Valorisation of election results (Ministry of the Interior)

Research project AG/EE/048 (Research action AG)

Persons :

Description :

Project description

Within the framework of the AGORA project initiated on 1 January 1999, a database containing the results of elections to Belgium’s lower house (Chamber) and upper house (Senate), provincial and communal elections, Region and Community elections as well as European Parliament elections held in Belgium from 1831, has been compiled on the basis of archives in the Elections department of the Interior Ministry.

These archives are compiled from official brochures and publications relative to the elections.

The data collected have undergone digitalisation and been published on a website. At the end of the project, this same website will be taken over and updated by officials from within the Direction of Elections and Population and be based on results from future votes. The new project aims to supplement and valorise the existing database by researching and incorporating information within it that is not available in the archives of the Interior Ministry, but available from other locations and sources.

For example:
- brochures published by the Interior Ministry before 1985 made no mention of the number of registered voters; this piece of data is nevertheless vital in order to calculate abstention rates;
- brochures prior to 1981 made no mention of assessed results at electoral district level;
- some results were not contained in the department’s archives for the period from 1831 to 1914.

Development to be implemented by the scientific team

Since the department does not have the resources necessary in order actively to track down missing data that are nevertheless of scientific and historical interest, scientific support is required in order to collect and integrate missing information within the existing database. Research involving such information at different locations (archives of the House of Representatives: results of Chamber and Senate elections; general archives held by the State; archives held by the Provinces that show the results of provincial elections; archives held by the parties; newspaper archives; Belgian Official Journal).
Support is needed therefore from a scientific assistant with experience in the processing of election results, database management and research within archives.

End product expected from the scientific team

Integration of data collected within the research framework in the existing database so as to ensure the availability of an "election results" database containing the full history of election results available since 1831.

Valorisation of the result

- Integration of the data recorded in the database and on the Elections website.
- Results made available to the general public and scientific circles in a variety of formats: CD-ROM, brochures, etc..

Institution name

Ministry of the Interior - General Direction of Legislation and National Institutions
Direction of Population and Elections