The 'benchmarking competitiveness' database and the service provided by public authorities

Research project AG/DD/32 (Research action AG)

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This project supports the following publioc institution: Ministry of Economic Affairs

Following a proposal of the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy, a 'Benchmarking Competitiveness' database has been build up by the Federal Planning Office. This database currently includes about 140 different indicators, most of a macro-economic nature. It is desirable to broaden it to other areas in order to get as accurate a picture as possible of the competitiveness of our business sector. This work will concern indicators of business climate and of public service to business sector, especially in the framework of BEST (Business Environment Simplification Task-force) and SLIM (Simpler Legislation in the Internal Market) programmes of the European Union.


The contribution will consist in methodological support to the creation of a specific database. Concretely, the scientific team will propose indicators - and means of measuring them according to international standards, if they exist - relating to business climates and collective services. This database will also be made widely accessible via the Internet.

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