Research project AG/DD/31 (Research action AG)
From 1990 onwards, the patient's data in each hospital are registrated according to the standard of the Minimum Basic Datasets (MBDS) at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Public Health and Environment. Furthermore the National Sickness and Invalidity Insurance Institute, which has the statistical control of the healthcare insurance among its missions has also useful informations. The project aims at combining these two sources of data to exploit epidemiological information. These data being very rich, the project will concentrate on selected topics predefined by specific working groups (a.o. AID, cardiovascular pathologies, etc.).
A methodological support is wished to combine the data from the MBDS and the NSIII and to study their potential contribution to epidemiological research. This pilot-project shall only handle a few aspects. The final product will consist of a data validity control on the one hand and of the evaluation of epidemiological potential use on the other hand. In a second step, this will lead to the elaboration of a user guide with statistical analysis guidelines. Finally, an evaluation of potentially available data for the broad public will be made.
Validité des données hospitalières pour leur exploitation en épidémiologie : rapport final
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2004 (SP1388)
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