Belgium contributes to the new European launch into orbit!

BRUSSELS, 04/07/2024 - The inaugural flight of Ariane 6 is scheduled for 09 July 2024, 20:00 (Belgian time) in Kourou, French Guiana. BELSPO (Belgian Science Policy Office), which is responsible for Belgian international space research and development, would like to highlight Belgium's significant contribution to the Ariane 6 programme, the new European space launcher being developed by ArianeGroup. Since 2012, Belgium has invested 222 million euros via the European Space Agency (ESA), representing almost 4% of the total Ariane 6 development activities.

Contribution of Belgian industry

Several Belgian companies and institutions are also playing a key role in the development of Ariane 6:

  • SABCA: supply of nozzle control servos
  • Safran Aero Booster: production of high-precision valves
  • Sonaca: manufacture of metal and composite parts
  • TAS-B: development of the backup chain and nozzle control electronics as a subcontractor to SABCA
  • Université de Liège (CSL): carrying out tests to validate components

Ground systems

Belgian companies have also contributed to the ground systems needed for the launches to run smoothly:

  • Engie Axima
  • Cegelec
  • Fabriecom
  • Timelink Microsystems
  • Tranzcom

But also in the payload bay!

Peregrinus is an experiment on board Ariane 6, developed by students from Sint-Pieterscollege in Brussels and the Institut Vallée Bailly. The aim of this orbiting experiment is to measure the correlation between the Earth's magnetic field and the intensity of hard X-rays and soft gamma rays. Find out more HERE.
Young Professionals Satellite (YPsat) is a project run entirely by ESA's young professionals to give them first-hand experience of designing, building and testing in space. Led by Belgian Tuur Strobbe, YPsat will be responsible for taking images of the rocket itself. Once in orbit, its mission will be dedicated to observing the Earth and space. Find out more HERE.

Benefits and opportunities

Belgium's investment in the Ariane 6 programme is part of a strategy aimed at strengthening the country's technological and industrial capabilities, as well as helping to give Europe independent access to space.

The economic and scientific spin-offs are manifold:

  • Strengthening the position of Belgium and its industry in the space sector
  • Creation of highly skilled jobs
  • Innovation and technological development

"Belgium's participation in the Ariane 6 programme consolidates its position as a key player in space research. The benefits of this investment will be felt both economically and scientifically, while supporting innovation and strengthening our position in the European space sector".

-Arnaud Vajda, Chairman of the BELSPO Management Board-

Press contact:

Maxime Dechamps
+32 474 75 31 83

Media invitation

Journalists are invited to follow the inaugural flight of Ariane 6 live on 09 July 2024. Broadcasts will be organised in Paris or Berlin, at the invitation of ESA.

For more details, please consult the official ESA invitation:
Media Invitation ESA.

You can also access the ESA press kit here.

About Belspo 

With more than 2,500 employees, the Federal public planning service Science Policy or Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) is an institution like no other. It is the central player in science policy in Belgium. With 4 directorates and 10 recognised federal scientific establishments, our mission is to stimulate scientific research and innovation in all fields, to build a better future for Belgium. 

BELSPO's areas of activity are wide-ranging, from space research and applications to funding scientific research programs, networking national and international researchers, studying the climate and funding the Royal Museums.  BELSPO also manages the Princess Elisabeth Station in Antarctica and owns the oceanographic vessel RV Belgica II. 

At BELSPO, science and culture are interlinked to develop a more enlightened, sustainable and harmonious society.  We provide the federal government with reliable and validated data, enabling it to make informed decisions in areas such as the fight against climate change, biodiversity, polar research, digitalization, heritage science and all societal issues. 

Its central administration is located at WTC III in Brussels. BELSPO manages an annual budget of over €664 million. 

Address: WTC III - Bd Simon Bolivar 30 box 7, 1000 Brussels 