Workers' healthcare 1


  • Responsible(s) Federal Science Policy: Bourgeois Emmanuèle
  • Final decision of the Ministers Council: 17/12/1993
  • Duration of the research: 1/11/1994 - 30/10/1998
  • Budget: 7,164,122.87 EUR
  • Research projects: 16

Accompanying committee:

SSTC, Emploi et Travail, Santé publique, Fonds des maladies professionnelles.


The scientific support programme has two parts, the objectives of which are:

Part 1:

To promote research leading to the formulation of standards and hence the application of rules and recommendations concerning the workplace or the harmonisation and standardisation of nuisance evaluation methods.
This will include the following research topics:

- The effects of exposure to chemical or biological agents, including ionising radiation;
- The influence of psycho-social factors on workers' health (more specifically, the influence of work organisation).

Part 2:

To apply research tools for evaluating primary preventative measures, in order, from the point of view of decision-making, to enhance orientation and reporting to the social partners. This part will include a secondary study to verify the relevance of the proposition, the results obtained to date and the techniques developed. All of this will be done with a view to establishing effective primary preventative measures and standards.

Research projects:

ST/01: Identification and validation of sensitive markers for the biomonitoring of workers exposed to potential mutagens/carcinogens

ST/02: Optimisation and application of recent cytogenetic techniques for evaluating effects at genetic level amongst workers exposed to ionising radiation in the course of their work or accidentally

ST/03: Study of job stress: standards, determinants and prospective study into the relationship with absenteeism and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases

ST/04: Controlling environmental and bio-psycho-social factors in the workplace: development of an interactional diagnostic model of risk factors associated with stress, and proposal of preventative measures

ST/05: Anaesthetists and patients and the risk of human error: development of an evaluation methodology for computerised control and monitoring systems

ST/06: Development and valorization of a signalling system for a variety of risks in industrial healthcare (particularly chemical and biological agents and psychosocial factors)

ST/07: Contribution of toxicological biochemistry to research into the effect of pollutants

ST/08: Epidemiological research into exposure-specific genome anomalies in myelodysplastic syndrome

ST/09: Evolution of peripheral neurological damage and the functional capacity of the hand in the light of exposure to vibrations, ergonomic factors and individual risk factors: prospective study

ST/10: Research into and determination of dosages and health effects incurred during the production of phosphates and use of plaster products in construction

ST/11: Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary evaluation of cervical and lumbar spinal column problems in hospital personnel, and the development and implementation of a primary prevention programme

ST/12: Study into the sensitivity of female germ cells to irradiation by x-rays, with particular attention to chromosomal aberrations which can lead to congenital anomalies in descendants

ST/13: Detection, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of burn-out and work-related depression in workers employed in the service sector (primary and secondary prevention)

ST/14: Analysis of musculo-skeletal damage in the working environment caused by repetitive work and back strain

ST/15: Tracing and prevention of pathologies linked to air-conditioning in the workplace

ST/16: Follow-up study into the toxic effects of carbon disulphide in the working environment


Erreur humaine, stress, fatigue et burn-out ... expressions de dysfonctionnements professionnels: approche multidisciplinaire des facteurs de risques humains, techniques et organisationnels: actes de la journée d'étude, mardi 21 octobre 1997, Bruxelles, Palais des Congrès   SSTC, 1997 (SP0494)

Menselijk falen, vermoeiheid, stress en burn-out ... voorbeelden van dysfunctioneren in het beroepsleven: multidisciplinaire benadering van de risicofactoren van menselijke, technische en organisatorische aard: akten van de studiedag, dinsdag 21 oktober 1997, Brussel, Paleis voor Congressen   DWTC, 1997 (SP0495)

Risques pour la santé liés aux expositions professionnelles: recherches, méthodes et perspectives   SSTC, 1996 (SP0390)

Risques pour la santé liés aux expositions professionnelles: recherche de nouvelles stratégies pour leur détection et leur évaluation, formulation de recommandations: journée d'étude - Programme mercredi 30 octobre 1996, Bruxelles, Palais des Congrès   SSTC, 1996 (SP0398)

Programme d'appui scientifique à la protection des travailleurs en matière de santé 1994-1998: résumés des projets de recherche = Ondersteuningsprogramma voor de gezondheidsbescherming van de werknemer 1994-1998: samenvattingen van de onderzoeksprojecten   Bruxelles: SSTC, 2000 (SP0605)

Research programme worker protection in the area of health 1994-1998: summaries of research   Brussels: OSTC, 2000 (SP0606)

Analyse van de relatie tussen professionele stress, psychosociale parameters en verschillende dimensies van de fysieke gezondheid: eindrapport   Brussel: DWTC 2001 (SP0836)
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Analyse van de relatie tussen professionele stress, psychosociale parameters en verschillende dimensies van de fysieke gezondheid: summary   Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0837)
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Ontwikkeling en valorisering van een signaalsysteem in de bedrijfsgezondheidszorg voor diverse risico's (waaronder chemische en biologische agentia en psycho-sociale factoren): eindrapport Jacques, P. - Lahaye, D. - Moens, G.  Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0838)
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Multi- en interdisciplinaire evaluatie van cervikale en lumbale werkvelkolomproblematiek bij ziekenhuis-verplegenden, met ontwikkeling en toepassing van een primair preventieprogramma: eindrapport Clarijs, J.  Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0839)
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Analyse van musculo-skeletale aandoeningen in de arbeidsomgeving door repetitieve en rugbelasting: eindrapport Spaepen, A.  Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0840)
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Opsporen, diagnose, behandeling en preventie van burn-out en beroeps-gebonden depressie bij werknemers in de dienstsector, primaire en secundaire preventie: eindrapport De Meirleir, K.  Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0841)
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Identificatie en validatie van gevoelige merkers voor de biomonitoring van werknemers blootgesteld aan potentiële mutagenen/carcinogenen. Toepassing voor arbeiders blootgesteld aan epoxide-vormende carcinogenen en kobalt-bevattende stof: eindverslag 1994-1998 Kirsch-Volders, M. - Laurent, Ch. - Lison, D. ... et al  Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0939)
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Identification and validation of sensitive markers for the biomonitoring of workers occupationally exposed to potential mutagens/carcinogens. Application to workers exposed to epoxide-producing carcinogens and cobalt-containing dust: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0941)
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Optimisation and application of "state-of-the-art" cytogenetic techniques for determining genetic damage in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of individuals and populations occupationally or accidentally exposed to ionising radiation: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0942)
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Etude sur le stress au travail: scores normatifs, étude des déterminants et recherche prospective sur la relation avec l'absentéisme et avec l'incidence des maladies cardio-vasculaires: rapport final De Backer, G. - Kornitzer, M. - Coetsier, P. ... et al  Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0943)
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Studie over jobstress: normering, determinantenstudie en prospectief onderzoek van het verband met werkverzuim en met de incidentie van hart- en vaatziekten: eindrapport   Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0944)
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Study of job stress: norms, determinants, and prospective study of its relation to sickness absence and to the incidence of coronary heart disease: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0945)
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Maîtrise des facteurs environnementaux et bio-psycho-sociaux des milieux de travail: Vers un modèle interactionniste diagnostic des facteurs de risque liés au stress et propositions d'interventions de prévention: rapport final Fontaine, O. - De Keyser, V.  Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0946)
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Mastering environmental and bio-psycho-social factors in the work environment. Towards an interactionist model of risk factors associated with stress: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0947)
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Study of the relationship between job stress, psychosocial variables, and different dimensions of physical health: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0948)
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Anesthésistes et patients devant le risque d'erreur humaine: développement d'une méthodologie d'évaluation des systèmes informatisés de contrôle et de surveillance: rapport final De Keyser, V. - Lamy, M. - d'Hollander, A.  Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0949)
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Application et diffusion de la méthodologie d'évaluation systémique des technologies de surveillance et de diagnostic d'anesthésie à un système de chirurgie minimale invasive par robot: valorisation de l'étude Nyssen, Anne-Sophie  Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0950)
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Anaesthetists and patients faced with the risk of human error: development of a methodology for evaluating computerised systems of monitoring and control: executive summary Nyssen, Anne-Sophie  Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0951)
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Development and valorization of a sentinel system in occupational health care for various risk factors (among which chemical and biological agents and psychosocial factors). Usefulness of an occupational health sentinel system in evaluating the effectiveness of primary preventive actions: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0952)
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Etude de l'effet biochimique des polluants: mise au point et validation de biomarqueurs: rapport final Kremers, P.  Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0953)
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Development of a server centre for the management and protection of worker health - REGETOX 2000: executive summary Kremers, P.  Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0954)
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Detection, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of burnout and career related depression in workers in human services and additional study of primary and secondary prevention: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0955)
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Analysis of musculoskeletal disorders due to repetitive work and low back load in the working environment: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0956)
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Contrôles microbiologiques dans les bâtiments équipés de conditionnement d'air (rapport final et cahier de maintenance micro-biologique): rapport final Nolard, N.  Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0957)

Microbiological monitoring in air-conditioned buildings: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0958)
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Follow-up studie van de toxische effecten van koolstofdisulfide in het arbeidsmilieu : eindrapport Vanhoorne, M.  Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0959)
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Follow-up study of the toxic effects of carbon disulfide in the occupational environment: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0960)
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Onderzoek naar de correlatie van karakteristieke genoomveranderingen met beroepsgebonden environmentele factoren: eindverslag Van Damme, K. - Van Den Berghe, H. - Casteleyn, L. ... et al.  Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0961)
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Onderzoek naar de correlatie van karakteristieke genoomveranderingen met beroepsgebonden environmentele factoren: annex V   Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0962)

Onderzoek naar de correlatie van karakteristieke genoomveranderingen met beroepsgebonden environmentele factoren: annex VI   Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0963)

Research on correlations between specific genomic lesions and occupational-related environmental factors: annex VI   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0964)
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Problèmes neurosensoriels liés à l'exposition aux machines vibrantes: rapport final Malchaire, J.  Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0965)
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Problèmes neurosensoriels liés à l'exposition aux machines vibrantes: étude annexe globale   Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0966)
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Neurological problems associated with exposure to hand-arm vibration: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0967)
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Onderzoek naar de bepaling van de dosissen en gezondheidseffecten opgelopen bij de produktie van fosfaten en bij toepassing van gipsprodukten in de bouw: eindrapport Heyde, K. - Poffijn, A.  Brussel: DWTC, 1999 (SP0968)
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Estimation and evaluation of doses of radon exposure and related health hazards incurred in the phosphate industry and through the use of gypsum products in the building industry: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0969)
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Multi- and interdisciplinary evaluation of cervical and lumbar spinal problems in hospital nurses, with the development and application of a primary prevention programme: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0970)
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Etude de la sensibilité des cellules germinales femelles à l'irradiation par les rayons- X, avec une attention particulière pour les aberrations chromosomiques pouvant conduire à des anomalies congénitales dans la descendance: rapport final   Bruxelles: SSTC, 1999 (SP0971)
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Studies on the sensitivity of female germ cells to X-irradiation, with special emphasis on chromosomal aberrations leading to congenital anomalies in the progeny: executive summary   Brussels: OSTC, 1999 (SP0972)
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Optimalisatie en toepassing van cytogenetische "State of the Art" technieken voor de bepaling van de genetische schade in perifere bloedlymfocyten van individuen en populaties, beroepshalve of accidenteel blootgesteld aan ioniserende straling : eindrapport Thierens, H. - De Ridder, L. - Vral, A. ... et al  Brussel : DWTC, 2002 (SP1080)
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Developments & Applications: