., 1991. On processes determining the vertical stability of surface waters in the marginal ice zone of the north western Weddell Sea and their relationship with phytoplankton bloom development, Polar Biol., 12 :

Rousseau, V., Mathot, S. & Lancelot, C., 1990. Calculating carbon biomass of Phaeocystis sp. From microscopic observations. Mar. Biol., 107 : 305-314.

Lancelot, C. & Mathot, S., 1985. Biochemical fractionation of primary production by phytoplankton in Belgian coastal waters during short- and long-term incubations with 14C -bicarbonate. I. Mixed diatom population. Mar. Biol., 86(3) : 219-226.

Lancelot, C. & Mathot, S., 1985. Biochemical fractionation of primary production by phytoplankton in Belgian coastal waters during short- and long-term incubations with 14C -bicarbonate. II.Phaeocystis pouchetii colonial population. Mar. Biol. 86(3) : 227-232.


Lancelot, C. & Rousseau, V., 1994. Ecology of Phaeocystis-dominated ecosystems : The key role of colony forms. In : The Prymnesiophyte algae. Leadbeater, B. & J. Green, ed. Systematics Association, special volume. Publisher Oxford University Press., 12 : 229-245.

Billen, G. & Lancelot, C., 1992. The functioning of the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem. A fragile Equilibrium. In : The Antarctic Environment and International Law, J. Verhoeven, P. Sands, M. Bruce, ed., p. 39-51.

Campaign reports

Lancelot, C. & Mathot, S., 1989. Phytoplantkon : Photosynthesis, growth and respiration. In : The expedition Antarktis (EPOS/Leg 2) of RV "Polarstern" in 1988/1989. I. Hempel, P.H. Schalk & V. Smetacek, ed., Berichte zur Polarforschungen, 65: 78-86.

Lancelot, C., Lindner, L., Mathot, S., Sørensen, F. & Tréguer, P., 1989. Phytoplankton metabolicactivity studied by tracer technology. In : The expedition Antarktis (EPOS/Leg 2) of RV "Polarstern"in 1988/1989. I. Hempel, P.H. Schalk &V. Smetacek, ed., Bericht zur Polarforschungen, 65-87.

Project reports

Lancelot, C., Billen, G. & Mathot, S., 1988. Ecolophysiology of phyto- and bacterioplankton growth in the Southern Ocean. In : Belgian Scientific Research Programme on Antarctica, Scientific results of phase 1 (Oct. 85-Jan.89). vol I. Plankton Ecology, S. Caschetto, ed., p. 4-92.

Billen, G., C. Lancelot, S. Mathot & S. Becquevort. (1990). Programme de recherches scientifiques sur l'Antarctique. Production biologique à la base du réseau trophique de l'Ecosystème Antarctique. Etude subsidiée par les Services de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique. Rapport particulier des résultats.

Lancelot C., S. Mathot, S. Becquevort, J.-M Dandois, G. Billen. (1991). Carbon and nitrogen cycling though the microbial network of the marginal ice zone of the Southern Ocean with particular emphasis to the northwestern Weddell Sea. Etude subsidiée par les Services de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique. Rapport final.

Lancelot, C., S. Becquevort , J.M Dandois, S. Mathot, T. de Henau. (1994). Ecological modelling of the planktonic microbial food-web. Etude subsidiée par les Services de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique. Programme Antarctique III. Rapport à mi-parcours.
Menon P., C. Lancelot, S. Becquevort (1995). Dynamique du nano- et du microprotozooplancton : abondances, biomasses et activités d’ingestion. Les rapports des campagnes à la mer ANTARES 2/ MD 78 à bord du Marion-Dufresne 26 janvier-23 mars 1994.

Lancelot, C., S. Becquevort, P. Menon, J.M. Dandois & S. Mathot. (1996). Ecological modelling of the planktonic microbial food-web. Programme Antarctique III. Service Fédéraux des Affaires Scientifiques, Techniques et Culturelles. Rapport final (75p.).

Dehairs, C. Lancelot, L. André, M. Frankignoulle, E. Deleersnijder S. Becquevort, D. Cardinal, T. Cattaldo, B. Delille, M. Elskens, N. Fagel, H. Goosse, E. Hannon, J. Navez, G. Probst,, V. Schoemann (2001), An integrated approach to assess carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean. rapport final SSTC.

C. Lancelot, S. Becquevort, V. Schoemann, B. Pasquer. Estimation de la sensibilité de la pompe biologique de l’océan Austral au changement climatique. (Décembre 2001) Etude des processus liés au plancton et modélisation biogéochimique. Rapport intermédiaire Belcanto-2 (SSTC).

C. Lancelot, S. Becquevort, V. Schoemann, B. Pasquer. Estimation de la sensibilité de la pompe biologique de l’océan Austral au changement climatique. (Décembre 2002) Etude des processus liés au plancton et modélisation biogéochimique. Rapport intermédiaire Belcanto-2 (SSTC).

C. Lancelot, S. Becquevort, V. Schoemann, B. Pasquer. Estimation de la sensibilité de la pompe biologique de l’océan Austral au changement climatique. (Novembre 2003). Etude des processus liés au plancton et modélisation biogéochimique. Rapport intermédiaire Belcanto-2 (SSTC).

C. Lancelot, S. Becquevort, V. Schoemann, B. Pasquer. Estimation de la sensibilité de la pompe biologique de l’océan Austral au changement climatique. (Novembre 2004). Etude des processus liés au plancton et modélisation biogéochimique. Rapport intermédiaire Belcanto-2 (SSTC).

Tison J.L., Lorrain R., Verbeke V., Lancelot C., Becquevort S., Schoemann V., Chou L., de Jong J. (2003). Biogéochimie de la glace de mer dans les perspectives de changements climatiques. Rapport annuel.

Tison J.L., Lorrain R., Verbeke V., Lancelot C., Becquevort S., Schoemann V., Chou L., de Jong J. (2003). Biogéochimie de la glace de mer dans les perspectives de changements climatiques. Rapport annuel.

Symposium abstracts

Lancelot, C., M. Keller, V. Rousseau, W.O. Smith Jr, S. Mathot. 1998. Autoecology of the Marine Haptophyte Phaeocystis sp. In: NATO Advanced Workshop on the physiological ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms. NATO-ASI Series, D.A. Anderson, A.M Cembella, G. Hallegraef, ed. Series G : Ecological Science 41 : 209-224.

Billen, G., Lancelot, C. & Mathot, S., 1988. Ecophysiology of phyto- and bacterioplankton growth in the Prydz Bay area during the austral summer 1987. Part II : Bacterioplankton activity. In :Proceedings of the Belgian Colloquium on Antarctic Research, Brussels, October 20, 1987. Prime Minister's Services Science Office, p. 133-146.

Lancelot, C., Billen, G. & Mathot, S., 1988. Ecophysiology of phyto- and bacterioplankton growth in the Prydz Bay area during the Austral summer 1987. Part I. Modelling phytoplankton growth. In: Proceedings of the Belgian National Colloquiums on Antarctic Research, Brussels, October 20, 1987,Prime Minister's Services - Science Policy, ed., 116-132.

Complementary resources


Lancelot Christiane
Faculté des Sciences
Campus de la Plaine
boulevard du Triomphe - 1050 Bruxelles
Phone: +32 2 650 59 88 - fax +32 2 650 59 93i

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