Diffusion of telecommunications


  • Responsible(s) Federal Science Policy: Belleflamme Claudine
  • Final decision of the Ministers Council: 17/12/1994
  • Duration of the research: 1/12/1994 - //
  • Budget: 4,957,870.50 EUR
  • Research projects: 31


All the actions implemented under the programme aim to encourage the use of telematics technologies among user groups which new communication technologies have so far failed to sufficiently reach.

The user sectors targeted by the programme are the non-commercial sector - and federal administrations and federal scientific and cultural institutions in particular -, SMEs and the professions.

General objectives of the development of targeted pilot applications (strand A).
The objective of this strand is to implement targeted pilot projects organised by consortiums of applications users and all technical service providers (software, hardware, expertise).

General objectives of the interdisciplinary centre of expertise (strand B)
The research themes of the interdisciplinary centre of expertise are designed to constitute a coherent and multidisciplinary base of scientific expertise in Belgium that can be applied to all the factors determining the spread of telematics innovations.

General objectives of the telecommunications users forum (strand C).
The forum will provide a continuous instrument for drawing maximum benefit from the programme's activities.


This programme of scientific support is constructed around the following three strands of action :

Strand A: Development of targeted pilot applications

Strand B: Interdisciplinary centre of expertise

12 research topics are being studied under 18 contracts. In the present budgetary context, the activities of most of these contracts cover a period of approximately 2 years.

The research topics studied have been classed in two groups. These two groups are characterised by :

. a sectorial or applications-based approach

. a transverse approach

In keeping with the programme's "user-oriented" character, the studies of the centre of expertise, whether part of the sectorial approach or the transverse approach, are not so much based on the nature of the technologies in the strict sense of the term as on the innovation which these technologies permit in the methods of communication and organisation of the programme's priority users.

A dual interdisciplinarity is evident in the way the centre of expertise is implemented, this reflecting the importance attached to interdisciplinarity in this strand of the programme. On the one hand, the teams cooperate on an interdisciplinary basis within a single research project and, on the other hand, some subjects are studied by several teams from different angles.

Finally, mention must be made of the role of the interdisciplinary centre of expertise in terms of programme coherency. To this end, cooperation with other aspects of the programme will be encouraged. The activities of the interdisciplinary centre of expertise can provide a core expertise for the pilot applications of strand A and, even more surely, an input to the activities of the telecommunications users forum (strand C).

Research projects:

CM/00/A01: Development of a disaster service for Limburg - Phase Two

CM/00/A012: EOLE- Second phase

CM/00/A014: Telematics applications in combating animal diseases and on-line transport monitoring of animals and merchandise - Implementation and testing of the technology developed on real-life scale

CM/00/A015: Medical monitoring and assistance of patients at home (SAMED) - Second phase

CM/00/A017: Information from the Government via Telecommunications - TELEGIDS - Phase Two

CM/00/A02: ADAPTEL- Second phase.

CM/00/A03: Introduction of telematics for purposes of youth information - Second phase

CM/00/A04: ECOLINE- Second phase

CM/00/A05: An infrastructure for electronic communication for NGOs and their public - Phase Two

CM/00/A06: VIRLIB- Second phase

CM/00/A07: Agora II

CM/00/A09: IRISNet, Interactive Regional Information Services Network- Second phase

CM/00/A11: MUNT project


CM/00/C002: Involving users in developing telematics projects: A published guide and a network of persons

CM/00/C003: HOMECARE - Remote medical monitoring and tele-assistance at home


CM/00/C005: Irisweb

CM/00/C007: Forum for the diffusion of environmental and eco-consumption information - ECODIF

CM/001: Use of the inter-organisational systems (SIO) by Belgian SME´s

CM/003: The audiovisual - telecommunications convergence: its impact on non-commercial services and the actions of public authorities

CM/005: User needs & solutions concerning communication of medical images in the healthcare sector. Legal & regulatory aspects with regard to protecting the exchange of confidential data on patients

CM/006: Modelling of the Offer of Advanced Information and Communication Services (MOSAIC)

CM/007: Dynamics of acceptance, appropriation and use of telematic applications in scientific research units

CM/009: The legal stakes and consequences of the technological convergence between the audiovisual media and telecommunications

CM/010: Script for a new telecommunications regulation in Belgium after the year 2000 for the categories of users specified by the programme

CM/011: Conditions for disseminating work in a network within public administrations and non-commercial services

CM/012: Teleworking - Possibilities and effects on mobility, the environment and land-use planning

CM/013: Distance learning, disseminated education and training at an open university

CM/016: Social appropriation of multimedia

CM/017: The development of the legal framework for the telecommunications sector