Research project AG/DD/35 (Research action AG)
The project includes the following two parts:
a. The Gendarmerie, the Criminal Investigation Department, and the General Police Support Service are currently preparing a national security plan (according to article 257 of the Law 'Organising an integrated two-level police force' on 7/12/98). It is important to build this plan upon quality information on recorded crime. To this end the data on offenders in the Gendarmerie POLIS database will be linked with more general contextual data: demography, neighbourhood locations, the socio-economic context of criminal offenders, etc.
b. To contribute to the elaboration of the national security plan, multilevel analysis will be applied to the data of the Security Monitor, and a relationship between 'subjective' and 'objective' data concerning the insecurity feeling will be established. The analysis should show to what extent relationships between individual characteristics (e.g., the feeling of insecurity) and independent ones (e.g., the level of education) are attributable to differences between municipalities (contextual variables reflecting, for instance, the composition of the population). The results of this multilevel analysis should also contribute to better exploit the data of the Security Monitor as an instrument for developing and assessing Police and Security policies.
a. Methodological support to the development of analytical tools for linking the data on offenders in the POLIS database with demographic, morphological, and socio-economic data.
b. Multilevel data analysis of the Security Monitor.
The expected final product is:
a. on the one hand, a methodology for linking the data on offenders in the POLIS database with external contextual data (by multilevel analysis) and, on the other hand, the computer operating procedure for this linkage;
b. a report on multilevel analysis applied to the data of the Security Monitor, drawing attention to any problem connected with procedure or variable.
Analyse des données de la banque de données POLIS de la gendarmerie sur les auteurs de délits, par la technique "multilevel analysis". Application de la méthode "multilevel analysis"aux données du Moniteur de Sécurité: résumé des résultats de la recherche
Billiet, J. Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0675)
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Analyse van gegevens inzake daders van misdrijven geregistreerd in de POLIS-databank van de Rijkswacht door middel van "multilevel analysis". Toepassen van een multilevel analyse op de gegevens van de Veiligheidsmonitor: samenvatting van de resultaten van het onderzoek
Billiet, J. Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0676)
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Multilevel analysis of the data on offenders contained in the State Police Force's POLIS database. Application of the multilevel analysis technique to the data contained in the Security Monitor: synthesis of the results of the research
Billiet, J. Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0677)
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