Research project AG/DD/10 (Research action AG)
Federal institution benefiting from the support measure: Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The aim of this project is the creation of a longitudinal user friendly database on the election results since 1830 that will allow comparisons in time and space. Elections data must therefore be integrated in a single coherent database for all the different levels (Senate, European Parliament...).
The first step will consist of building up the methodological and technical aspects of the electronic database and encode the results of the coming general elections of 1999 and of the municipal and provincial elections of 2000.
The second step will consist of integrating the ongoing database hosted by the Ministry of Home Affairs in the new database. In the mean time, efforts will be made to give access to the database on Internet.
In the third step, data on previous elections will be integrated in the database which will allow spatial and temporal comparisons. The database will be accessible to external users and user friendly oriented (one can think for example of linking the data to geographical maps).