Design of a classification server for statistical data with a view to creating a data warehouse

Research project AG/FF/076 (Research action AG)

Persons :

Description :

1. Name of the Institution:

National Bank of Belgium

2. Description of the project and situation within the framework of the institution

The purpose of the data warehouse project, which was initiated within the General Statistics department, is to integrate the various sources of information, i.e. the declarants registers, the classifications, the individual declarations, the aggregates and the time series for the different statistics. This will allow users to independently navigate within all of the information sources. A first step is the cross integration over the various statistical areas of declarants registers and classifications. Setting up a classification server will contribute to this process, and this is where the "Design of a classification server" is situated. The final objective is for the end user to be able, on the basis of the various classifications, to navigate within the declarations, the aggregates and the time series, but also between the mutual classifications.

3. Mission to be performed

a. By the NBB

Before the research team can begin, the NBB will prepare an inventory of the existing present classifications. Beyond that, a specification file will be drawn up on the required functionalities of a classification server.
During the implementation of the project, the NBB will validate the proposed concepts at specific points in time.

b. By the research team

On the basis of the inventory of the existing classifications and the specification file, the research team will design a classification server which can be integrated into the internal data warehouse-environment and into the multidimensional databases on the Internet.

4. Final product to be delivered

a. By the research team

A worked-out proposal for implementation of a classification server with the following elements:

1) structure,
2) integration of the different classifications,
3) links with the individual declarations, aggregates and time series,
4) management and consultation principles.

b. By the NBB

The NBB will use this in developing the internal data warehouse and the multidimensional database for the external dissemination of statistics via the Internet.

5. Valorisation of the final product:

a. for the public institution: integration of the final product into its own functioning

Basis for data warehouse to be developed

b. for the 'public': access conditions and terms for scientific users and for the general public

Part of the multidimensional database for dissemination of statistics via the Internet.