24.09.24 | Colloque BRAIN-be 'WomenExile'

Activists in Exile. Gender, Political Commitment and Migration in the Twentieth Century

The aim of this conference is to highlight recent developments in research on migrant activists, exploring the interactions between gender, political commitment and migration in the 20th century. Proposals may focus on women's involvement as well as on masculinities or gender relations in an activist context. How does gender influence militancy in migration? And how do political commitment and migration influence gender relations and the construction of femininity and masculinity?
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27.09.2024 > 28.09.2024 | WISENIGHT

WiseNight in Brussels:
celebrating the European Researchers’ Night

Join us in Brussels for a free two-day science festival in which you get to marvel at the wonders of land, water, and space research and discover what being a scientist is all about! Free Activities Include: free entry to the Institute of Natural Sciences and Planetarium, Workshops and Demonstrations, Movies and Theatre shows, Insect Safari and Quizzes, Interactions with researchers. WiseNight is part of the European Researchers’ Night, taking place everywhere in Europe simultaneously on Friday 27 and Saturday 28 September 2024. It is coordinated by Belgian Women in Science vzw-asbl. Financed by the European Union (MSCA & citizen).
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Summer 2024

L’ Africamuseum, les Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, les Musées d’Art et d’Histoire, l’Institut des Sciences Naturelles, l’Institut Royal d’Aéronomie Spatiale de Belgique et le War Heritage Institute, reçoivent avec plaisir les enfants et les familles pour une journée d’amusement de qualité, par temps de pluie ou de soleil.
En savoir plus

Het Africamuseum, de Musea voor Schone Kunsten, de Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis, het Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Ruimte-Aeronomie en het War Heritage Institute, ontvangen met plezier kinderen en hun families voor een dag kwaliteitsvol amusement, bij regen en zonneschijn.
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till 25.08.24 | Museum of Natural Sciences

GIANTS: a BIG opportunity to feel small

Smilodon, Paraceratherium, Megatherium… They all roamed the earth after the dinosaurs. Do you know about them?
66 million years ago, an asteroid impact caused the extinction of a vast number of animal species like dinosaurs, plesiosaurs and mosasaurs. Providing an opportunity for a few small animals that had until then lived in the shadow of the giants! They diversified, and some grew in size, sometimes even to gigantic proportions.
GIANTS will take you on a journey back in time, from the Paleogene to the Quaternary. Meet eleven animals of spectacular proportions such as Otodus megalodon, the most powerful shark to ever have lived, and Gigantopithecus blacki, the Asian monkey as big as three orang-utans.
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till 29.09.24 | AFRICAMUSEUM

ReThinking Collections

How do we trace the origins of collections? How do we view such origins today? And what should become of these collections, within and beyond the museum’s walls?
ReThinking Collections is a new temporary exhibition on provenance research. Most of the collections in the AfricaMuseum were acquired during the colonial era, in what is now the DR Congo. Provenance research and the related matter of restitution are attracting more attention in current social and political debate.
The exhibition shows the sometimes complex realities of provenance research. It presents varied and occasionally surprising collections, without sidestepping questions related to this contested heritage. The museum also explores new perspectives and future approaches to colonial collections.
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-Upcoming exhibition-
from 11.10.2024 till 16.02.2025 | Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

From Rubens to Khnopff

How is a work of art created ? This is the question that the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium seek to answer with an exhibition devoted to sketching. At its heart is the creative gesture, presented here in all its forms.

Virtual exhibitions

Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

The RMFAB invite themselves into your home! Discover here, alone or with the whole family, everything you need for a virtual journey through art history.
> Museum@ Home

Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage

KIK-IRPA offers you the opportunity to discover all the works of Jan Van Eyck in high resolution, as well as a collection of more than 700,000 photos of Belgium's cultural heritage in free access.
BALaT, our online database
Discover the œuvre of Jan Van Eyck online

Royal Museums for Art and History

The KMKG-MRAH invites you to explore its collections.
Masterpieces online

Museum of Musical Instruments (MIM)
Take a look and discover the richness we would like to share with you from behind your screen
> A virtual visit to the MIM

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

Explore the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences from your couch!

Visit the halls in 3D on Google Art & Culture and stroll through our gallery Living Planet .
Listen to podcasts/audioguides of the Dinosaur Gallery .
Access our virtual collections .
Go on field trips with our scientists via our YouTube channel.


The importance of digitising museum collections became even more apparent during the closure of museums due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Museum collections in 2D+ and 3D
Cast your eyes over a series of 27 collections on various themes relating to history and cultural anthropology.
Spotlight on the collections
Join us as we walk around the labs, offices and archives of the Royal Museum for Central Africa to meet the scientists who work here.
AfricaMuseum Podcast


Toutes les ressources électroniques et les collections numérisées de KBR consultables à distance.
Liste de toutes les ressources électroniques

Alle e-bronnen en gedigitaliseerde collecties van KBR nu van thuis uit raadpleegbaar
Lijst met alle beschikbare e-bronnen

DIGIT the Digitization Programme of the Belgian Science Policy

Preserving Belgium's rich cultural and scientific heritage and disclosing those valuable assets for researchers and the general public is important.
Explore the Collections