Research project AG/DD/38 (Research action AG)
Production of indicators on unemployment benefits replacement rate is presently made on ad hoc basis and a systematic conceptual framework is lacking. The aim will thus be to set up a reliable tool to evaluate the level and evolution of net replacement rates in different case studies and to provide useful information for policy decision making.
The first task will be methodology development taking into account the different calculation components and steps for each case study. On this basis, the next step will be to build a database for the relevant information.
Methodologische achtergrond bij het standaardsimulatiemodel voor de vervangingsratio's : eindrapport
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1135)
[To download]
Bibliografic references :
Een evaluatie van schorsing artikel 80
DE LATHOUWER L. Over-werk: Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt WAV, 3, 2003
Reforming Policies and Institutions in Unemployment Protection in Belgium
DE LATHOUWER L. in Clasen, Johen, Ferrera Maurizio, Rhodes Martin (eds), Welfare States and the Challenge of Unemployment. Reforming Policies and Institutions in the European Union, Routledge, Series Political Economy of Welfare (forthcoming), 2003
Reforming Policies and Institutions in Unemployment Protection in Belgium
DE LATHOUWER L. in Clasen, Johen, Ferrera Maurizio, Rhodes Martin (eds), Welfare States and the Challenge of Unemployment. Reforming Policies and Institutions in the European Union, Routledge, Series Political Economy of Welfare., 2003
Reforming the Passive Welfare State: Belgium’s New Income Arrangements tMake Work Pay in International Perspective
DE LATHOUWER L. In: Peter Saunders (ed), Social Security and the Welfare tWork Transition, Foundation on International Studies on Social Security, Volume Ten (forthcoming)., 2003
Verafhankelijking en de actieve welvaartsstaat
DE LATHOUWER L. in: Cantillon, B., Elchardus, M., Pestieau, P., Van Parijs, Ph. e.a. (eds.), De nieuwe sociale kwesties, Antwerpen/Apeldoorn, Garant,, 2003