Bilateral agreements


  • Responsible(s) Federal Science Policy: Decadt Brigitte
  • Final decision of the Ministers Council: //
  • Duration of the research: // - //
  • Research projects: 187


The Federal Science Policy Office is responsible for coordinating the preparation and the follow-up for the scientific section of the bilateral agreements for economic, industrial, scientific and technological cooperation which Belgium has concluded for already more than twenty years with a number of countries. The Federal Science Policy Office chairs the Belgian delegation at the regular meetings (about every 2 years) of the Mixed Committees for S&T cooperation where representatives of both countries examine the results of the bilateral cooperation and set together the course of future common projects.

Within this framework agreements, science policy acts as driving force for the overall relationships and the promotion of the commercial traffic between the concerned countries. The S&T cooperation can take various forms: information exchange, exploratory expert mission, common research and demonstration or valorization project.

Alongside co-ordination, moreover, the Federal Science Policy Office itself finance co-operation projects in their areas of competence, particularly projects involving space research or that are linked to subjects dealt with national research programmes or conducted by federal scientific institutions under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Science Policy.
In this way, they contribute to the international valorisation of this research and the transfer of know-how.

- Bulgaria
- China
- Poland
- Russia
- Vietnam
- India
- South Africa



A bilateral agreement for economic, industrial, scientific and technical cooperation between the Belgian-Luxemburg Economic Union (BLEU) and the Republic of Bulgaria was signed on the 22nd of March 1974.

Within this framework, the the XIIth meeting of the Mixed Committee for S&T cooperation was held in Sofia on the 22nd of Mai 2003; 8 cooperation projects have been approved.

In the 19th Mixed Commission Meeting that was organised in Beijing on June 24th 2015, in the light of the State Mission, it was decided to launch an call for research proposals in marine sciences in relation to climate systems and/or with attention for earth observation where relevant. . A workshop on polar science took place in Shangai on 26th June 2015 in the framework of the MoU signed with SOA (State Oceanographic Administration).

A call for joint research proposals was launched on 21st December 2015.
The call was focussed on 2 domains:
- the role of oceans in the climate system
- earth observation

As a result of this call BELSPO the project OCeANIC is funded. Research teams of the ULg (coordinator), the VUB and the ULB are studying in this project the production of nitruous oxide and the nitrogen cycling in Southern Ocean sea ice and water column. The project is executed in cooperation with 2 Chinese research institutions (2017-2019)..

Moreover , in het framework of the STEREO progamme for earth observation the project HYPERMAQ is funded. The projects concerns hyperspectral high resolution remote sensing in aquatic environments. It is executed by the MUMM (RBINS) in cooperation with research teams from the UGhent and the VLIZ , with partners also from France, Argentinia and from China, the last one via the bilateral cooperation channel.

At the end of June 2015 a MoU was signed in Beijing among BELSPO and the Chinese national space administration (CSNA) for cooperation in the domain of space research, technologies and applications.

On March 30th 2017 a first China-Belgium Innovation Dialogue was organised in Brussels . The event was co-organised by BELSPO, EWI, INNOVIRIS and WBI , and was concerted with MOST (Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology) and the Chinese embasssy in Brussels. 150 Chinese and Belgian stakeholders have participated at the sessions wherein the policy and instruments from both sides were presented and succesfull cooperation initiatives in various domains or technology sectors were highlighted. The meeting took place in a perspective of future strengtened cooperation in science and innovation. The signature of 3 new MoU's showcases this ambition.

In 2020, BELSPO has launched together with DST (Dpt for Science and Technonolgy, South Africa) and with MOST (Ministry for Science and Technology, China) a trilateral call to support research projects. The call BIOCLIMHEALT, launched on November 27th 2020 and closed on March 17th 2021, was focussed on ‘The interplay between biodiversity, climate change and health’.
As a result of the peer review process 2 research projects are funded by BELSPO, by NRF and by MOST: CLIMAVIN and EMPOCHA.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Belgium, the 2nd China-Belgium Innovation Dialogue (ID 2.0) was jointly organized by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), along with the China Association for International Exchange of Personnel (CAIEP),EWI (Flanders Dept. of Economy, Science and Innovation), INNOVIRIS (the Brussels Capital Region agency for the encouragement of research and innovation) and WBI (Wallonia-Brussels International). The online meeting was be held on October 28th and 29th, 2021.

The main objective was to raise awareness about the excellence of research and innovation in both countries and to highlight on policy and instruments and on perspectives for new or enhanced cooperation. By showcasing of ongoing cooperation from academic and economic players involved in fruitful joint initiatives or partnerships, good practices and partnerships opportunities were presented, in an open innovation approach. Four new MoU's were signed. With forum sessions focussed on ‘Factories of the Future’, ‘Life Sciences’ and ‘Smart and Sustainable Cities’, the ID event gathered scientists, senior officials and industrials presenting and discussing innovation cooperation and perspectives, business opportunities and new cooperation models.


A bilateral agreement for economic, industrial, scientific an technical cooperation between the Belgian-Luxemburg Economic Union (BLEU) and the Republic of Poland was signed in Brussels on the 22nd of November 1973.

Within this framework, the XVth meeting of the Mixed committee for S&T cooperation was held in Brussels on the 26th and 27th of March 2001; 15 cooperation projects have been approved.


An agreement of understanding and cooperation between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Russian Federation was signed in Brussels on the 8th of December 1993.

Within this framework, the last meeting of the Mixed Committee was held in Brussels on the 24th of June 2002; 18 cooperation projects have been approved.


On 25th September 2002 an agreement was signed amont the Governmen of the Kingdom Belgium and the Socialistic Republic of Vietnam with regard to scientific and technological cooperation. Every 2 or 3 years a mixed commission meeting is held to disuss the implentation of the agreement.The Vietnamese partners is the department of international cooperation at the Ministry for Science and Technology (MOST).

In this framework joint calls for proposals are organised . During the Mixed Commission Meetings the projects are selected; these are executed jointly by Belgian and Vietnamese research teams.

Calls for joint research proposals (2002, 2006, 2009)

Calll 2003 (Mixed Commission Meeting of 13-14 October, Hanoi)
5 Multidisciplinary projects are funded in the domains of aquaculture and water management
(sustainable production, environmental challenges, food safety)
Execution of the projects : period 2004-2006 ( projects V02 tot V07)

Call 2006 (Mixed Commission Meeting of 8-9 June, Brussels)
Focus of the call:
- aquaculture, including food standards and environmental aspects;
- biodiversity and agro-biotechnology,
as a source for new materials, renewable energy and new drugs.
8 Projects are funded ( period 2007-2009).

Call 2008 (Mixed Commission Meeting on 2 March 2009, Hanoi)
8 projects were funded (2010-2012) coering the following domains:
- Biodiversity and agro-biotechnologiy as a source for new materials, renewable
energy and new drugs;
- Climate change (impact, adaptation and mitigation)
- Space applications via the earth observation programme STEREO and via
ESA programmes.
On 21 June 2012 the fourth Joint Committee meeting was held in Brussels. The cooperation instruments as well as the BELSPO BRAIN and the Space programmes (ESA and STEREO) were presented. The Vietnamese delegation visited several federal institutions and two project teams from the 2009 call (KUL and UCL-VUB), as well as the SCK-CEN in Mol and the Cyclotron in Louvain-la-Neuve.

In October 2015 a high-level Vietnamese delegation again visited BELSPO in the framework of a programme of visits to the EC and to Member States interested in collaboration in the field of Space.

During the Joint Committee meeting on economic collaboration that took place in Brussels on 23 November 2015, the interest in collaboration in the field of Space was established, in particular for the development of a 'Space law' and the development of microsatellites and applications of earth observation.

On 22th september 2016, the 5th meeting of the Joint Commitee for R&D cooperation was held in Hanoi. The BELSPO and the MOST programmes and cooperation instruments were presented.
It was agreed to launch a joint call for collaborative research proposals focussed on the following theme 'Climate and Natural Disaster Resilience', with the date tbc

On March 15th 2018 a call for research proposals is joinlty launched by BELSPO and by MOST. The call focus is ' is call is 'Climate and Disaster Resilence' (CLIMDIS).
As a result of the peer review process 2 projets are funded (Dec.2019 - March 2023):


Within the framework of the agreement between Belgium and India on cooperation in the field of research and development, the second 'Joint Commission' meeting, held in Delhi on April 13th, 2011, decided to organise joint calls for proposals for networking activities.

On August 20, 2012 BELSPO launched the first call. That call for networking projects was limited to current projects funded within the SSD research programme, the IUAP's and activities of the Federal Scientific Institutions (FSI).

On December 17, 2013 BELSPO launched together with DST (Dpt for Science and Technonolgy, India) a second call for proposals for networking activities. This call was limited like the precedent call to projects already funded, in particular within the BRAIN, STEREO, IAP research programmes, and ESA activities or activities of the Federal Scientific Institutions (FSI). Five new networking projects are funded by BELSPO and DST.
Information about the projects: BL/IN/06-10 (2015-2018)

On 29th September 2015 the 4th meeting of the Mixed Commission for research and technology took place in Delhi; the meeting was organised in the light of the Mixed Commission meeting for economic cooperation.
In the meeting it was decided to launch a 3rd joint call for networking (by topping up) .

In 2016 an assesment was made of the networking projects from the call 2012. We concluded that with limited resources for 'networking' the following results were achieved:

a consideralbe scientific return via a high number of co-puclications
good exchange of knowledge, of expertiences and of scientific data , as well as a quite high number of exchanges of experts, be it young researchers our senioir promotors
selection, via conferences or workshops in Belgium or in India, of some post-doctoral fellowships for further cooperation among the institutes
broadened networking with other Belgian or Indian teams working in the same scientific field
On 30 March 2016 the Prime Ministers of both countries have virtually started , in Brussels, the activity of the ARIES 3.6 optical telescope installed in the mountains of Nevasthal.
Read more in the article in the Science connection n° 52 [Dutch] or [French]
Early 2017 the 'Time allocation Committee' was set up with Belgian and Indian astronomers to manage the 7% observation time for the Belgian astronomy community (agreement for 5 years). After a test period, the Belgian and other observation have started on 2nd April 2017.
Information about the 'Early Science Cycle -2017A (Belgian projects: P17,P37,P57)

On 20th May 2017 BELSPO and NRF have jointly launched a 3rd call for networking proposals. The call was limited, as former ones, to projects that are already funded in the framework of the programmes BRAIN, STEREO, IUAP, and ESA activities or activities of the Federal Scientific Institutes (FSI's). Six new netwokrs are funded by BELSPO and NRF (2018-2020).
Information on the Projects: BL/10/IN11, BL/11/IN12, BL/02/IN13, BL/50/IN14, BL/01/IN15, BL/13/IN16.

On 7th June 2017 a Indian delegation , led by DST's Secretary Professor Sharma , has visited the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS). A first part included presentations focussed on research related to inland water and marine monitoring and management , including topics as mathematic modelling for sediment transport and ocean currents. The second part of the visit was th vf devoted to a comprehensive visit of the museum.

Following the 5th Meeting of the Joint Committee on Cooperation in Science and Technology, held online on 18th January 2021, the 4th joint call for proposals for networking activities was jointly launched on 25th June 2021 by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) and by the Indian Department of Science and Technology (DST), in concertation with DBT (the Indian Department for Biotechnology). The call was focused on the following areas: space, marine sciences and biotechnology, life sciences with a focus on micro-organisms, geology and cybersecurity. As a result of the call, 8 new networks are funded by BELSPO and DST/DBT. The projects (BL/../IN17 - BL/../IN24) run from April 2022 until March 2025.


On January 26th 2017 South Africa and Belgium have signed a five-year cooperation agreement that will see the two countries implement joint research and technology initiatives.

The agreement, will be implemented by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO) and by South Africa’s Department of Science and Technology (DST).

The memorandum of understanding (MoU) is set to promote the exchange of scientific information and expertise between the two countries and facilitate the hosting of joint seminars, workhsops and training on themes of mutual interest such as climate change, marine and Antarctic science, biodiversity, earth sciences and space science.

A first meeting of the joint committee for R&D cooperation is organised in Pretoria on May 9th 2017. As a result of the meeting a first call for Networking projects is jointly launched by BELSPO and NRF (National Research Foundation) on June 6th 2017.
- Deadline for submission of proposals: 31 August 2017, 15 h (E.T).

As the results of the parallel evaluations - from BELSPO and from NRF side - were diverging it has been decided to not fund andy proposal submitted in the framework of the call.
Given the common interest expressend by Belgian and South-African research teams for research and technology cooperation in the domains of space , BELSPO has organised the participation of two Belgian expert teams at the exhibition and sessions of the Science Forum in Pretoria in November 2017.

On March 14th 2018 BELSPO launched together with DST (Dpt for Science and Technonolgy, South AFrica) a new call for proposals for networking activities. This call was limited to topping up of research projects already funded by BELSPO (via the programs, STEREO III, ESA-PRODEX (via ESA cooperation), EVAMAB (via UNESCO cooperation or of activities of the Federal Scientific Institutions (FSI).
Seven networking projects are funded by BELSPO and DST.

In 2020, BELSPO has launched together with DST (Dpt for Science and Technonolgy, South Africa) and with MOST (Ministry for Science and Technology, China) a trilateral call to support research projects. The call ‘BIOCLIMHEALTH’, launched on November 27th 2020 and closed on March 17th 2021, was focussed on ‘The interplay between biodiversity, climate change and health’.
As a result of the Peer Review process 2 research projects are funded by BELSPO, by NRF and by MOST: CLIMAVIN and EMPOCHA.

A second meeting of the the joint committee for R&D cooperation was organised online on May 18th 2021. In the ‘way forward ‘session, attention was payd to further implementation of the bilateral scheme and in particular efficient use of various complementary schemes. Mechanisms will be looked at to team up optimally researchers from both sides in the various European or broader multi-lateral STI cooperation frameworks.

In July 2022 BELSPO launched, together with DST/NRF (Department of Science and Technology, South Africa/ National Research Foundation), a new call for proposals for Networking activities. This call was focusing on the following domains: cultural heritage, microbiological biobanks research and biotechnology, natural heritage and space.
Eight new networks have been selected for funding by BELSPO and NRF.

Research projects:

BL/00//FWI25: Cultural Heritage Automatic Analysis Network Europe (CHANGE)

BL/01/IN15: Hierarchical, lightweight nanocomposite reinforced with electrospun nano-fibres for structural applications (HILISPUN)

BL/01/IN18: Secure Implementation of Post-Quantum Cryptosystems (SecPQC)

BL/01/SA15: HIV Latency and the epigenetic landscape: studying individual patients for developing HIV cure strategies (HIV CURE)


BL/02/IN13: Investigating the mechanisms of genetic disorders using the zebrafish model system (GEN-ZEMO)

BL/02/IN19: Antibiotic tolerance and resistance in biofilm-associated infections: a Be-In networking approach to address a worldwide problem (BIOFILM)

BL/02/IN22: Indo-Belgian Network on Enhancing the Biotechnological Potential of Microalgae (ALGONET)

BL/02/IN24: Development of Wearable multi-band Antennas for Maritime Search and Rescue mission (WAMSAR)

BL/02/LeapAgri01: European-African partnership for safe and efficient use of mycotoxin-mitigation strategies in sub-Saharan Africa (MYCOSafe-South).

BL/02/SA12: Networking for the assessment of galaxy evolution cosmological simulations using atomic gas (GALSIMAS)

BL/02/SA14: Electrochemiluminescent Nanobody-based Immunosensor Reactor Platform for Sensing of Disease Biomarkers (LUMIPLAT)

BL/03/IN17: Belgium - India research Group on Meteorites and impact Crater (BigMaC)

BL/03/SA2: Empowerment through Digital Inclusion in South Africa (EDISA)

BL/03/SA9: Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice: Social, Educational and Cultural Perspectives (LIDISOJU)

BL/07/SA8: Deliberating the demise of cultural heritage in small towns and villages in South Africa and Belgium (DDCHSTV)

BL/10/C11: Study and conservation of specific groups of Actinomycetes and Microfungi in China

BL/10/IN11: Precision Theory for the Large Hadron Collider (PT4LHC)

BL/10/K01: Mapping the Congo River (CONGORIVES)

BL/11/IN12: Belgo-Indian Network for Astronomy & Astrophysics (PART 2) (BINA2)

BL/11/IN20: Repurposing vancomycin analogues as anti-mycobacterial agents (TBNewvan)

BL/12/C63: Nitrous Oxide and nitrogen Cycling in Antarctic sea Ice Covered zone (OCeANIC)

BL/12/LeapAgri02: Phenotyping the banana biodiversity to identify climate smart varieties with optimal market potential in Africa and Europe (CLISMABAN).

BL/13/IN16: Computational Investigations for Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Metal and Covalent Organic Frameworks: Applications for Detection of Molecules (MOFSCOFS)

BL/19/C19: Belgian and Chinese Crop Growth Monitoring Systems : comparison, adaptation and improvement

BL/31/FWI22: Transformation through International Collaboration (TTHINC)

BL/31/FWI30: European Observatory of Written Heritage / Low Countries (EOW/LC)

BL/32/FWI28: European Seals Network (EUROSEAL)

BL/33/C16: Terrestrial tides and movement of the pole

BL/33/C17: SG observations and geodynamics

BL/33/C18: Computation of nutations incorporating new coupling mechanisms at the outer core boundaries and second-order boundary conditions ‘Earth sciences –nutations’


BL/33/IN22: Belgian-Indian Projects on Precision astronomical spectrometry for Stellar and Solar system bodies (BIPASS)

BL/33/SA1: Interhemispheric Comparison of the Ionosphere-Plasmasphere System (BEZA-COM)

BL/34/C-SA01: Exploring the influence of climate change on the microbial wine terroir, from vineyard soil to high quality wine (CLIMAVIN)

BL/34/SA4: The Evolving Surface of the ‘Stable’ African Continent (TESSAC)


BL/36/VT43: Management of the water quality in Vietnamese coastal waters impacted by CLIMate change and human induces DISasters using a marine modelling tool (CLIMDIS)

BL/37/FWI14: Man and the Biosphere Reserves Network : MAB-NET

BL/37/FWI23: Réseau International d’Étude des Traditions Musicales Africaines (RIETMA)

BL/37/SA10: Pollination services as a tool to study interactions between agriculture and Man and the Biosphere Reserves in South Africa (AGRIMAB)

BL/37/SA4: DIPtera Museum collections as a source for TAxonomic research and TEACHing activities (DIPTATEACH)

BL/38/24: European Seals Network (EUROSEAL)

BL/38/FWI1: International Network Project African Musical Instruments : PRIMA2.0

BL/38/FWI31: Research and Study of Chilean Archaeology (RASCAR)

BL/38/V01: Excavation campaign : 14th and 15th century ceramics production (Champa kingdom)

BL/39/21: Synthetic Organic Pigments Research Aggregation Network (SOPRANO)

BL/39/24: Discover Stories, Connect Communities (SHARE ORG)

BL/39/FWI21: Belgian Initiative to Broaden the Network for French Translation of the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (BEINFRAT)

BL/39/FWI26: Heritage stone Monitoring and Remediation: knowledge exchange placements (KNOWMORE)

BL/39/FWI29: Community building around Linked Open Usable Data (LOUD)

BL/50/C-SA02: Improving soil, potato crops, human health and forage quality in a climate change context (EMPOCHA)



BL/50/IN14: Belgian-Indian networking in the field of the GMO research and analysis (BINETGMO)

BL/50/SA3: Innovative non-animal strategies to assess the toxicity and biological activity of candidate drugs derived from medicianl plants (IN-NATAL)

BL/52/SA11: RE-StrengthenINg of a unique ground-based in Vitro immune modEl platform to study Space health effecTs (RE-INVEST)

BL/52/SA13: Building strategies for accurate measurement of regulated and emerging Mycotoxins in food: Development of matrix Reference Materials (MyRefMat)

BL/52/SA5: Hydrogeochemical characterisation and modelling of landfill leachates (CHAMOLL)

BL/52/SA7: OptimIzation and Validation of a unique ground-based in vitro model to study space health effects (INVEST)

BL/58/Era-LAC01: Methabase



BL/58/UN32: Economic evaluation of ecosystem services in Man and biosphere reserves : testing effective rapid assessment methods in selected African MABs

BL/67/VT44: Monitoring climate Impact aNd disastEr Resilience of Vietnamese Agro-ecosystems (MINERVA)

BL/80/IN21: Improved detection of pathogenic strains from metagenomics data.(PAME)

BL/B/001: Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions

BL/B/01: Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions

BL/B/02: Health care management study

BL/B/03: Analysis of fluctuations in cardiac rhythm during extended periods under microgravity

BL/B/04: Development of experimental tests of the models of the earth's radiation environment on the base of data obtained by LIULIN (MIR)

BL/B/05: Quality assurance in primary health care

BL/B/06: Pressure vessel surveillance program of VVER type reactors

BL/B/07: Analysis and modelling of long-term variations of the near earth's radiation environment with the LIULIN-4 detector on board of the international space station

BL/B/08: Study of seismogenic faults in Bulgaria

BL/C/003: 3-D modelling of the circulation and dispersion of pollutants in marine coastal zones

BL/C/03: Use of Remote Sensing Technology for the search of copper deposits in Henan province

BL/C/04: Municipal Information Network for Science and Technology Commission of Chongqing

BL/C/05: Design and implementation of an urban geographical information system (Hangzhou) integrating remote sensing techniques

BL/C/06: Excavations of dinosaur deposits from the Cretaceous period in Inner Mongolia

BL/C/07: Application of remote sensing and hydrological modelling techniques for land and water management in Karst areas of Guizhou province

BL/C/08: Use of multi-source data integration and remote sensing for the prospection of Au-Cu polymetallic deposits in eastern Xinjiang

BL/C/09: A comparative study of the medieval climate in Western Europe and Eastern China based on narrative data

BL/C/10: Identification and classification of Actinomycetes, specially bioactive Streptomyces strains isolated from Chinese soils

BL/C/11: Mycofloristic survey and taxonomic studies of saprobic microfungi isolated in the Changbai Mountains

BL/C/12: Excavation of dinosaur deposits from the Cretaceous period in Inner Mongolia

BL/C/13: The restructuring of China's industrial landscape : understanding the challenges of the new chinese marketplace

BL/C/14: Remote sensing of land-cover change: investigation and design of a dynamic monitoring system in northwest China

BL/C/15: Remote sensing of land-cover change: investigation and design of a dynamic monitoring system in northwest China

BL/C/16: Terrestrial tides and movement of the pole

BL/C/17: SG observations and geodynamics

BL/C/27: The use of molecular data for the management of the Baiji and Finless porpoise populations ‘River dolphins genotyping’

BL/C/28: In situ methane oxidation and methane emission scenarios from Chinese rice fields ‘Rice field – Methane’

BL/C/29: Technological exchange of integrated sustainable land use planning supported by land evaluation and land rehabilitation between LCRC ‘land use /rehabilitation’

BL/C/30: Time-space patterns of traffic accidents: what we learn from comparing Brussels with QingDao City ‘Traffic accident patterns’

BL/C/31: Development of advanced sewage treatment (AST) for sustainable water reuse ‘Sewage water’

BL/C/34: Growing halophytes in China for agronomic and ecological purposes: a case study for flowering deserts - ‘Biodosimetry’

BL/C/35: Growing halophytes in China for agronomic and ecological purposes: a case study for flowering deserts - ‘Biodosimetry’

BL/C/36: Design and application of new (sub-micronsize particles based) stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography (CEC) within a pharmaceutical application perspective ‘Biopharma separation techniques’

BL/C/38: Autonomic cardiovascular control and deconditioning in astronauts "Cardio astronautes’

BL/C/39: Support of integrated water resources management by hydrological modelling and remote sensing of arid and semi-arid ecosystems in the Tarim basin

BL/C/40: Support of integrated water resources management by hydrological modelling and remote sensing of arid and semi-arid ecosystems in the Tarim basin

BL/C/41: Functional systematic and phylogeny of pharmaceutically and biotechnologically important groups of Basidiomycetes in China, with a special emphasis on the Ganodermataceae and Perenniporiaceae ‘Bio-pharma’

BL/C/42: Glycomic Monitoring of HCC, fibrosis and cirrhosis in Chinese patients infected with hepatitis B

BL/C/44: Research on fingerprints of Chinese Material Medical to develop standard and research protocols evaluating their identity, safety, and reproducibility’ ‘Biopharma separation ' techniques’'

BL/C/45: Research on fingerprints of Chinese Material Medical to develop standard and research protocols evaluating their identity, safety, and reproducibility’ ‘Biopharma separation ' techniques’'

BL/C/46: Joint study of Fusarium and related mycotoxins in food: detection and control ‘FUSARIUM- FOOD SAFETY’

BL/C/47: Joint study of Fusarium and related mycotoxins in food: detection and control ‘FUSARIUM- FOOD SAFETY’

BL/C/51: Energy savings in buildings by combined dynamic thermal simulations and energy management systems ‘Energy Saving’

BL/C/52: Energy savings in buildings by combined dynamic thermal simulations and energy management systems ‘Energy Saving’

BL/C/53: Energy savings in buildings by combined dynamic thermal simulations and energy management systems ‘Energy Saving’

BL/C/54: Origin and paleo-environment of the first modern mammals in China during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum ‘Paleo-environment’

BL/C/55: Support of integrated water resources management by hydrological modelling and remote sensing of arid and semi-arid ecosystems in the Tarim basin (phase 2) ‘Tarim Water Management’ (ARCHIMOD -phase 2)

BL/C/56: Support of integrated water resources management by hydrological modelling and remote sensing of arid and semi-arid ecosystems in the Tarim basin (phase 2) ‘Tarim Water Management’ (ARCHIMOD -phase 2)

BL/C/57: Detection of Infectious Noroviruses in Shellfish and Anti-viral Potential Study of Seafood (SHELFISH)

BL/C/58: Mycotoxins and mycotoxigenic fungi in China: analytical tools, dietary exposure and Fusarium diversity (MYCOTOXINS)

BL/C/59: Mycotoxins and mycotoxigenic fungi in China: analytical tools, dietary exposure and Fusarium diversity (MYCOTOXINS)

BL/C/60: Impact of Biogenic Emissions on Beijing Air Quality and Climate (IBBAC)

BL/C/61: Impact of Biogenic Emissions on Beijing Air Quality and Climate (IBBAC)

BL/C/62: The Cretaceous Greenhouse World and its impact on terrestrial ecosystems in NE Asia (CRETAC)

BL/E/01: Multidisciplinary study of Elkab tombs and mastabas

BL/erafrica/01: Detection Methods for Fruit Flies of Economic Significance to Fruit and Vegetable Production in Africa and Indian Ocean Islands (FRUITFLY)

BL/erafrica/02: ENDOAFRICA

BL/erafrica/03: ENDOAFRICA

BL/FSI/01: Création d'un réseau de recherche entre l'ORB et la Geological agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources de la République de l'Indonésie

BL/FSI/02: Création d'un réseau de recherche avec l'Indian Space Research Organisation et l'Indian Institute of Space Sciences and Technology dans le domaine de la recherche spatiale (préparation de missions Mars et Venus)

BL/FSI/03: Networking through Fustat shards” aims at building a network of Egyptian institutions and the RMAH around the ceramics of Fustat, the ancient town of Cairo founded at the beginning of the Islamic period

BL/FSI/04: Netwerk met het 'Musée de la Musique' (Ouagadoudou, Burkina Faso) en met het 'Musée Panafricain de la Musique' ( Brazzaville, Congo) met het oog op de organisatie van workshops over het muzikaal patrimonium

BL/FSI/05: Réseau de recherche avec des Instituts d'Inde, dans le domaine de la recherche du paléogène précoce en Inde

BL/FSI/06: Network with 'l'Université du Burundi' related to the research project "Advanced exploitation of Ground-based measurements for Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate applications - II (AGACC)"

BL/FSI/07: Realisation of the "1st International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin"

BL/FSI/08: Monitoring Netwerk voor Fruitvliegen in Zuidoost Afrika (FRUITFLYNET)

BL/FSI/09: Belgian-Brazilian network for studying the Atmosphere above the Amazonian Forest (BAAF)

BL/FSI/10: A network for marine optics measurements in turbid waters (TURBINET)

BL/FSI/11: Réseau en Archéomagnétisme pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Culturel en Algérie (RAPSCA)

BL/FSI/12: Voix contemporaines et échos de mémoire: échanges, production et diffusion d'outils d'exposition etnre RDCongo et MRAC (VCEM)

BL/FSI/13: Belgian-Russian Cooperation on Space Exploration (BRSPACE)






BL/IN/06: Tolerance and resistance to parasite infection. Trypanosomose Immunology.(INDOTRIT)

BL/IN/07: Exploitation of data from the ARIES DOT 3.6m telescope (Agreement on Indian-Belgian collaboration on the ARIES Telescope) - BINA

BL/IN/08: Characterization& modeling information cascade appearing in social media in response to specific emergency events. Disaster communication. (DYCIN)

BL/IN/09: Influence of precipitates and ageing conditions on crystallographic texture for Al-Zn-Mg alloys.New materials development. (INTEMAL)

BL/IN/10: Shrimp immune responses to biological stresses .Sustainable aquaculture (AQSTRESS)

BL/P/01: Use of Soviet KOSMOS satellite imagery to update the topographical map and geographical databanks

BL/P/02: Compiling of a spatial forest databank for the monitoring of pine woods in Poland

BL/P/03: Biodiversity in the Coastal Antartic Sea-Ice Zone

BL/P/04: Remote sensing of the earth atmosphere. Combined satellite and ground-based IR solar absorption measurements of earth atmospheric composition

BL/P/05: Digital photogrammetry

BL/P/06: Palaeolithic stone-working industries in the Cracow area

BL/P/07: Development of an educational photogammetric package for digital aerial photographs and satellite images

BL/R/005: Study of the active tectonics and sedimentation in deep rift basins

BL/R/01: Characterisation of aerosols and evaluation of atmospheric deposits of heavy metals in Siberia and Kazachstan

BL/R/02: Archaeological research in the Scytho-Siberian tombs of the Altaï Mountains

BL/R/03: Study of transitions between the Middle Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic periods in southern Siberia

BL/R/04: Palaeo environment in Central Asia during the Pleistocene epoch

BL/R/05: Geological research in the deep rift valleys of Siberia and Kirghistan

BL/R/06: Glacier fluctuations and climatic change in South Siberia

BL/R/07: Observations of young multiple stars

BL/R/08: Upper Cretaceous Crises

BL/R/09: Earth Tidal observations in the West Siberia and the Baikal rift

BL/R/10: Gas hydrates and gas seeps in Lake Baikal

BL/V/02: Novel approaches for viral disease management in shrimp farming in Vietnam

BL/V/03: Integrated & Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of Port Developments in the Vung Tau Area (S-Vietnam)

BL/V/05: Research & implement the GIS database of ‘water level’ for the annual flooding area in Mekong delta

BL/V/06: Improvement of shrimp production sustainability and safety in Vietnam

BL/V/07: Improvement of shrimp production sustainability and safety in Vietnam

BL/V/09: Phytochemical and biological studies of Vietnamese Herbal Medicine for the development of high-value healthcare products

BL/V/10: R&D of polymer composite materials based on natural fibres

BL/V/11: Rebirth of wasted agro-matters

BL/V/13: Green Inhibitors: Screening of tropically natural or (agro)-biotechnology products as sources for new eco-friendly materials protection agents

BL/V/14: Development of a plant-based veterinary oral vaccine to combat avian influenza in Vietnam

BL/V/15: Aquaculture Sustainability Index Development to Support Decision making in water management in the Mekong delta – Vietnam

BL/V/16: Assessment methodology of wind and solar renewable energy hybrid systems for island and rural areas in Vietnam

BL/V/20: Growing the materials of the future: Bamboo fibres for light and strong composite materials

BL/V/21: Chemical studies and biological investigations of Vietnamese plants and herbal medicines from the Euphorbiaceae family to develop high-value healthcare materials and their quality control

BL/V/22: Chemical studies and biological investigations of Vietnamese plants and herbal medicines from the Euphorbiaceae family to develop high-value healthcare materials and their quality control

BL/V/23: Production of chitin and chitosan oligomers and their use as bioprotective agents in vegetable cultivation

BL/V/24: Development of a physical-ecological model system for the study of climate change and management of marine resources in Vietnamese coastal waters (CLIMARCO)

BL/V/25: Water Urbanism to respond to Climate Change

BL/V/26: Land use change under impact of socio-economic development and its implications on environmental services in Vietnam

BL/V/28: mpact of global climate change and desertification on the environment and society in Southern Centre of Vietnam

BL/V/30: Platforms for plant based production of biopharmaceuticals

BL/V/42: Mangrove-research’, making use of satellite images and GIS in the framework of the project 'Improvement of shrimp production sustainability and shrimp safety'


Chemical studies and biological investigations of Vietnamese plants and herbal medicines from the Euphorbiaceae family to develop high-value healthcare materials and their quality control : final report Vander Heyden, Yvan - Quetin-Leclercq, Joëlle - Van Minh, Chau ... et al  Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2013 (SP2549)
[To download

Rebirth of wasted agro-matters: New silica and carbon based nanomaterials prepared from rice husk as catalysts for the conversion of vegetable oil sludge to green fuels (biodiesel) and as adsorbent for the concentration of alcohols : final report Su, Bao-Lian  Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2013 (SP2550)
[To download

Production of chitin and chitosan oligomers and their use as bioprotective agents in vegetable cultivation : final report Dommes, Jacques  Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2013 (SP2567)
[To download

Impact of global climate change and desertification on the environment and society in Southern Centre of Vietnam : final report Gobin, Anne - Hai, Le Trinh - Ha Linh, Pham... et al  Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2013 (SP2568)
[To download

Impact of Biogenic Emissions on Beijing Air Quality and Climate : final report Van Roozendael, Michel  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2013 (SP2584)
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Création d'un réseau de recherche entre l'ORB et la Geological agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources de la République de l'Indonésie : rapport final Lecocq, Thomas - Camelbeeck, Thierry  Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2014 (SP2585)
[To download

Nitrous Oxide and nitrogen Cycling in Antarctic sea Ice Covered zone (OCeANIC) : final report Delille, Bruno - Dehairs, Frank -Tison, Jean-Louis ... et al.  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2018 (SP2962)
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