Concertation with the authorities

The mission of BELSPO is to organise federal consultation in R&D in order to exchange information relating to policies led by the various Belgian authorities and to determine common stances. The “Interfederal and International Coordination” directorate also acts as the secretariat for the consultation structures, such as the committee for “International Cooperation" (CIS) or the committee for “Federal Cooperation” (CFS).

IMCSP (Interministerial Conference for Science Policy)

IMCSP (Interministerial Conference for Science Policy)

  • The instrument for consultation between the Federal Authority, the Communities and the Regions competent for science policy.
ICC-FCC ("International Co-operation" Commission and "Federal Co-operation" Commission)

ICC-FCC ("International Co-operation" Commission and "Federal Co-operation" Commission)

  • Two permanent Commissions of the IMCSP responsible for handling on the administrative level the consultation on matters of interest to the Federal Authority and the Federated Entities, respectively at the international level and at the Belgian level.
ICSP ( Federal Interministerial Commission for Scientific Policy)

ICSP ( Federal Interministerial Commission for Scientific Policy)

  • To co-ordinate the preparation and implementation of governmental decisions with regard to federal scientific policy, which require the concerted action of two or several ministerial departments.