Research project AG/DD/004 (Research action AG)
Panel study on voting behaviour, in relation with social status, attitudes and opinions of the electorate; placing the data at disposal for the researchers.
- Carrying out a survey based upon a representative sample of about 4800 voters in the whole country);
- Analysis of results according to the scientific theoretical standards in the field and to the outputs from the previous studies;
- Use of advanced methodology for quality control of the sampling and the analysis.
1.analysis of the results of 1991 and 1995 elections (to be continued)
- analysis and a.o. construction of scales of attitudes;
- evaluation of the 1991 and 1995 questionnaires;
- evaluation of the work of the interviewers;
- publications on 1991 and 1995 elections (to be continued);
- service to the users (to be continued).
2.Preparing the survey on the next legislative election (1999)
- new questionnaire;
- sampling methodology;
- training of interviewers;
- refinement of panel study techniques;
- pilot survey.
3.Carrying out the third survey
- random sampling;
- survey of 4800 voters;
- data encoding, data quality control;
- construction of a working database.
4.Preliminary analysis
- preliminary analysis on the main voting determinants and on vote transfers;
- comparison with the previous survey;
- publication of results.
5.Constructions of database and codebooks
- production of the final version of database;
- integration of the data from the three Regions and production of a national codebook;
- data service for national and European users.
Bibliografic references :
(Sub)National Identity and Attitudes Towards Foreigners in Flanders and Wallonia
BILLIET J., MADDENS B. & BEERTEN R. in B. Saunders & D. Haljan (Eds.), Whither Multiculturalism? A Politics of Dissensus. Leuven: Univ. Pers
Does Electoral Change Reflect Party Positioning?
FISHER S. & SWYNGEDOUW M. Flanders 1991-1995', Revue de la Maison Française d'Oxford, vol.1. n° 1,, 2003
En wat met het Vlaams Blok?
BILLIET J. Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied, Vol. 94 (6), 2003
Het falen van Agalev bij de verkiezingen van 18 mei 2003
SWYNGEDOUW M. & JACOBS D. Samenleving en politiek, 10 (7), 2003
Het gebruik van kiesresultaten als bron voor historisch-politicologisch onderzoek: het politiek-sociologisch verkiezingsonderzoek van de jaren '90
SWYNGEDOUW M. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis, vol:, 2003
Le parti démocrate chrétien en Flandre
BILLIET J. in P. Delwit (Ed.), Démoc. chrét. et conservatismes en Eur. Une nouvelle convergence? Ed° Univ de Bxl, 2003
Le Vlaams Blok
SWYNGEDOUW M. & VAN CRAEN M. in LECOEUR E., VILLALBA B., Dossier: Permanence et innovation de l’extrême-droite en Europe, in Ecorev, Revue Critique D’écologie Politique., 2003
Les élections de 1999. le vote, le contexe socio-dmographique et les attitudes en Flandre »
BILLIET J., SWYNGEDOUW M., DEPICKERE A. & MEERSEMAN E. in: Frognier, A.P. & Aish, -A.M. (Eds.), Elections. La rupture? Le comportement des Belges face aux élections de 1999. Bruxelles: De Boeck., 2003
National Identity and Attitude Toward Foreigners in a Multinational State: a Replication.
BILLIET J., MADDENS B. & BEERTEN R. Political Psychology, Vol. 24 (2),, 2003
Waarom? Daarom! Verschillen in stemmotieven.