Federal Planning Office, Econ. Aff., Finance, Public Health and Environment, Communication and Infrastructure, Walloon Region, Brussels Capital City Region, Flemish Community,
The "Scientific Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy" (SPSD) approved by the Council of Ministers of 7 March 1996 and to which a budget of 2.7 billion francs was allocated aims to translate various dimensions of the concept of sustainable development into the development of specific policy measures. The SPSD encompasses five theme-based programmes (sustainable management of the North Sea, global change and sustainable development, the Antarctic, sustainable mobility and pre-standardisation research in the food sector), a programme on "tools for a policy of sustainable development" focusing on the incorporation of human behaviour and natural problems and a programme on "earth observation by satellite".
In the interests of better coordination of the results of SPSD theme-based programmes and of other programmes, and to make these results more accessible, a budget of 150 million BEF has been set aside for "support activities". These support activities began in June 1997 and will be completed on 31 December 2002.
The objectives pursued by the OSTC under the heading of support activities will reflect the concerns addressed by Agenda 21 in sections III ("Strengthening the role of the main groups") and IV ("Means of implementation") and more specifically in chapters 35 ("Science for sustainable development") and 40 ("Information for decision-making").
The objectives of SPSD support activities:
a) selection, comparison and judicious incorporation, at Belgian and international level, of scientific knowledge acquired in various areas;
b) appropriate management of this information to make it more easily accessible to potential users (scientists, political officials and others);
c) active promotion of communication and exchanges among scientists, political actors and other social groups.
Support actions will gradually be introduced in response to needs for and/or lack of information within SPSD’s theme-based research programmes. Specific studies will be financed upon the opinion of the plenary steering group, which is composed of representatives of federal and regional authorities.
The specific initiatives developed as part of support activities may be grouped under the following headings (as of November 1999) :
1. Synthesis of Information Concerning Sustainable Development and Integration of Research Results
- Development and Implementation Of Models
- Various research contracts contribute to international reporting and its optimisation
- Interdisciplinary Strategies and Sustainable Development
2. Access to Information
- Information Systems and Networks
3. Dialogue and Communication
AS/DD/01A: Contribution to sustainable development policies
AS/DD/01B: Framework for reporting " climate change" effects in Belgium: development and application
AS/DD/01C: Analysis of emission reduction options for greenhouse gases and tropospheric ozone precursors
AS/DD/02: Development of scientifically-founded environmental information for Belgium
AS/DD/04: Development of a realistic set of composite urban environmental indicators
AS/DD/05: Provision of data relative to NGOs for the OSTC sustainable development information system
AS/DD/07: Stepping up federal participation in the work of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and EIONET (European Environment Information and Observation Network)
AS/DD/09: Development of a specific interpolation method for air pollutants measured in automatic networks (SMOGSTOP)
AS/DD/10: Implementation and extension of the EUROS (EURopean Operational Smog) model for policy support in Belgium
AS/DD/11: Scientific Communication and Sustainable Development
AS/DD/12: The practice of interdisciplinarity: an instrument for sustainable development
AS/DD/13: Biodiversity Platform
AS/DD/16: Modelling and decision-making aids for sustainable development: research avenues
AS/DD/17: For a dictionary of sustainable development in Belgium
AS/DD/19: Data management of indicators for sustainable development: standard data sheets and information flows
AS/DD/20: Platform for scientific dialogue: Viable cities
AS/DD/23: Platform for scientific dialogue "Indicators for sustainable development"
AS/DD/27: La participation du public aux processus décisionnels De participatie van het publiek aan besluitvormingsprocessen
AS/DD/29: BIODIV - Catalogus van de expertise betreffende biodiversiteit in België BIODIV - Catalogue de l'expertise en matière de biodiversité en Belgique
AS/DD/37: MetafroInfoSys
A la recherche d'un dialogue durable entre science et politique: 2 jours de symposium, 24 et 25 novembre 1999, Palais des Congrès, Bruxelles = Op zoek naar een duurzame dialoog tussen onderzoek en beleid: 2 daags symposium, 24 en 25 november 1999, Paleis voor Congressen, Brussel
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2000 (SP0615)
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Environmental data compendium for Belgium: description of the datasources available for Belgium and the Brussels, Flemish and walloon regions: air, Inland waters, marine environment , land, forest, wildlife, waste and noise
Gommers, Liesbeth - Vermoesen, Frank Brussels: OSTC, 2000 (SP0616)
Sustainable development. Towards a sustainable dialogue between science and policy: symposium, Brussels, 24 and 25 november 1999
Brussels: OSTC, 2000 (SP0632)
La communication scientifique en matière de développement durable: rapport de recherche= De wetenschappelijke communicatie inzake duurzame ontwikkeling
Mormont, Marc - Loots, Ilse - Zaccaï, Edwin ... et al. Bruxelles: SSTC, 2000 (SP0636)
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De wetenschappelijke communicatie inzake duurzame ontwikkeling: onderzoeksrapport = La communication scientifique en matière de développement durable
Mormont, Marc - Loots, Ilse - Zaccaï, Edwin ... et al. Brussel: DWTC, 2000 (SP0637)
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Application du modèle EPM au développement de scénarios d'émissions de CO2 à l'horizon 2010 pour la Belgique: rapport d'avancement, ECONOTEC
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0729)
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Implementatie en uitbreiding van het EUROS model voor beleidsondersteuning in België: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0928)
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Implémentation et extension du modèle EUROS pour l'appui à la gestion en Belgique: résumé
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0929)
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Implementation and extension of the EUROS model for policy support in Belgium: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0930)
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Elaboration d'un set réaliste d'indicateurs environnementaux urbains composites: rapport final
Berrewaerts, M-C - Decoux, D. - Tallier, P-A ... et al Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1066)
Uitwerking van een realistisch set van samengestelde milieu-indicatoren: eindrapport
Berrewaerts, M-C - Decoux, D. - Tallier, P-A ... et al Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1067)
Setting concepts into motion: sustainable development and R&D policies. Development of scientific tools in support of Sustainable Development decision making: proceedings, Brussels, 28-29 november 2001
Vanderstraeten, M. Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1068)
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Setting concepts into motion: improving scientific tools in support of sustainable development decision-making: booklet
Boulanger, P-M. - Bréchet, Th. Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1069)
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Modèle EPM: Analyse prévisionnelle des émissions de gaz à effet de serre en Belgique en 2010 : rapport final
Bruxelles : SSTC, 2002 (SP1091)
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Modèle EPM: Analyse prévisionnelle des émissions de gaz à effet de serre en Belgique en 2010 : résumé exécutif
Bruxelles : SSTC, 2002 (SP1092)
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EPM Model: Emission projection of greenhouse gases in Belgium in 2010 : executive summary
Brussels : OSTC, 2002 (SP1093)
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Setting concepts into motion: Sustainable Development and R&D policies. Development of scientific tools in support of Sustainable Development decision-making : slides
Vanderstraeten, M. (ed.) Brussels : OSTC, 2001 (SP1103)
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Development of scientific tools in support of Sustainable Development decision-making : summary
Brussels : OSTC, 2002 (SP1104)
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Versterking van de federale participatie in de werkzaamheden in het Europese Milieuagentschap en in het netwerk EIONET : eidrapport
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2005 (SP1566)
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