Year |
Study |
2003 |
Synthese bezoekersprofielen uit 1996-1997
Le profil des visiteurs individuels de 1996-1997
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Gratis woensdagen KBIN
Mercredis gratuits IRNSB
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2004 |
Fatal Attraction
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
IPSOS: imago en bekendheid
IPSOS: image et population
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Gratis woensdagen KBIN
Mercredis gratuits IRNSB |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2005 |
Gratis woensdagen KBIN
Mercredis gratuits IRNSB |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2006 |
Enquête leerkrachten
Enquête auprès des enseignants |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2008 |
Campagne Dinogalerij
Campagne salle des dinosaures |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2009 |
Rapport Paleolab |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Bevraging bezoekers van de evolutiegalerij
Profil des visiteurs, Galerie de l’Évolution |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Enquête permanente
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2010 |
Enquête permanente |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2011 |
Project signalisatie
Projet signalisation |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Logo en huisstijl
Logo et identité visuelle |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Enquête permanente
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2012 |
Satisfaction study guided group visits |
Project file and reports Project file and reports |
Enquête permanente |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2013 |
Communication study: the use of Social Media by the FSI |
Project file and reports |
(How) Do visitors read Museumtexts? |
Project file and reports |
Enquête permanente |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2014 |
Evaluation of the Expo “Baby animals”
Project file and reports |
2015 |
Reputation- and image analysis of the Federal Museums, the Planetarium and the Royal Library of Belgium amongst the Belgian population. |
Project file and reports |
Consultations on ticketing- and reservation systems
Project file and reports |
2016 |
Museummonitor (KBIN, KMMA, KMSK, MIM, Jubelpark en Planétarium)
Enquête permanente (IRSNB, MRBAB, MRAC, Cinquantenaire, MIM et Planétarium) |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Analyse expo ‘MENS’
Analyse salle «Homme»
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Evaluatie nieuwe signalisatie in het KBIN
Evaluation nouvelle signalisation Muséum des Sciences naturelles
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Enquête “Moord in het Museum”
Enquête "Meurtre au musée"
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Museummonitor individuele bezoekers 2014-2015
(KBIN, MIM, Jubelpark, KMSKB, Planetarium)
Moniteur des musées visiteurs individuels 2014-2015
(IRSNB, MRBAB, MIM, Cinquantenaire, Planétarium)
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2017 |
Museummonitor groepen 2015-2016
(KBIN, KMMA, KMSK, MIM, Jubelpark, Hallepoort en Planetarium)
Statistiques internet moniteur internet 2015-2016
(IRSNB, MRAC, MRBAB, MIM, Porte de Hal, Cinquantenaire, Planétarium) |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Planète vivante (IRSNB)
Levende planeet (KBIN) |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Museummonitor individuele bezoekers 2016
(KBIN, MIM, Jubelpark, KMSKB, Planetarium)
Moniteur des musées visiteurs individuels 2016
(IRSNB, MRBAB, MIM, Cinquantenaire, Planétarium)
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2018 |
Museummonitor groepen 2017-2018
(KBIN, MIM, Jubelpark, Hallepoort)
Moniteur des musées pour les groupes 2017-2018
(IRSNB, MIM, Porte de Hal, Cinquantenaire) |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Museummonitor groepen
Statistiques internet moniteur internet
(IASB, IRSNB, IRM, ORB, MRAC, Cinquantenaire, MRAH, CEGES, AGR) |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2019 |
Museummonitor individuele bezoekers 2018
Moniteur des musées pour les visiteurs individuels 2018
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Evaluatie expo “Teddy & beer”
Evaluation expo “Ours & Nounours”
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Statistiques internet moniteur internet
(IASB, IRSNB, IRM, ORB, MRAC, MIM, Cinquantenaire, MRAH, CEGES, AGR) |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Gratis woensdagen (KBIN)
Mercredis gratuits (IRSNB) |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
2020 |
Social Media monitor (BIRA, KBIN, KMI, KMKG, MIM, Museum Kunst & Geschiedenis)
Moniteur medias sociaux (IASB, IRSNB, IRM, MRAH, MIM, Musée Art & Histoire) |
Project file and reports
Dutch or French |
Webstatistieken websitemonitor (BIRA, KBIN, KMI, KSB, KMMA, KMKG, MIM, Museum Kunst & Geschiedenis, ARA, SOMA)
Statistiques et moniteur des sites internet (IASB, IRSNB, IRM, ORB, MRAC, MRAH, MIM, Musée Art & Histoire, AGR, CEGES) |
Project file and reports
Dutch or French |
2021 |
Evaluatie expo Antarctica (KBIN)
Evaluation de l’expo Antarctica (IRSNB) |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |
Museummonitor individuele bezoekers 2020 (KBIN, KMMA, KMKG, Museum Kunst & Geschiedenis)
Moniteur visiteurs individuels 2020 (IRSNB, MRAC, MRAH, Musée Art & Histoire) |
Project file and reports Dutch or French |