Research project AG/EE/051 (Research action AG)
Project description
The Office for Foreigners possesses a wealth of information in its individual and family records about the contents of asylum requests formulated by immigrants; the Institution is putting in place a workflow system, under which all information will be accommodated in electronic files; documents for input will be either electronic documents or scanned and indexed documents; for budget reasons, the project has yet to be finalised. Ultimately, all available information will be electronic. Moreover, it may be supplemented by information originating from outside the Office, but for integration within the existing IT system.
Ultimately, the Office will face the problem of structuring this information, analysing it and exploiting it.
Development to be implemented by the scientific team
The aim of the development to be implemented by the scientific team is to put in place a multi-faceted methodology:
- How to compile structured, semi-structured and non-structured information in table form while continuing to be able to identify each asylum seeker,
- How to conduct a sociological-type analysis of this information,
- How to develop aggregates that allow trends to be determined on the basis of this information,
- How to conduct statistical-type studies,
- How to put in place a macroeconomic-type model on the basis of the available information?
End product expected from the scientific team
The expected end product will comprise methodology sheets that show practical examples involving the points cited, namely:
- Methodology sheets describing how it is necessary to compile structured, semi-structured and non-structured information in a coherent table while still being able to identify each asylum seeker, as well as methodology sheets specifying how it is possible to incorporate information from outside the Office for Foreigners in the proposed table;
- Methodology sheets specifying how to conduct a sociological-type analysis of this information and how to exploit the results of the analyses;
- Methodology sheets for developing aggregates that allow trends to be determined on the basis of this information, and how to exploit these aggregates;
- Methodology sheets for conducting statistical-type studies and how to exploit the results;
- Methodology sheets for putting in place a macroeconomic-type model on the basis of the available information.
Valorisation of the result
a) Procedure for integration within the Institution’s own workings
The Office for Foreigners will valorise the result of work by the scientific team in several ways:
- Sociological-type analysis of phenomena as and when they occur in order to determine their characteristics and take appropriate action, both on Belgian soil (in order to control phenomenon’s evolution) as well as within the country where the phenomenon is manifesting itself;
- Advise the political authorities and put forward actions;
- Statistical analysis in order to determine the intensity of each component of phenomena in order to determine action strong-points.
b) Valorisation for scientific circles and the general public
- Disclose the devised methodology to Belgium’s partners during the Belgian presidency;
- Ensure the methodology’s adoption by the Belgian partners of the Office for Foreigners;
- Ensure the methodology’s adoption by Belgian partners within international bodies;
- Heighten awareness among Belgian companies with regard to the indirect social consequences for Belgium when an investment is made abroad.
Interior Ministry, Office for Foreigners