Call for proposals: your scientific experiments on board the ISS with our Belgian astronaut Raphaël Liégeois

BRUSSELS, 01/07/2024 - A unique opportunity for the Belgian scientific community!

The Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO) and the European Space Agency (ESA) are calling for scientific experiments proposals which Raphaël Liégeois could carry out on board the ISS during his flight to the International Space Station (ISS) scheduled for 2026.  

A unique opportunity for Research and Innovation

This call for proposals is intended for the broader Belgian scientific community.
Proposals may cover a wide range of scientific, technological, educational or societal fields. It could be quantum physics, fluid dynamics, materials science , Earth observation, biology, neuroscience... The aim is to maximise the impact and effects of experiments carried out on board the ISS in a microgravity environment. 

Details of the call for proposals 

Interested candidates are invited to submit their proposals online using the official ESA portal. Proposals will be assessed on the basis of their innovation, feasibility and potential scientific and societal impact.
The deadline for submission is 13 September 2024.

For more information and to submit your proposal, please consult the following link: Call for porposals ESA.

A commitment to science and education 
"I’d love to take some great Belgian experiences with me so I invite you all to submit your projects, even if you think it’s a bit crazy.
Go for it ! After all, the ISS started out as a crazy project too." 
-Raphaël Liégeois-

Press contact:

Maxime Dechamps
+32 474 75 31 83

About Belspo 

With more than 2,500 employees, the Federal public planning service Science Policy or Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) is an institution like no other. It is the central player in science policy in Belgium. With 4 directorates and 10 recognised federal scientific establishments, our mission is to stimulate scientific research and innovation in all fields, to build a better future for Belgium. 

BELSPO's areas of activity are wide-ranging, from space research and applications to funding scientific research programs, networking national and international researchers, studying the climate and funding the Royal Museums.  BELSPO also manages the Princess Elisabeth Station in Antarctica and owns the oceanographic vessel RV Belgica II. 

At BELSPO, science and culture are interlinked to develop a more enlightened, sustainable and harmonious society.  We provide the federal government with reliable and validated data, enabling it to make informed decisions in areas such as the fight against climate change, biodiversity, polar research, digitalization, heritage science and all societal issues. 

Its central administration is located at WTC III in Brussels. BELSPO manages an annual budget of over €664 million. 

Address: WTC III - Bd Simon Bolivar 30 box 7, 1000 Brussels 