Source DB | nl |
Institution | UGent |
Code | 4841ecd7-8538-4439-a3ab-538155bba787 |
Unit | 3d80f44d-a6bd-4650-a26f-a7d882b99d2b
Begin | 2/1/2012 |
End | 1/31/2020 |
title fr |
title nl | Entanglement en de simulatie van kwantum veeldeeltjesystemen
title en | Entanglement and the simulation of quantum many-body systems
Description fr |
Description nl | Onderzoek naar nieuwe methoden om sterk gecorreleerde kwantumsystemen te beschrijven.
Description en | Research into novel methods for simulating strongly correlated quantum many-body systems, both using classical and quantum computers.
Qualifiers | - entanglement - matrix product states - quantum computing - |
Personal | Verstraete Frank |
Collaborations | |