Effectif: Economic Affairs,Middle Class & Agri., OSTC, Regions Observators: Middle Class & Agri., MUMM
The programme "Sustainable Management of the North Sea" in the 'Plan for Scientific Support for a Policy of Sustainable Development', represents an effort to explore such knowledge in depth and use it to contribute, in cooperation with other countries of the North Sea basin, to a plan for its sustainable management and the conservation of its natural resources.
To construct a sustainable plan for the management of the North Sea and its natural resources, the authorities need:
a better understanding of the structure and functioning of the North Sea ecosystem;
a better understanding of the impact of human activities on the North Sea ecosystem:
. to gain a better objective understanding of the notion of 'how the North Sea can be sustainably exploited to ensure that those living on its banks can maintain a high standard of living'.
. to gain a better understanding of the socioeconomic consequences which accompany the negative impact of human activities on the North Sea ecosystem;
. to translate properly founded scientific information and opinions from the research community into a policy designed to establish the most favourable balance possible between the various forms of exploitation of the North Sea and inform the public.
Apart from these scientific objectives, the goal of the programme is to enable teams of Belgian scientists who possess acquired expertise to maintain or strengthen their international standing and offer new teams an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities in acquiring marine research qualifications. It will also enable the scientific community to constantly track down new fields of investigation and establish a basis for new forms of expertise.
Two kinds of actions are distinguished:
I. Strategic scientific research:
To explore the complex nature of the phenomena which govern and influence the marine environment, longer term and more basic research is essential. Basic knowledge which permits comprehension of the various phenomena occurring in the environment of the North Sea is, at present, still not adequate, given their complex and interdisciplinary nature. Strategic scientific research would facilitate on the one hand, reinforcing and making the best use of the scientific expertise already available and, on the other, creating new centres of expertise. To that end, the programme aims to bring scientific teams together to work in multidisciplinary networks on subject area projects with the common purpose of establishing a solid basis on which the Federal authorities can act in implementing long term policy for the sustainable exploitation of the North Sea and its natural resources.
This aspect of the programme is intended to facilitate drawing together the various research units drawn from the various disciplines and afford them an opportunity to go more fully into the complex problems involved in the marine environment.
The main guidelines for the strategic research are as follows:
A. Eutrophication
(a)Where, how and with what consequences does a concentration of nutrients or inflow generated by human activity produce a change in the frequency, duration or size of the bloom of planktonic algae?
(b) How, and to what extent does the increased presence of algae or changes in their constituents or the possible presence of toxic algae disturb marine ecosystems as regards zooplankton, benthos and higher trophic levels?
B. Chemical pollution
(a) What are the sources, the flows and the destinations of inorganic and organic marine pollutants?
(b) Does the addition and presence of such pollutants in the sea influence marine life?
C. Protection of species and their habitat
(a) What is the spatial and temporal distribution of ecologically important species or those which play a key role as indicators of biodiversity or are threatened, endangered or under the threat of becoming so? What is the relationship between their various types of habitat in the coastal zone and in the high seas?
(b) What is the influence of human activities on the composition (biodiversity) and the density of such species and the sustainability of their various kinds of habitat?
D. Sustainable exploitation of the sea
(a) How can one determine the state of health of the sea so as to determine the impact of human activities?
(b) What is the socioeconomic cost of deterioration of the marine environment?
(c) What are the risks from accidental spills of petroleum and other chemical products in the environment?
E. Setting up a data bank with data series
So that the direction in which the state of health of the North Sea is moving can be identified and for new mathematical models to be evaluated, it is essential to have available series of data collected over a long period. Several Belgian research teams already have a certain number of such data.
To facilitate gathering up data presently only fragmentarily available with research teams, we need to evaluate the quality of such data and group it in a homogeneous manner in a central Belgian data bank which will be responsible for disseminating them in the optimum manner to the subject area networks and meet external requests. For their part, subject area network teams should supply the information they have to the bank quickly and in a structured manner.
II. Targeted scientific actions
The most appropriate way of enabling the authorities to formulate an answer quickly enough, based on scientific data, to urgent questions of national and international policy regarding their tasks in monitoring the North Sea and its natural resources, is to implement in targeted scientific actions. This involves research which is restricted in scope, short term and primarly applied in character. The research can have to do with biological, physical and chemical aspects and socioeconomic and legal issues.
Belgium will have to justify its international policy towards the North Sea, chiefly in the framework of the "International Conferences on the Protection of the North Sea. In consequence, targeted scientific actions will be mainly dictated by the problems which come up when the Quality Status Report on the North Sea is prepared. It will be drawn up jointly by the various States with a North Sea coast for the next Conference of Ministers in the year 2000.
MN/DD1/001: Biogeochemistry of nutrients, metals and organic micropollutants in the North Sea
MN/DD1/002: AMORE: Eutrophication and the structure of coastal planktonic food-webs: mechanisms and modelling
MN/DD1/003: ICAS: The impact on North Sea organisms of pollutants associated with sediment
MN/DD1/004: Structural and functional biodiversity of North Sea ecosystems
MN/DD1/005: North Sea seabirds and marine mammals: pathology and ecotoxicology
MN/DD1/006: IDOD: Integrated and dynamical oceanographic data management
MN/DD1/007: MARE-DASM: Marine Resources Damage Assessment and Sustainable Management of the North Sea
MN/DD2/001: Quality status and terrestrial inputs for the North Sea
MN/DD2/002: Evaluation of possible impacts of endocrine disruptors on the North Sea ecosystem
MN/DD2/003: Development of methods for the analysis of hydrocarbons and organic micro-pollutants in the marine environment
MN/DD2/004: Monitoring of volatile organic compounds in marine organisms: analysis, quality assurance and feasibility
MN/DD2/005: Evaluation of the quality of turbot fry on the stock enhancement success in the North Sea
MN/DD2/006: "Paardenmarkt" site evaluation
MN/DD2/007: Intensive evaluation of the evolution of a protected benthic habitat (HABITAT)
MN/DD2/008: Research on natural sand transports on the Belgian continental shelf : BUDGET
MN/DD2/010: The collection Gustave Gilson as a historical reference framework for the Belgian marine fauna: feasibility study
MN/DD2/011: Identification of maritime zones affected by eutrophication (IZEUT)
MN/DD2/012: Fast and low cost analysis of dioxin-like compounds in marine matrices
MN/DD2/013: Long term trends in the macrobenthos of the Belgian Continental Shelf
Limited atlas of the belgian part of the North sea
Maes, Frank - Cliquet, An - Seys, Jan ... et al. Brussels: OSTC, 2000 (SP0609)
A la recherche d'un dialogue durable entre science et politique: 2 jours de symposium, 24 et 25 novembre 1999, Palais des Congrès, Bruxelles = Op zoek naar een duurzame dialoog tussen onderzoek en beleid: 2 daags symposium, 24 en 25 november 1999, Paleis voor Congressen, Brussel
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2000 (SP0615)
[To order]
Sustainable development. Towards a sustainable dialogue between science and policy: symposium, Brussels, 24 and 25 november 1999
Brussels: OSTC, 2000 (SP0632)
Plan d'appui scientifique à une politique de développement durable 1996-2001
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2000 (SP0650)
Het plan voor wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van een beleid gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling 1996-2001
Brussel: DWTC, 2000 (SP0651)
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Biodiversity of the benthos and the avifauna of the belgian coastal waters: summary of data collected between 1970 and 1998
Cattrijsse, André - Vincx, Magda Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0704)
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Evaluatie van de chemische contaminatie van de Noordzee en schatting van de verontreiniging van land: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1040)
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Evaluation de la contamination chimique de la mer du Nord et estimation de la pollution terrigène: résumé
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1041)
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Quality status and terrestrial inputs for the North Sea: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1042)
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Evaluatie van de impact van endocrien verstorende stoffen op het Noordzee ecosysteem: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1043)
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Evaluation of possible impacts of endocrine disruptors on the North Sea ecosystem: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1044)
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Evaluation de l’impact possible des disrupteurs endocriniens sur l’écosystème de la mer du Nord: résumé
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1045)
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Development of methods for the analysis of hydrocarbons and organic micro-pollutants in the marine environment: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1046)
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Développement de méthodes d'analyse des hydrocarbures et micro-polluants organiques dans le milieu marin: résumé
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1047)
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Ontwikkeling van analysemethoden voor koolwaterstoffen en organische micropolluenten in het mariene milieu: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1048)
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Evaluatie van de kwaliteit van tarbotpootvis op het herstockeringssucces in de Noordzee: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1049)
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Evaluation of the quality of turbot fry on the stock enhancement success in the North Sea: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1050)
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Evaluation de l’influence de la qualité des alevins de turbot sur les chances de restockage dans la mer du Nord: résumé
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1051)
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Evaluatie van de "Paardenmarkt" site: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1052)
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Evaluation of the "Paardenmarkt" site: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1053)
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Evaluation du site "Paardenmarkt": résumé
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1054)
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Intensieve opvolging van de evolutie van een beschermd benthisch habitat (HABITAT): samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1055)
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Intensive evaluation of the evolution of a protected benthic habitat (HABITAT): summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1056)
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Suivi intensif de l’évolution d’un habitat benthique protégé (HABITAT): résumé
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1057)
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Onderzoek van natuurlijke zandtransporten op het Belgisch continentaal plat: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1058)
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Research on natural sand transports on the Belgian continental shelf: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1059)
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Etude des transports de sable naturels sur le plateau continental belge: BUDGET: résumé
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1060)
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De verzameling Gustave Gilson als historisch referentiekader voor de Belgische mariene fauna: een haalbaarheidstudie: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1061)
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The collection Gustave Gilson as a historical reference framework for the Belgian marine fauna: feasibility study: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1062)
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La collection Gustave Gilson comme cadre de référence pour la faune marine belge: une étude de faisabilité: résumé
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1063)
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Les oiseaux et les mammifères marins de la mer du Nord: pathologie et écotoxicologie: résumé
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1070)
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Zeevogels en zeezoogdieren van de Noordzee: pathologie en ecotoxicologie: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1071)
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North Seabirds and marine mammals: pathology and ecotoxicology: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1072)
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Paardenmarkt site evaluation : final report
Missiaen, T. - Henriet, J.-P. Brussels : OSTC, 2002 (SP1073)
Intensive evaluation of the evolution of a protected benthic habitat (HABITAT) ; final report
Degraer, Steven - Van Lancker, Vera - Moerkerke, Geert ... et al Brussels : OSTC, 2002 (SP1074)
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Investigation of the natural sand transport on the belgian continental shelf BUDGET : final report
Lanckneus, Jean - Van Lancker, Vera - Moerkerke, Geert ... et al Brussels : OSTC, 2002 (SP1075)
Développement de méthodes d'analyse des hydrocarbures et micropolluants organiques en milieu marin : rapport final
Houziaux, J.S. - De Pauw, E. Bruxelles : SSTC, 2002 (SP1089)
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The collection of Gustave Gilson as a reference framework for the Belgian marine fauna : feasability study : final report
Van Loen, Harry - Houziaux, J.S. Brussels : OSTC, 2002 (SP1090)
Evaluatie van de chemische contaminatie van de Noordzee en schatting van de verontreiniging van land : eindrapport = Evaluation de la contamination chimique de la mer du Nord et estimation de la pollution terrigène : rapport final
Baeyens, W. - Van Grieken, R. - Wollast, R. Brussel : DWTC, 2002 (SP1101)
Chemical munition dump sites in coastal environments
Missiaen, T. - Henriet, J.-P. Brussels : OSTC, 2002 (SP1115)
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Evaluatie van de mogelijke impact van endocrien verstorende stoffen op het Noordzee ecosysteem : eindrapport
Janssen, Colin - Vandenbergh, G. - Verslycke, T. ... et al Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeldeid, 2004 (SP1346)
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Monitoring van vluchtige organische verbindingen in mariene organismen: analyse, kwaliteitsborging en haalbaarheid : eindrapport
De Clerck, Rudy - Raemaekers, Marc - Devisscher, Bruno ... et al Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeldeid, 2004 (SP1347)
[To download]
Evaluatie van de kwaliteit van tarbotpootvis op het herstockeringssucces in de Noordzee : eindrapport
Sorgeloos, P. Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeldeid, 2004 (SP1348)
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Identification of maritime zones affected by eutrophication (IZEUT) : final report
Rousseau, Véronique - Breton, Elsa - De Wachter, Bart ... et al Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2004 (SP1349)
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Fast and low cost analysis of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds in marine matrices : final report
Debacker, V. - Windal, I. - Danis, B. ... et al Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2004 (SP1350)
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Biogeochemistry of nutrients, metals and organic micropollutants in the North Sea : final report
Van Grieken, R. - Baeyens, W. - Van Langenhove, H. ... et al Brussels : Federale Science Policy, 2004 (SP1381)
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Study and modeling of eutrophication-related changes in coastal planktonic food-webs : final report
Lancelot, Christiane - Rousseau, Véronique - Becquevort, Sylvie ... et al Brussels : Federale Science Policy, 2004 (SP1382)
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Impact des métaux lourds et des polychlorobiphényles sur les organismes de Mer du Nord : rapport final
Dubois, Philippe - Coteur, Geoffroy - Gosselin, Pol ... et al Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2004 (SP1383)
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Structural and functional biodiversity of North Sea : species and their habitats as indicators for a sustainable development of the Belgian continental shelf : final report
Vincx, M. - Bonne, W. - Cattrijsse, A. ... et al. Brussels : Federale Science Policy, 2004 (SP1384)
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North Sea seabirds and marine mammals: pathology and ecotoxicology : final report
Debacker, V. - Coignoul, F. - Das, K. ... et al Brussels : Federale Science Policy, 2004 (SP1385)
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Integrated and dynamical oceanographic data management - IDOD : final report
Pichot, G. - Donnay, J.-P. - Van Dyck, J. Brussels : Federale Science Policy, 2004 (SP1386)
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Beoordeling van de mariene degradatie in de Noordzee en voorstellen voor een duurzaam beheer - MARE-DASM : eindrapport
Maes, F. - Janssen, C. - Pichot, G. ... et al Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2004 (SP1387)
The Belgian North Sea Programmes 1970-2002 : findings of the expert panel
Boissonnas, Jean - Reid, Philip - Wolff, Wim ... et al Brussels : Federale Science Policy, 2004 (SP1412)
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De Macrobenthosatlas van het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee
Degraer, Steven - Wittoeck, Jan - Appeltans, Ward ... et al Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2006 (SP1594)
L'Atlas du Macrobenthos de la partie belge de la mer du Nord
Degraer, Steven - Wittoeck, Jan - Appeltans, Ward ... et al Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2006 (SP1595)
The Macrobenthos Atlas of the belgian part of the North Sea
Degraer, Steven - Wittoeck, Jan - Appeltans, Ward ... et al Brussel : Belgian Science Policy, 2006 (SP1596)
Long term trends in the macrobenthos of the Belgian Continental Shelf : final report
Wittoeck, J. - Hostens, K. - Hillewaert, H. ... et al Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2006 (SP1727)
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