Source DB | nl |
Institution | KU Leuven |
Code | b9b3c61e-650e-4463-a0e2-6de8f49917ba |
Faculty | KU Leuven - University |
Department | Science, Engineering and Technology Group |
Name fr | |
Name nl | Afdeling Biomechanica |
Name en | Biomechanics Section |
Description fr | |
Description nl | Het onderzoek binnen de afdeling Biomechanica spitst zich toe op 3 domeinen van de biomechanica: Fundamenteel botonderzoek; Mechanische analyse en numerieke simulatie binnen de orthopedie en tandheelkunde; Revalidatie technologie. |
Description en | The research activities of the division are concentrated in three areas of biomechanics: 1. FUNDAMENTAL BONE RESEARCH: Both the relation between bone structure and its mechanical properties and the influence of mechanical sollicitation on bone remodelling are investigated. These relations are particularly relevant for the study and comprehension of fracture healing mechanisms and of osteoporosis. The division uses state of the art engineering techniques such as F.E.M., mechanical tests, vibration analysis and ultrasound, many of which have been developed in the division itself. The division has also been qualified by the Flemish government to carry out animal experiments. 2.MECHANICAL ANALYSIS AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION IN ORTHOPAEDICS AND DENTISTRY: The mechanical performance of new and existing prosthesis designs is evaluated with F.E.M., strain gauge techniques and animal experiments. CAD-techniques, rapid prototyping and robotics are currently explored, to aid in pre-operative planning, custom-manufacturing of implants and the enhancement of precision in orthopaedic surgery. 3. REVALIDATION TECHNOLOGY: The aim of this research topic is to integrate our knowledge of biomechanics and engineering mechanics in the design and development of optimised revalidation tools. Prominent examples of those are: the micro-computer controlled above-knee prosthesis, the application of functional electricalstimulation for the partial restoration of the gait of paraplegics and the development of a mattress with optimal stiffness distribution. The division is heavily engaged in the training of our engineering students. It is responsible for the first and second year education in engineering mechanics and engineering design. In these courses we focus on the ability of the students to learn for themselves and we train them in problem-solving. The use of computers and multi-media is becoming even more important, because we believe that these tools can help the students to reach these goals. The division also organises the post- graduate program in biomedical and clinical engineering. |
Qualifiers | |
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Personal | Lafuente Gracia Laura, Ranga Adrian, Boey Hannelore, Maes Lauranne, Vastmans Julie, Abdel Fattah Abdel Rahman, Famaey Nele, Fehervary Heleen, Mys Karen, Belchiorinho Farola Marques Barata Beatriz, Vander Sloten Jozef, Farotto Dario, Bartsoen Laura, Woering Michél Henry, Vandemaele Paulien, Shapeti Apeksha, Rustandi Gregorius Andika W., Gavrila Laic Rebeca Alejandra, van Lenthe Gerrit, Huys Stijn, Geris Liesbet, Mukherjee Satanik, Vander Linden Klaas, Kapeliotis Markos, Vargas Arango Diego, Vanden Berghe Peter, Van Oosterwyck Hans, Cóndor Salgado Mar, Amorim Paulo Alexandre |
Project 1 | 184c89c0-1388-4b3b-b2af-93eb27f36fc6 Optimale implantaat-fixatie, geïntegreerd in een automatisch ontwerp van patiënt-specifieke implantaten voor reconstructie van acetabulaire defecten Optimal implant fixation, integrated in an automatic design of patient-specific implants for reconstruction of acetabular defects |
Project 2 | 1ed613d7-2e5b-4080-aa2c-cbe8197f63be Arteriële biomechanica in 4D: begrijpen van de langetermijneffecten van mechanische overbelasting Arterial biomechanics in 4D: understanding the long-term effects of mechanical overload |
Project 3 | 24101eb1-a746-4af2-8754-919e95f165dc Ontwikkeling en gebruik van een geïntegreerd in silico-in vitro mesofluidics systeem voor weefselengineering Development and use of an integrated in silico – in vitro mesofluidics system for tissue engineering |
Project 4 | 2570a733-1345-4309-905d-1c6f7822a8b6 In vitro opstelling voor de exploratie van cellulaire kracht transmissie tijdens angiogenese In vitro system for exploring cellular force transmission during angiogenesis. |
Project 5 | 350dcad5-9689-4951-bf41-b258a8c8fa65 Modellering van de rol van het cytoskelet in adipocyten in relatie tot diabesitas Modeling the role of the cytoskeleton in adipocytes as related to diabesity |
Project 6 | 528b6815-e6fe-43a8-a674-ec4aa7e28f03 "Fluid-structure-growth" modellering van aorta-veroudering in de mens: biomechanische en hemodynamische gevolgen van elastine degradatie Fluid-structure-growth modeling of the ageing aorta in humans: biomechanical and hemodynamic consequences of elastin degradation |
Project 7 | 66f86976-ffa3-4969-b231-fed7439bdbca Multischaalmodellering van experimentele regeneratieopstellingen in skeletweefseltechniek Multiscale modeling of experimental regeneration set-ups in skeletal tissue engineering |
Project 8 | 6a92ca1b-5dd8-4ea7-be00-4ba77ebc9fcf Ontwikkeling en gebruik van een geïntegreerd in silico-in vitro mesofluidics-systeem voor weefsel engineering Development and use of an integrated in silico-in vitro mesofluidics system for tissue engineering |
Project 9 | 6b59b920-e070-4bb7-bffd-c83283377b5e Modellering van invasieve cancer-cell force application mechanismen en het opzetten van kankercellen transvasculaire mechanobiologie experimenten Modeling of invasive cancer-cell force application mechanisms and setup of cancer-cell transvascular mechanobiology experiments |
Project 10 | 79170013-934e-46e8-a349-f7c1c3c3f3fb Ontrafelen van de rol van cel-ECM Unraveling the Role of Cell-ECM |
Project 11 | 8851cf29-f1d6-42e6-82f1-eeb9e649d9d5 Het Effect van Mechanotransductie op de Ontwikkeling en Regulatie van Neurale Buis Organoïden Mechanotransduction in Human Neural Tube Organoids and their Fate Regulatory Effects |
Project 12 | d737a314-1b87-403c-8b21-fc4a9574c021 In vitro, in vivo en in silico modelering voor de optimalisatie van protheses voor zachte weefsels In vitro, in vivo and in silico modelling for optimization of soft tissue prosthetics |
Project 13 | d81d2c53-ad58-49ef-8d74-ab1fda0acd7f Haalbaarheid van bioresorbeerbare cranio-maxillofaciale toepassingen Feasibility of bioresorbable cranio-maxillofacial applications |
Project 14 | fd994a65-377f-479f-a144-48774af02a50 Ontwikkeling van een ontwerpproces voor een patiënt-specifieke kaakgewrichtsprothese Development of a design process for a patient-specific temporomandibular joint prosthesis |
Project 15 | ff11f57c-9d93-41aa-b1c4-2557426c5503 Een beter begrip van de rol van cel-matrix mechanica voor angiogenese via in-vitro bioengineering micro-omgevingen Understanding the role of cell-matrix mechanics in angiogenesis using in-vitro bioengineered microenvironments |