Data warehouse on pensions of the public sector: analysis of external needs

Research project AG/FF/077 (Research action AG)

Persons :

  • Prof. dr.  DENUIT Michel - Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/1/2003-1/1/2004

Description :

1. Name of the Institution

Pensions Administration of the Ministry of Finance

2. Description of the project and situation within the framework of the institution.

Preparatory activities with a view to creating a socio-economic "data warehouse" relating to the pensions of the public sector which are attributed, calculated and managed by the Administration.

3. Mission to be performed

a. by the research team

- analysis of the external needs (universities; regional, national and international consultancy offices and research centres, etc.).
- examination of the existing data in the Administration.

b. by the public institution

1. prior to the actual research
introduction to the problematic, familiarisation with the database, provision of the necessary basic documentation, ...

2. during the course of the project
provision of the necessary informatics resources, such as equipment, data files, functional and technical support ...

4. Final product to be delivered

a. by the research team

- an inventory of the needs;
- a proposal for transformation of the present data into usable information for the various target groups;
- a proposal for adaptation, standardisation and normalisation of the data.

b. for the public institution

Within the framework of a socio-economic component of e-governance, the Administration's long-term intention is to create an online data warehouse which is fed from the database. The conversion of data into information is based on an ´analysis and decision-making tool´ to be developed.

The ´analysis and decision-making tool´ is an integrated client / server application in an ORACLE / SAS environment on a Windows NT 4 / Unix platform.

5. Valorisation of the final product

a. for the public institution: integration of the final product into its own functioning

The Administration already has a number of ongoing major IT projects into which the data warehouse will be integrated. Its utilisation is aimed at offering professional support to ´decision makers´, i.e.:

- The management of the Administration
- The political policy makers (= the Minister and his staff), the future Policy Board and the future Policy Preparation Unit.

b. for the 'public': access conditions and terms for scientific users and for the general public

The Administration wishes to make its information available via the Internet not only to a professional group of scientific researchers (universities, professional associations, consultancy offices, ...) but also to the general public.

Documentation :

Projet Datawherehouse : rapport final    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2009 (SP2111)
[To download