Public Health and Envir., Foreign Affairs, Finances, Economic Affairs, Agriculture, Walloon Region DGTRE/DGA, Brussels Cap. City Region BIM, Flemish Community-AMINAL/Mobility cell, Federal Planning Office - CLO Rijksst. Plantenver.(observer),CRA Gembloux
The programme's two general objectives are:
-to reduce uncertainties about the extent and patterns of global environmental problems through a better understanding of the ecosystem and its interaction with socioeconomic systems to provide a firmer scientific basis for decision-making.
-help strengthen the scientific and technical basis needed to make (federal, European and international) and implement (federal and regional) policy on Global Change and Sustainable Development, with particular reference to climate change.
The scientific objectives are:
-to understand the physical, chemical and biological processes of change in the Earth System and their interactions, particularly those implicated in climate change, stratospheric ozone change in the mid-latitudes, the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere (including tropospheric ozone creation) with particular attention to human-induced changes.
-to develop methods and models to explain the operation and evolution of the climate system, its influences, and to project potential climate changes (nature, magnitude, timing).
-to understand the effects of Global Change and especially the effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems, hydrological cycles, essentially in Belgium, including a risk or "vulnerability" assessment; The results must be compiled and globalized in a report relevant to Belgium;
-to develop tools (models, methods,...) with which to evaluate the consequences of policy options.
The strategic objectives are:
-to provide the information necessary to identify and understand the problems;
-to evaluate the policy options (effectiveness, cost, side effects, sustainability,...);
-to provide policy-makers with contextual information and knowledge.
The expertise developed must support Belgian international policy-making, and the national communications which Belgium is required to make under the Climate Convention, the European Council Decision for a monitoring mechanism of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions, and in the framework of the CSD (Council for Sustainable Development).
- Sub-programme 1:"reducing uncertainties"
- Sub-programme 2:"scientific support for Belgian policy on climate change"
A. Sub-programme 1: Reducing uncertainties
This sub-programme is to improve understanding the state and the evolution of the environmental system interacting with socioeconomic activities in a context of climate change. Studies are be both descriptive (experimentation) and predictive (modelling).
They focus on the priorities assigned (arbitrary) to 4 sections:
. atmospheric processes
. hydrological cycles
. terrestrial ecosystems
. the climate system
A.1. Atmospheric processes
The ultimate goal is to determine atmospheric threshold and the impact of human-induced atmospheric changes as a basis for optimizing national and international short-, medium- and long-term policy-making a.o. in the area of climate change.
That will entail:
- studying the interactions between atmospheric processes and the composition of the atmosphere and the reinforced greenhouse effect;
- understanding the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere;
- studying the fundamental processes of tropospheric ozone creation;
- understanding the dynamic chemical processes which determine the quantity of ozone in the stratosphere, particularly in the mid-latitudes.
Atmospheric processes and radiative forcing:
- Study of the chemical, physical and optical properties, chemical budget and the local, regional and global spatial distribution of radiatively-active gases and aerosols (direct and indirect effects, relation to cloud systems) in the atmosphere.
Stratospheric or high-level ozone:
- Quantification of the ozone budget and study of the mechanisms responsible for the observable patterns in lower stratosphere and upper troposphere (more precise observations of the chemical components affecting the ozone budget (laboratory studies and modelling).
- Study of the causes of ozone depletion in the middle latitudes by improved quantification of mass exchanges (polar vortex, subtropical jet, tropopause).
- Impact of sub- and supersonic aircraft emissions on the stratospheric ozone layer.
Tropospheric or low-level ozone:
- Quantification of global and regional hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide budgets and the role of farming in ozone precursor formation.
- Study of the mechanisms of tropospheric ozone generation, more specifically the photochemical degradation of the hydrocarbons involved at different NO2 concentrations. Development of generic chemical mechanisms for the major hydrocarbon groups in view of consolidating these in models.
- Studies of changes in the oxidative (self-cleaning) capacity of the atmosphere in response to human-induced and natural disturbances/disruptions, especially the free hydroxyl radical (OH) which is of cardinal importance for the strato- and tropospheric ozone problematic.
- Provision of a UV-irradiation climatology and UV-B forecast for Belgium on an operational basis.
International R&D context
SPARC (Stratospheric Processes and Their Role in Climate) under the WCRP (World Climate Research Programme)
IGAC (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Processes) under the IGBP (International Geosphere and Biosphere Programme)
EIPO under ENRICH (European Network for Research in Global Change)
Environment and Climate (94-98) (EU)
EUROTRAC II (European experiment on the transport and transformation of environmentally relevant trace constituents in the troposphere over Europe) under EUREKA
GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) under ERS 2
A.2. Terrestrial ecosystems
To evaluate and project the effects of climate change, possibly in conjunction with other environmental changes (e.g., changes in land use) on terrestrial ecosystems - with specific reference to Belgium -as a basis for the development of adaptation response and limitation strategies. To evaluate the interactions between changes in terrestrial ecosystems and the climate system.
- To study physical, biological and chemical processes connected with natural greenhouse gas emissions (N2O, CH4, O3 precursors, water vapour) depending on climate change and associated environmental factors.
- To develop and improve methods and procedures for establishing an inventory of natural greenhouse gas emissions.
- To evaluate the effects of climate change and associated environmental factors on carbon emissions; carbon storage and dynamics on typically Belgian terrestrial ecosystems (grassland, peatlands, coniferous and deciduous forests) taking into account soil compartments, litter layer, and plant biomass. An overall assessment of carbon exchange on Belgian plant cover as a whole.
- Impact analysis of climate change and possibly other environmental factors (tropospheric ozone, acid rain, nutrient load of water), on the functioning (primary productivity, decomposition, nutrient cycle,...) and complexity (stability, resistance, adaptability, diversity,...) of specifically Belgian terrestrial ecosystems.
International R&D context
GCTE (Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems) under IGBP
LUCC (Land Use and Land-Cover Change) under IGBP/IHDP
TERI (Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Initiative) under ENRICH
Environment and Climate (94-98) (EU)
A.3. Hydrological cycles
To assess the impacts of human-induced climate change on the quantity and quality of water resources to optimize planning, management and use of ground and surface water (including major international rivers). To assess the mutual influence of a change in hydrological cycles and associated biogeochemical exchanges on the climate system.
- To develop, compare and validate hydrological models for predicting the effects of climate change on:
- the mean water regime and extreme events (drought, flooding) related to the main Belgian hydrological basins;
- Belgian ground water resources.
- To develop tools and methods for coupling studies on climatic and hydrological phenomena to water resource and surface water analyses and management studies, and in connection with this to develop a model for the integrated management of rivers that cross international boundaries.
- To model the changing relation between ground water and water/soil interaction in the hydrological basin in relation to climate change and change in land use.
- More generally, to study and model water-energy-nutrient exchanges between the soil, vegetation and the atmosphere.
International R&D context
BAHC (Biospheric Aspects on the Hydrological Cycle)/LOICZ (Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone) under IGBP
Environment and Climate (94-98) (EU)
EC Environment - Water Task Force
A.4. The climate system
To develop models which explain the fundamental processes of the climate system and make projections of the evolution of the climate in our regions (Europe - Belgium). Because climate models are constructed according to the laws of physics or factual data, the key scientific challenge is to couple these two approaches.
- Climate models:
- An improved study of the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere components/modules of global climate models.
- To construct nested climate models to reconstruct changes in the Belgian climate (Western Europe) and make projections for the future.
- To consolidate the data sets needed to validate climate models (including by use of remote sensing and paleoclimatological data);
- To develop relevant methods and techniques to analyse natural climate variability and predictability.
- Climatic scenarios:
-To construct regional climate change scenarios for impact analysis from general circulation models (GCMs) coupled with nested regional models (cf. national communication under the Climate Convention).
- Past climate (palaeoclimate):
-To reconstruct past climatic conditions on a regional and/or global scale using sets of palaeoclimatological data. To develop methodologies.
-Biogeochemical cycles (especially the carbon cycle)
-To develop models of the carbon cycle as an input for climate models
Generally, to improve climate studies through increased cooperation between modellers and applied scientists as regards both model validation and impact assessments of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems and hydrological cycles. Priority will be given to studying the interfaces between the different climate system determinants (the ice cap, atmospheric chemistry,...).
International R&D context
GAIM (Global Analysis Interpretation and Modelling), GCTE (Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems), IGAC (International Global Atmosphere Chemistry Project), PAGES (Past Global Changes)/ JGOFS (Joint Global Ocean Flux Studies) (IGBP)
Environment and Climate (94-98) (EU)
CG/DD1/01: ESAC I : Experimental study of atmospheric changes
CG/DD1/02: Anthropogenic and biogenic influences on the oxidising capacity of the atmosphere
CG/DD1/03: Sources, physico-chemical characteristics, and climate "forcing" of atmospheric aerosols
CG/DD1/04: Species diversity: Importance for sustainable ecosystems and impact of climate change
CG/DD1/05: Biogeochemical cycles of forest ecosystems related to Global Change and Sustainable Development
CG/DD1/06: Hydrological, soil chemical and ecological effects of climate change in species rich fens
CG/DD1/07: Parameterisation and inventarisation of gaseous nitrogen compounds from agricultural sources
CG/DD1/08: Integrated modelling of the hydrological cycle in a view of climate change
CG/DD1/09: Modelling the climate and its evolution at the global and regional scales (CLIMOD network)
CG/DD1/10: Recent ENSO and Paleo-ENSO of the last 1000 years in Lake Tanganyika
CG/DD1/11: The global carbon cycle and the future atmospheric CO2 level
CG/DD1/12: Natural Holocene climate variability and the recent anthropogenic impact in Belgium
CG/DD1/13: Understanding the decadal-century-to-millenia climate variability by simulating extreme paleoclimatic situations
CG/DD1/211: Simulation model for evaluating combinations of CO2 emission reduction measures
CG/DD1/221: MARKAL, a model in support of greenhouse gas abatement policy
CG/DD1/231: COAL OPTIONS - Assessment of centralised generation of electricity from coal in a context of uncertainty
CG/DD1/241: Climate Change, international negotiations and belgian strategies (CLIMNEG network)
CG/DD1/251: WOODSUSTAIN: Contributions of wood-energy to sustainable development in Belgium
CG/DD1/26: Electric and hybrid vehicles: a measure to reduce tropospheric ozone?
CG/DD1/27: Climate change and instruments for emissions abatement in Belgium: an interdisciplinary analysis (CLIMBEL network)
CG/DD1/28: Economic impact modules for the EUROS model
CG/DD1/29: Effect of sward composition and quality and supplementation on methane emissions of grazing cattle
CG/DD1/30: Inventory and approach to barriers for climate policy
CG/DD1/31A: Greenhouse gas emissions reduction and materials flow
Belgian global change research 1990-2002: Assessment and integration report : Présentation du rapport, synthèse : CD-ROM
Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2004 (CD0047)
[To download]
[To order]
How to achieve the Kyoto Target in Belgium: modelling methodology and some results
Proost, Stef - Van Regemorter, Denise Leuven: KUL, 2000 (SP1002)
[To download]
Evaluation of coal-based power generation in an uncertain context: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP1003)
[To download]
Changements climatiques, négociations internationales et stratégies de la Belgique (Réseau CLIMNEG): résumé exécutif
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP1004)
[To download]
Climate Change, International Negotiations and Belgian Strategies (CLIMNEG project): executive summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP1005)
[To download]
WOODSUSTAIN: Contributions of wood-energy to sustainable development in Belgium: final summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP1006)
[To download]
Changements climatiques et instruments de réduction des émissions en Belgique: une analyse interdisciplinaire (réseau CLIMBEL): résumé exécutif
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP1007)
[To download]
Global Change et développement durable (1996-2000): sous-programme 1: réduction des incertitudes: un aperçu
SSTC, 1997 (SP0455)
[To order]
Global Change en duurzame ontwikkeling (1996-2000): Sub-programma 1: vermindering van onzekerheden: een overzicht
DWTC, 1997 (SP0456)
[To order]
Global change and sustainable development (1996-2000): an overview
OSTC, 1997 (SP0457)
[To order]
Global change and sustainable development. Part 1: reducing uncertainties
Brussels: OSTC, 2000 (SP0593/1-3)
[To order]
Ozon in de troposfeer: onderzoek en beleid, proceedings van de studiedag, Brussel, 26 juni 1998 = Ozone dans la troposphère: la recherche et la politique, actes du colloque, Bruxelles 26 juin 1998
Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0594)
[To order]
Global Change and sustainable development: Part 1: reducing uncertainties: synthesis of the Integrated Scientific reports
Brussels: OSTC, 2000 (SP0614/1-3)
[To order]
A la recherche d'un dialogue durable entre science et politique: 2 jours de symposium, 24 et 25 novembre 1999, Palais des Congrès, Bruxelles = Op zoek naar een duurzame dialoog tussen onderzoek en beleid: 2 daags symposium, 24 en 25 november 1999, Paleis voor Congressen, Brussel
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2000 (SP0615)
[To order]
Sustainable development. Towards a sustainable dialogue between science and policy: symposium, Brussels, 24 and 25 november 1999
Brussels: OSTC, 2000 (SP0632)
Changement global et développement durable: présentation du programme de recherche et synthèses des projets de recherche
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0633)
[To order]
Global change and sustainable development: presentation of the research program and synthesis of research projects
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0634)
[To order]
Global change en duurzame ontwikkeling: voorstelling van het onderzoeksprogramma en synthesen van de onderzoeksprojecten
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0635)
[To order]
Plan d'appui scientifique à une politique de développement durable 1996-2001
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2000 (SP0650)
Het plan voor wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van een beleid gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling 1996-2001
Brussel: DWTC, 2000 (SP0651)
[To order]
Cyberspace: brochure réalisée à l'occasion de l'exposition "Vivre ou survivre"
SSTC ... et al. Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0702)
[To download]
Cyberspace: brochure samengesteld ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstelling "Leven of overleven"
DWTC ... et al. Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0703)
[To download]
Markal, a model to support greenhouse gas reduction policies: final report
Proost, Stef Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0730)
[To download]
The Belgian Markal database: annex to the report (1)
CES-Leuven - VITO Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0731)
[To download]
Economische impactmodules voor het EUROS-model: eindrapport
VITO - ECONOTEC Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0732)
[To download]
Greenhouse gas emissions reduction and materials flows: final report
Nemry, F. - Theunis, J. - Brechet, Th. ... et al. Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0733)
[To download]
Effet de la composition botanique et la supplémentation sur les émissions de méthane par du bétail sur pâturage: rapport final
Demeyer, Daniel - Carlier, L. Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0734)
[To download]
Véhicules électriques et hybrides: une mesure pour réduire l'ozone troposphérique: rapport final
Favrel, Vincent - Landrain, Véronique - Da Silva, Nancy ... et al. Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0735)
[To download]
Contributions du bois-énergie au développement durable en Belgique: rapport final
Sintzoff, I. - Menu, J.F. - Thiry, J. ... et al. Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0736)
[To download]
Inventaire des techniques de substitution permettant de réduire les émissions de CO2: rapport (1)
Institut Wallon Bruxelles: SSTC, 2000 (SP0737)
[To download]
Markal, een model ter ondersteuning van het broeikasgasbeleid: samenvatting
CES, Leuven - VITO Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0738)
[To download]
Markal, a model to support greenhouse gas reduction policies: summary policies
CES, Leuven - VITO Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0739)
[To download]
Optimal investment strategy under uncertainty in the Belgian energy system: annex to the report (2)
CES - KULeuven Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0740)
[To download]
Véhicules électriques et hybrides: une mesure pour réduire l'ozone troposphérique?: résumé exécutif
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0741)
[To download]
Electric and hybrid vehicles: a measure to reduce tropospheric ozone?: executive summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0742)
[To download]
Economische impactmodules voor het EUROS-model: synthese
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0743)
[To download]
Economic impact modules for the EUROS model: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0744)
[To download]
Effect van wisselende grassamenstelling en bijvoedering op de methaanemissie bij grazend rundvee: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0745)
[To download]
Effect of sward composition and quality and supplementation on methane emission by grazing cattle: summary report
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0746)
[To download]
Réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et flux de matières: résumé
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0747)
[To download]
Greenhouse gas emissions reduction and material flows: summary report
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0748)
[To download]
Housing system analysis: annex to the report (1)
Part I: Detailed description of the system and evaluation of the potential of emissions reduction
Institut Wallon Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0749)
[To download]
Housing system analysis: annex to the report (2)
Part II: processes description
Institut Wallon Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0750)
[To download]
Analysis of the literature: annex to the report (3)
VITO Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0751)
[To download]
Production and use of beverage packaging: annex to the report (4)
VITO Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0752)
[To download]
Materials used for packaging and building: plastics, paper and cardboard, and aluminium: annex to the report (5)
VITO Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0753)
[To download]
Anthropogenic and biogenic influences on the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere: final report
Müller, J-F - Vinckier, C. - Wallens, S. ... et al. Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0918)
[To download]
Understanding the decadal-century-to millennia climate variability by simulating extreme paleoclimatic situations: final report
Loutre, M.F. - Berger, A. - Crucifix, M. ... et al Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0919)
Recent ENSO and PALEO ENSO of the last 1000 years in lake Tanganyika: final report
Klerkx, Jean - Lambin, Eric - Seret, Guy ... et al Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0920)
Experimental studies of Atmospheric changes (ESAC): final report
De Mazière, M. - Colin, R. - De Muer, D. ... et al Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0921)
[To download]
Species diversity: importance for the sustainability of ecosystems and impact of climate change: final report
Reheul, Dirk - Nijs, Ivan - Verelst, Iris ... et al Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0922)
Biogeochemical cycles of Belgian Forest ecosystems related to global change and sustainable development: final report
Lemeur, R. - Lust, N. - Ceulemans, R. ... et al Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0923)
Parameterisation and inventarisation of gaseous nitrogen compounds from agricultural sources: final report
Goossens, Annick - De Wever, Heleen - De Visscher, Alex ... at al Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0924)
Modelling the climate and its evolution at the global and regional scales (CLIMOD): final report
Fichefet, Thierry - Huybrechts, Philippe - Van Ypersele, Jean-Pascal ... et al Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0925)
The global carbon cycle and the future level of atmospheric CO2: final report
Gérard, Jean-Claude - Veroustraete, Frank - Wollast, Michel ... et al Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0927)
Sources, physico-chemical characteritics and climate forcing of atmospheric aerosols: final report
Maenhaut, Willy - Adams, Freddy - Claeys, Magda Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0983)
[To download]
Hydrological, soil chemical and ecological effects of climate change in species rich fens: final report
Van Haesebroeck, Véronique - Vlassak, Karel - Hens, Maarten ... et al Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0984)
Coal options: evaluation of coal-based power generation: final report
Smeers, Y. - Bolle, L. - Squilbin, O. Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0985)
[To download]
Changements climatiques, négociations internationales et stratégies de la Belgique (réseau CLIMNEG): rapport final
Tulkens, Henry Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0986)
[To download]
Changements climatiques et instruments de réduction des émissions en Belgique (Réseau CLIMBEL): rapport final
Tulkens, Henry Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0987)
[To download]
Inventaris en aanpak van belemmeringen voor het klimaatbeleid: eindrapport
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0988)
[To download]
Simulatiemodel ter evaluatie van combinaties van CO2-emissie reductiemaatregelen
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0990)
[To download]
Experimental studies of atmospheric changes (ESAC): summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0991)
[To download]
Experimentele studies van veranderingen in de atmosfeer (ESAC): synthese
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0992)
[To download]
Etudes expérimentales de changements atmosphériques (ESAC): synthèse
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0993)
[To download]
Anthropogenic and biogenic influences on the oxidising capacity of the atmosphere: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0994)
[To download]
Influences anthropiques et biogéniques sur la capacité oxydante de l'atmosphère: synthèse
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0995)
[To download]
Antropogene en biogene invloeden op de oxiderende capaciteit van de atmosfeer: synthese
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0996)
[To download]
Sources, caractéristiques physico-chimiques et forçage climatique des aérosols atmosphériques: synthèse
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0997)
[To download]
Sources, physico-chemical characteristics, and climate forcing of atmospheric aerosols: synthesis
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0998)
[To download]
Bronnen, fysico-chemische eigenschappen en klimaat "forcing" van atmosferische aërosolen: synthese
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0999)
[To download]
Simulatiemodel ter evaluatie van combinaties van CO2-emissie reductiemaatregelen: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP1000)
[To download]
Simulation model for evaluating combinations of CO2 emission reduction measures: executive summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP1001)
[To download]
Climate change and instruments for emissions abatement in Belgium: an interdisciplinary analysis (CLIMBEL project): executive summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP1008)
[To download]
Inventaris en aanpak van belemmeringen voor het klimaatbeleid: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP1009)
[To download]
Inventory and approach to barriers for the climate policy: project summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP1010)
[To download]
Global change and sustainable development : final reports
Brussels : Federal Science Policy Office, 2002 (SP1207)
[To download]
[To order]
Scientific support plan for a sustainable development policy SPSD 1
Volume I : Atmospheric processes
Final reports
Brussels : Federal Science Policy Office, 2004 (SP1363)
[To download]
[To order]
Scientific support plan for a sustainable development policy SPSD 1
Volume II : The climate system
Final reports
Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2004 (SP1364)
[To download]
[To order]
Belgian global change research 1990 - 2002 : assessment and integration report
Ceulemans, R. - De Maziere, M. - Nijs, I ... et al Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2004 (SP1456)
[To download]
Belgian global change research 1990 - 2002 : synthesis of the assessment and integration report
den Ouden, G. (ed) - Vanderstraeten, M. (ed) - Raeymakers, P. Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2004 (SP1457)
[To download]
[To order]
Belgisch global change onderzoek 1990 - 2000 : synthese van het assessment- en
den Ouden, G. (ed) - Vanderstraeten, M. (ed) - Raeymakers, P. Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2004 (SP1458)
[To download]
La recherche belge sur le global change 1990 - 2002: Synthèse du rapport d’évaluation et d’intégration
den Ouden, G. (ed) - Vanderstraeten, M. (ed) - Raeymakers, P. Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2004 (SP1459)
[To download]
[To order]
Scientific support to the tropospheric ozone reduction strategy: Information dossier.
Contribution of the Belgian Science Policy in the framework of the "Federal Plan against acidification and tropospheric ozone"
Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2005 (SP1521)
[To download]
[To order]
Proceedings van de studiedag Ozon op leefniveau en ozonprecursoren : wetenschappelijke instrumenten en beleid, 10 juni 2004, Paleis der Academiën, Brussel = Actes de la journée d'étude L'ozone dans l'air ambiant et les precurseurs d'ozone : les instruments scientifiques et la politique, 10 juin 2004, Palais des Académies, Bruxelles
Brussel : Federaal wetenschapsbeleid, 2004 (SP1590)
[To download]